Media Releases – April 1997


Media Releases – April 1997
April 1997
April 3, 1997   Two Miracles
April 3, 1997   Wanted:  A New Approach To Survival         
April 3, 1997   Tonight They Tried to Kill Me
April 6, 1997   Clemency for Ilana Podolsky
April 7, 1997   Something New is Something Old                   
April 7, 1997   Make Believe
April 11, 1997  We’ve Had Enough!
April 11, 1997  Israel, The “Chosen” Sacrificial Lamb
April 16, 1997  Peres, The Fox Inside The Chicken Coop
April 24, 1997  Arafat and Hamas Are One And The Same     
April 24, 1997  Attempted Coup D’Etat By The “Old Guard”


Jerusalem, April 3, 1997   

                     Two Miracles

        Jewish sages tell us that we must not rely on
miracles.  Yet, there is little doubt that two
miracles occurred in Gush Katif this week.  Two
separate Arab suicide bombers, who were about to blow up
school buses with Jewish school children from Kfar Darom
and Netzarim, accidentally blew themselves up, before
the execution of this despicable scheme.

        The first reaction nationwide was that a great
tragedy had been averted.  The realization came later that
this narrow escape should be treated as if the children’s
buses had been blown up, causing tens upon tens of
casualties. How was it possible for these explosives to
have exited out of the Arafat Gaza enclave, without being
detected?  How could it be that the preparation and
training of such individuals could have taken place within
Gaza, without in any way being detected by the over-manned
Palestinian Authority security forces?  And why was there
no Arab police present at the time at the nearby security
post, adjacent to where the school bus was scheduled to be
blown up?  Does that not reek of collusion? And why were
each of the bombers dressed in the Palestinian Authority’s
police uniform at the time of the explosions?

      As it turned out the children’s’ buses that morning
were miraculously running late.  But these suicide bombers
contradicted Netanyahu’s comments following a moderately
quiet Land Day, that so far the Arabs were making an
effort to contain terror and violence.  Not only was
Arafat giving the green light to terrorism, his
Palestinian Authority personnel seemed to be directly
involved with these latest, fortuitously unsuccessful

      If this government is unable to draw the proper
conclusions from these events, it does not deserve to have
the continued support of the Jewish People.  Nor should it
be contemplating, as is reported, entering into a unity
government with a Labor Party headed by Shimon Peres.
After all, in a recent Yediot Achronot article by Ron Ben-
Yeshai, a “leftist” journalist, Peres is accused of having
had proof of Arafat’s complicity in prior murders of Jews,
yet deliberately  withheld this information from the
Israeli public so as not to lose the elections.  Still
another proof that Peres cannot be trusted to represent
the Jewish People and their interests!  On the other hand,
Arafat personally knew, or should have known of these
bombings; given his past record of approving the murder of
children in Maalot, he is a prime suspect of collusion in
the present attempts to murder Jewish children.

       The two miracles that occurred in Gush Katif must
indeed be a new starting point.  They must represent the
beginning of the end of Arafat as a peace partner.  He has
been shown to the world for what he is, an amoral,
cold-blooded murderer of children.  He, along with Shimon
Peres, ought to be in the dock together.  They both should
be charged with the greatest “peace fraud” that was ever
perpetrated on the world at large, and on the Jewish
People in particular.

 Ruth and Nadia Matar


Jerusalem, April 3, 1997    

           Wanted:  A New Approach To Survival         

         How to deal with the present daily throwing of
petrol bombs and rocks by Arabs, continuously incited by
Arafat and the media?  There is an existing and
persistent amorality among the Arabs, which is evidenced
in many ways, and is accurately reflected by polls of
Arabs in Jordan, Egypt and in Israel.  Those polls show
a large majority of the Arabs being in favor of the
continued blowing up and/or shooting down of Jewish
women and children.

