Study & Tiyul Program of Beit Midrash Chavruta in Oz VeGaon


Our next tiyul will iy”h take place on Wednesday, February 22 (1 Adar) led by Rav David Nativ.

We will meet at 8:30 for a shiur in Oz VeGaon in preparation for the tiyul and will leave by bus at 9:15 and return at approximately 16:30.The tiyul is in Hebrew and open to men and women (discount for couples).The theme of the tiyul is: “The Redeemed of the Lord will Return” (Yeshayahu 51:11).We will visit the Museum of Libyan Jewish Heritage in Or Yehuda, Bnei Atarot, Ilanot Visitors’ Center and Botanical Garden, and more.

For details and registration: Shira 0547615402