         What to do about it?  Certainly the problem
will not go away by itself, nor will it stop from any
initiative of dictator Arafat, a relative of the late,
vitriolic Jew hater and killer, the Grand Mufti of
Jerusalem.  Some suggest that only if there is a threat
that the Arabs will lose the major gains they already
have achieved, will the situation change radically for
the better.

        One thing is certain.  The present intolerable
situation will not be resolved by any new measures of
appeasement on the part of the Jews, such as abandoning
or delaying the Har Homa project.  Once you show the
Arabs weakness, you might as well close up shop.
Unfortunately, that is the path we have been taking up
to now, at America’s urgings: one-sided concessions and
different gestures of “baksheesh” to Arafat.  That
tragic policy was originally originated by Peres-Beilin,
and has been seized upon and followed blindly by
Clinton.  Unfortunately it is a disastrous policy to
which Netanyahu has capitulated.

            We can not just stand by and allow this
belligerence  to openly manifest itself by these
dangerous attacks continuing, without a proper and
adequate response.  The morale of our soldiers
suffers greatly when they are constantly subject
to verbal abuse and humiliation by the Arabs.
Necessary pride in their job to protect their People and
their Land disappear when improper restraint is imposed
upon them in the face of untoward, unwarranted and
deliberate Arab provocations.

      No further pleading to Arafat, or reliance on any
of his promises, will do the trick.  We are beyond that,
and the quicker we recognize this salient fact, the
better for the safety of our citizens.  He is not a
suitable partner to achieve peace.  He is basically an
unreliable person whose violent hatred of the Jewish
People and their Country, will not go away;
unfortunately he is not alone in such an outlook among
the Arabs.  Nor is there as yet, an Arab citizenry who
will not tolerate violence and terror emanating from
their brethren.

         Until there is leadership among the Arabs who
are willing to live alongside of a vibrant Jewish State,
we must come up with viable, and immediate solutions to
deal with our present problems.  No more charades.  No
more double talk.  It is time to act firmly, now.

 Ruth and Nadia Matar

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Jerusalem, April 3, 1997                           


          Tonight they tried to kill me.  I still can’t
believe it.  I am at home now, but I am still upset ( it
is now close to 1 A.M.).  Just hours ago, I, together
with five of my friends were physically assaulted,
punched and beaten mercilessly.  It was miraculous that
we were not actually murdered.

          No, it was not an Arab mob attacking us on the
roads of Judea and Samaria.  We were assaulted at the
Hebrew University Campus in Jerusalem, by some two
hundred Labor and Meretz protesters.  When we arrived,
they were violently demonstrating outside the lecture
hall where the journalist Barry Chamish was scheduled to
talk about Rabin’s murder.  My friends and I were
interested in hearing about this journalist’s theory
that there was a conspiracy behind the murder of Rabin.
We all had heard a great deal about the GSS agent
provocateur, Avishai Raviv, his possible involvement in
that murder and his mysterious disappearance.  There
seem to be many questions still unanswered concerning
Rabin’s murder.  We thought that tonight’s lecture would
help shed some light on this interesting and pertinent

         When we arrived, together with many other
people who intended to attend the lecture, we were
shocked to see that the entrance to the building was
being physically blocked by Labor and Meretz
demonstrators; they were screaming, whistling, and
chanting songs against the nationalist camp, calling
them “fascists” and “murderers of Rabin” etc.  We were
trying to find our way to the entrance door, and
suddenly they recognized me as one of the leaders of
Women In Green.  They stormed towards me, cursing me
with all kinds of vulgar and base insults; they
deliberately attacked me physically, knocking off my
green hat;  they then started to punch, hit and beat
my friends and I.  I do not exaggerate when I say that
my life was in danger.

         Luckily, some university “security men” (these
are essentially young untrained students who, in order
to help meet their school expenses, joined and make up
the bulk of the security force) saw the intended
lynching that took place before their very eyes, and
miraculously managed to save me; they brought me inside
the lecture hall and locked the doors, and would not let
anybody in or out.  The doors of the hall are made of
glass, so I could see how my friends were faring; there
were a few “security guards” around them, unsuccessfully
pushing away the violent mob of Meretz and Labor “Storm

         At one point the demonstrators wanted to break
in, and violently shattered part of a glass wall.  The
situation continued without let up for two hours.  The
violent demonstrators prevented anybody from coming in;
they cursed and hit the few people who managed to reach
the locked front door.  Such people were virtually
trapped – if they went back it meant being attacked by
the crazy mob.  When finally it was learned the lecture
was canceled (by whom I do not know), the mob finally
dispersed, and we were able to leave.

         Throughout this menagerie, NOT ONE POLICEMAN
SHOWED UP!  I called the police from my cellular phone
advising them that we were in life-threatening danger,
urging them to come immediately to save us.  I was told
not to worry; that the “University Security” would
handle it.  Ironically, when a handful of Women In Green
peacefully demonstrate, the Police sends an incredibly
large number of policemen, as if we were dangerous
hooligans.  When Labor-Meretz demonstrators become
uncontrollably violent, and threaten the taking of the
lives of women, the police refuse to come.

          What can I say?  I am in shock.  This was the
most horrible experience I have ever had in my life.
First of all I was shocked by the narrowmindedness of
those who call themselves “liberals.”  These “liberals”
cannot handle anybody who thinks differently than they
do.  They are basically against freedom of speech for
their adversaries.

         But most of all I was shocked and scared by the
incredible hatred I felt tonight.  The violence; the
blood in the eyes of my fellow Jews.  Jews who posture
that their slogan is: “No, To Violence”; Jews who have
no qualms about shaking hands with the mass murderer
Yasser Arafat, and his aides Ahmud Tibi and Faisal
Husseini.  These same Jews were ready to lynch us
tonight.  This is what it must have felt like for the
Jews on the Altelena, murdered by fellow-Jews who hated
them so much, just because they had a different solution
to a common problem.

         I console myself when I realize that these
demagogues tonight do not represent the majority of Am
Yisrael.  They are a raucous fringe segment in Israeli society.
Unfortunately, this fringe element has power beyond its
numbers, because most of the Israeli media supports its
views.  It is a sad fact of life that every generation
has its own self-hating Jews who behave towards their
brethren in the same manner any anti-Semite would.
Those type of Jews never had, and never will have, any
influence on the destiny of the Jewish People.  The
majority of our People will continue to educate their
children with the love of the Promised Land of Israel,
the love of Torah, and the love of their People.  We
will continue to build and blossom.  Nothing can stop

 Nadia Matar

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Jerusalem, April 6, 1997

Dear Women In Green Subscribers,

        The following could have happened to anyone traveling in Judea,
Samaria and Gaza.

        Ilana Podolsky came to Israel from Frunze (Kirgiziya’s capital) and
lives in Kiryat Arba.

        On 9.09.94 , Ilana received a message that her sister was
hospitalized in Jerusalem after a car accident. She rushed to offer what
help she could, together with her elderly mother and two nephews .

        At the Zhuhit junction the army formed a road block and directed
travelers to a detour via Halhul. In the center of Halhul her car was
blocked from both sides of a narrow road; she was surrounded by a growing
crowd of Arabs, throwing stones and bottles. When a ‘Molotov bottle’ fell
just behind the car Ilana and her nephew fired in the air. For some reason
suddenly the road was cleared and she was able to proceed on her way (under
stones that were still thrown).

        Ilana and her nephew were arrested the same day upon returning
home: one of the Arabs had apparently been wounded in the incident, and
died several hours later. The two were released on bail after six days in
prison. Ballistic experts concluded that the bullet was fired from Ilana’s
pistol, and she was charged with murder. The case came to court and the
judge, Ora Shidlovsky, found Ilana guilty of un-premeditated murder and
sentenced her to 1.5 year in prison.


        Her attorney Naftali Wurzburger feels that there is a chance that
clemency may be granted to Ilana by the President. The formal request for
clemency was made on 25.02.97, and the President’s decision is expected in
45 days.
Hanessi’im, Jerusalem 92188 or fax him at the number 02-661-0037.
        The Podolskys have been bankrupted financially by this trial. Her
bank account (number 592783) is in Bank Leumi, Branch 788, Kiryat Arba.
Details are available at telephone number: 09-792-0592.

 Nadia and Ruth Matar


Jerusalem, April 7, 1997

         Something New is Something Old                   

      Their are ominous signs emanating from
Washington these days.  It seems President Clinton
has a “new” peace plan to offer Netanyahu when he
comes to visit.  The old Peres-Beilin give-away peace
plan had run its course, and had not brought any
semblance of peace.  The Arabs, as is their nature,
were now rioting and bombing the Jews on a daily
basis, just to show that what they received up to now
was not enough.  President Clinton in order to have
the “make believe” peace process continue, has a new
Arafat rabbit up his sleeve.

         President Clinton, who pressured Netanyahu
to cave-in on Hebron, has no other solution than to
pressure Israel to keep making concessions.   When it
comes to Arafat and the Arabs, he has been a dismal
failure to date, as he has adopted the Peres line of
never criticizing this arch terrorist and murderer
of Jewish women and children.  It is only Israel who
Clinton has compelled to be reasonable, and forthcoming,
and such a one-sided peace process cannot go on any

         Women In Green are therefore going to stage
a vigil outside of the American Consulate in
Jerusalem, on Agron Street, on Monday, April 7, 1997,
at 11 A.M.*  They will protest against President
Clinton continuing his one-sided pressure on Israel.
No country has given more than little Israel to an
enemy who is still committed to destroy her in deed,
and in an unchanged PLO Charter.  President Clinton,
appropriately masked, will address the gathering in
 Ruth and Nadia Matar

* Simultaneously, our Chapter in Tel Aviv will also
be conducting a vigil outside of the American
Consulate in Tel Aviv at the same hour.                          


Jerusalem, April 7, 1997    

                      Make Believe
     Many years ago there was a popular song that held
sway in America entitled:  “Make Believe.”  The song’s
main theme is an attempt to persuade a would-be partner
in love to “make believe” that she is in love with her
pursuer, even though she does not as yet share the same
intense feeling of affection that he has for her.  One
of the song’s main lines is:  “Other’s find, peace of
mind, in pretending, why don’t you, why don’t you?”

      It seems to us, that the theme of that song is
represented by the left’s continuous intense, but up to
now rejected, overtures to the reluctant Arafat and the
PLO!  The old song came to mind when still another
“peace rally” was held in Rabin square in Tel Aviv last
evening, where a sympathetic media reported that
“thousands” of Peace Nowniks and their adjuncts sang
love songs to the recalcitrant sought after lover, Arafat,
and his motley crew, who have as yet to return their
unrequited love.  The  old ditty of “Make Believe” came
to mind, and seemed so applicable.

       It takes two to tango; the clear and incontrovertible
evidence is that we do not have a peace partner in Arafat
and the Arabs.  On the contrary, what we have is a wily
Arafat who in his deceitful manner is using this so-called
peace process to bring about the staged destruction of his
peace partner.  It does not take much acumen to have come
to this conclusion long ago, but frustrated lovers will
not give up, to the detriment of all of us.

        The conclusion in such matters is that no
amount of evidence or reason will bring about a change
in the feelings of the rejected lover.  He, at the very
least, wants Arafat to “make believe” he loves Israel,
and perhaps then he will get used to the idea that it is
possible to make peace with her.  It won’t work.  It
never does.

        Those of us, however, who want to remain on
this planet, must learn to deal with the realities.
Until a new Arab romantic sheik appears on the horizon,
who is willing to be sincere and honest in his
affections, the Israeli damsel must be strong, firm and
patient.  Arafat, her present suitor, does not have
honorable intentions.  As such, his courtship must be
rejected out of hand, along with his insidious
matchmakers, Peres and Beilin.

 Ruth and Nadia Matar                        

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Jerusalem, April 11, 1997

                    We’ve Had Enough!

        On a recent visit to various places within
Israel, Internal Security Minister Avigdor Kahalani was
candid to the Jewish residents.  He told them that they
must take a more active role in looking after their own
security.  He said specifically:  “The State of Israel
won’t give more forces to security.  It can’t take any
more burden on its shoulders….Everyone must protect
their own home…our parents built the state, paved the
roads — now it is up to us to guard them….Our main
goal in this area is for residents to protect
themselves.”  Those are clear directives, yet what in
fact is happening?

         Day after day Arab violence against the Jews
grows, without the government taking appropriate action
to quash these uprisings.  The media, Yossi Sarid and
the PA spokesman, among others, add fuel to the fire
bombers and rock throwers by inciting the Arabs into a
new intafada.  Particularly the government-owned
television station, Channel 1, controlled by Labor and
Meretz oriented personnel, is used to incite their Arab
listeners to violence.  Then that TV channel gives
extensive time to Meretz and Labor Knesset Members to
hammer away at Netanyahu and the government blaming them
for the riots and, in effect, justifying the Arab
violence against Jews. 

        This intolerable situation cannot continue. 
Individuals who are viciously attacked in life-
threatening situations, whether it be from rock
throwing, or firebombs, or shootings, cannot be
arrested for defending themselves.  Morale among our
people is at an all time low.  

        Immediate firm and decisive measures are needed
and must be taken by Netanyahu.  Arafat must be given a
few days to bring this matter under complete control and
if he does not, the IDF must move into the areas
controlled by the Palestinian Authority.  The
base politiking on the government’s Channel 1 station
must also be stopped at once.

         Accordingly, Women In Green, joined a
demonstration in front of the Prime Minister’s
residence in Beit HaKerem, Jerusalem on Wednesday,
April 9, 1997 at 19:00 to protest against the madness
and senselessness of arresting those who defend
themselves from attack.  We’ve had enough, Mr.
Prime Miinister.  No further procrastination.  Bring a
halt to Arab violence.
 Ruth and Nadia Matar


Jerusalem, April 11, 1997                           

         Israel, The “Chosen” Sacrificial Lamb

                 Everyone knows that you can’t trust
Arafat: the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker,
and anyone else with a modicum of intelligence and
moral values.  Yet America is faced with a difficult
problem in that regard.  It knows Arafat’s deceitful
and anti-democratic behavior and weak character; his
incapacity to uphold basic morality or value human life,
particularly when it comes to dealing with Jews; his
ability to shamelessly tell bald faced lies; to distort
the facts; to cunningly obfuscate his true aims and
purpose to destroy Israel and the Jewish People; at one
and the same time to expertly manipulate world opinion
against Israel as an oppressor of the Arabs.  He has
ingeniously invented a “Palestinian People” by
rewriting and distorting history;  all the above must
be incontrovertibly known to President Clinton and his
advisors in the State Department.

               Moreover, they know  from Arafat’s own
statements in Johannesburg to a Moslem audience, and by
his actions and statements, and those of his top aides,
since then, that he has not and does not intend to be
bound by any of his obligations, including those under
the Oslo Accords or any supplements or addendum

               Yet what is America to do, faced with
this chameleon and charlatan Arafat and his ability to
explode the area into turmoil?  It is basic to
America’s policy in the Middle East that it is in dire
need of stability; its oil supplies are not to be
disrupted.  Dealing with such a crafty and unreliable
Arafat raises an inordinate amount of problems for
Clinton.  As Arafat has repeatedly shown even where
America was directly involved, when he does not get his
way, he will resort to violence and terrorism, of which
he is a past master.  With Clinton initiating a world
campaign against terrorism, dealing with the inveterate
arch-terrorist Arafat as a Middle East peace partner,
must be a source of continuous embarrassment and
frustration for this American President, and the anti-
terror goals which he wishes to seriously pursue.

             Faced with an unhappy and threatening
Arafat, it is easier and less risky for America that
Clinton turn to Israel for the necessary concessions to
keep things calm in the area.  The obligations of
Arafat under the Agreement he signed on the White House
Lawn, which remain unfulfilled, are ignored.  The
alternative would be to come down hard on Arafat;
publicly announce that Israel is not required to do
anything further under the Oslo Agreement, until the
PLO honors the following undisputed and unfulfilled
obligations thereunder, to wit: amending the PLO
Charter; clamping down vigorously on terror and
violence, and the known groups in his midst who are
responsible for same; extraditing known murderers of
Jews, who have sought refuge in areas under Arafat’s
control; and limiting the amount of arms and number of
police in the areas under his jurisdiction in
accordance with the Oslo Accords.  Dennis Ross, on one
of his last visits to Israel, specifically noted in
writing for the record that the obligations are still
unfulfilled by Arafat and the PLO, and accordingly,
there would be a basis and justification for such a
course of action.  Unfortunately America, and its State
Department, are apparently unwilling to take the risks
of adopting this firm and just tactic.

             Realistically, America knows that the Arab
world, because of its dominant control of a major
portion of the world’s oil supplies, has the members of
the United Nations under its influence, as reflected by
the lop-sided votes the UN takes in favor of the Arabs,
on any question relating to Israel.  America,
therefore, considering its relationships with other
nations of the world re other matters in Bosnia, North
Korea, Albania, and the like, is unwilling to chance
upsetting them and the Arabs.  Moreover, America knows
that when it comes to Israel, the Arab bloc will vote
as one.  Particularly, the Arab rulers, who are without
exception dictators, have a real fear themselves of PLO
sponsored terror in their own countries, and will not
act independently or support any American action
critical of Arafat.  As for Jordan, where a majority of
the Arabs consider themselves “Palestinians,” there is
no chance of support for Israel in a crunch.  The same
is true of Saudi Arabia and the Arab oil Emirates as

             Accordingly, little Israel is the
sacrificial lamb for an American policy which
lacks any semblance of fairness.  The bottom line is
that Israel will be pressured because the alternative
would be a policy that subjects America to risks she
is not prepared to take even in the name of truth
and justice.  That is why Women In Green demonstrated
simultaneously outside the American Embassy in Tel
Aviv, and at the American Consulate on Agron Street
in Jerusalem, on Monday, April 7, 1997.  We were
protesting the injustice and hypocrisy of the
predictable pressure that America will put on Israel,
in the light of the foregoing, during the visit of
Prime Minister Netanyahu which was taking place in
Washington that very day.

            In street theater, particularly at the
Jerusalem protest, one of our women donned a mask of
President Clinton, who was in a wheel chair doling out
bananas to one and sundry.  Clinton in turn was being
wheeled about by his stalwart ally, a masked Yasser
Arafat, who was virtually “pushing him around.”  There
were appropriate signs at the demonstration which
advised the American representatives at the Embassy and
the Consulate respectively, that Israel was not a
banana republic, and warned that Israel should not be
treated by President Clinton as such.  Painfully,
American Jews, such as Martin Indyk, Dennis Ross and
even Madelaine Albright are prominent in the
appeasement policy of Clinton; historically, Court Jews
in the past were used to persuade their own People to
submit to unfavorable policies of a foreign master.

          At the end of the protest in Jerusalem,
Arafat wheeled President Clinton across the street to
the American Embassy official who was handed a letter
from Women In Green to be delivered to the real
President Clinton.  In that letter we point out, despite
the indisputable evidence that Arafat has given the
green light for terror against the Jewish People in
Israel, President Clinton will apparently direct
Netanyahu during his visit to Washington that Israel
make still further concessions to Arafat.  We urged
that, instead, moral leadership be undertaken by
President Clinton;  Arafat’s non-peaceful intentions
should be categorically and publicly censured by the
U.S., and public demands be made by Clinton, announced
in and to the media, that Arafat must fulfill his
acknowledged obligations undertaken at Oslo.
Particularly, among the other previously delineated
obligations he has yet to fulfill, Clinton should
mention Arafat’s commitment to stamp out terror and
violence in his midst against Jews, and to amend the
PLO Charter calling for the destruction of Israel.

           When the real President Clinton was here in
person in Israel last year, he told us of a promise he
had made to his Pastor on the latter’s death bed, that
he, Clinton, would do nothing in his lifetime that
would hurt Israel.  Put to the test in recent days,
President Clinton has seriously failed to keep that
promise; instead he appears to be willing to submit to
the terrorist Arafat for slaughter, the sacrificial
lamb called Israel, and its People.
 Ruth Matar                                

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Jerusalem, April 16, 1997

         Peres, The Fox Inside The Chicken Coop

     The dilemmas which face the Netanyahu Government
are manifold.  Israel is surrounded by hostile Arab
neighbors who consider her their enemy; it has an Arab
population in its midst which, by and large, is
sympathetic to, and fosters such enmity.  There are few
countries out there who openly align themselves with
Israel, and the world media is patently biased against
Israel in its presentation of what is actually going on
here.  The local media is even more biased against
Netanyahu, if that is possible.  America, which is
probably the closest ally Israel has in this sordid
picture, has not shown even-handedness up to now;
whatever public criticism there has been by the Clinton
administration, has been heavily weighted against Israel.
Concessions are only demanded of Israel.  To top it all
off, Netanyahu is faced with a disloyal opposition, led
by Shimon Peres.

     Many important leaders in the nationalist camp have
come out for a unity Government, by reason of the imminent
peril of a united Arab onslaught.  However, the unchanged
attitudes of leading Labor leaders, as shown by their
recent attacks on Netanyahu in the face of horrendous acts
of murder and insurrection by Arabs, makes its formation

      Moreover, Labor, the main partner of such a unity
Government, is still led by Shimon Peres.  Just as the
Rabin-Peres Labor-led Government revived a dying Arafat
to Israel’s great harm, so too would unity be doomed to
failure by reviving an Oslo-oriented Peres; Oslo’s
creator is not objective, and as in the past, will not
insist that Arafat fulfill his obligations.

      If experience is any teacher, Peres cannot be
relied on to keep whatever coalition agreements he signs.
In the past he has openly flaunted a similar arrangement
he had with the Shamir Government. His deceitful
character has not changed one whit since then.  Peres
believes he knows what is best for Israel, and no
Coalition Agreement will prevent him from doing what
he thinks best. Accordingly, with Peres the sought
after unity is not in the cards, notwithstanding
whatever promises and even written commitments he makes. 

      Thus, even if the concept of a unity Government is
theoretically advisable, in practice it will not work
out.  The fact that Clinton is for it, knowing that Peres
will more likely submit to American demands, should be a
warning to us all.  Mr. Peres was, is, and always will
be, against the Zionist aspirations of the Jewish People.
He is an inveterate utopian socialist, but has no qualms
about using treachery to obtain his goals.  Peres and all
he stands for, was wisely rejected by a large majority of
the Jewish electorate.  It would be disastrous for
Netanyahu to resurrect him and allow him to blow us all
up from within.    

 Ruth and Nadia Matar


Jerusalem, April 24, 1997                                 

        Arafat and Hamas Are One And The Same     

        In all the hullabaloo created by the concerted
effort of the Labor and Meretz people to exploit the
“Br On Affair” as a vehicle to bring down the
Netanyahu Government, there has been overlooked a far
more revealing, yet tangential development, that
overshadows everything else in its importance.

        The “new” Arab intafada has mysteriously been
put on hold!

        That development is clear and further
indisputable proof that Hamas, and the Palestinian
Authority’s Arafat, are in fact one joint enterprise,
and are merely different faces of the same deceptive

        Why, you ask, would Arafat and Hamas be
interested in suddenly practically ceasing the use of
stone throwing, firebombs and worse against the Jews,
during the height of the most recent attempt of Labor
and Meretz to bring down the Netanyahu Government?
Simple.  The Arabs, whether they go under the name of
Hamas, the PLO, Faisal Husseini, or Arafat, feel that
it is in their interest to bring down the Netanyahu
Government as well, and that they would be better off
with Labor and Meretz back in power.  Accordingly, any
violent attack on Jews at this time, would only tend to
help unite the Jews against the Arab “threat,” and
divert the Jews from their present main task which is
to bring down the Netanyahu Government.

       The official position by the “statesman” Arafat
and his cohorts is, of course, that Bar On is “an
internal Israeli affair” and therefore it is not
appropriate that they comment on such a matter.
However, the truth is that they have commented on the
matter, loud and clear, by the dramatic cut down of
their attacks since the police “leak” that they have
recommended indicting Netanyahu.  And that virtual
cessation of Arab hostilities puts a lie to the claim
that Arafat is unable to control the “spontaneous”
uprising of Arab stone throwers and fire bombers, which
recently burst out throughout the country.  When they
believe it suits their interest, the Arabs call an
immediate halt to this type of “civil” warfare, in
which they callously even involve their children to
gain media sympathies.

        And what of uncontrollable violent Hamas?  It
is, of course, in close league with its partner Arafat,
playing its role of the “bad cop” to perfection.  No
doubt about it, both cooperate fully to realize their
common Arab Master Plan and Final Solution.

 Ruth and Nadia Matar

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Jerusalem, April 24, 1997                                       

        Attempted Coup D’Etat By The “Old Guard”

        The Labor Party and their partners on the left,
continue to control the vital organs of life in Israel,
despite the fact that the Jewish electorate recently
turned them out of office.  The army, the police, the
media, and yes, even the Courts are filled with Labor and
left-oriented “appointees” who share the same way of
thinking; these key personnel remained in their prior
powerful positions even after the “new” elected
Government took office.  This “old guard” is at the beck
and call of those who were democratically defeated, and
together wage war on those who they think vie with them
for control of the nation and its economy.

        What brought this sordid picture into focus was
the manner in which the Bar-On fiasco has been used in the
latest attempt by Labor and its cohorts to bring down the
present democratically elected Government.  Whatever the
merits of the investigation, the deliberate “leaks” of
the “recommendations” of the police, to a cooperative
media for use on prime time television, raises some
serious questions of good faith in the whole matter of
the investigation itself.  It does not take any great
amount of sophistication to conclude that the leaks had
as their purpose to put inordinate pressure on the
Attorney General to indict Netanyahu as the police
recommended.  The police knew that on numerous occasions
in the past their recommendations have not been followed
by the Attorney General, and the “old guard” was not
willing to have the matter decided “on the merits” alone.   

      No one disputes that the Attorney General’s main
basis for deciding whether there is sufficient basis to
criminally indict anyone should be the testimony and
other evidence taken and produced by the police investigation.
The AG’s decision should have been taken in an atmosphere
of calm and outside the political arena.  There is no question
that a responsible police force would have maintained the
utmost secrecy with regard to seeing to it that the
report was not aired neither to the media, nor to the
public, until after the Attorney General’s office made
its decision in the matter.

       That was deliberately not done, and those who were
responsible for the “leaks” violated fundamental concepts
of fairness and proper administrative procedure, and are
deserving of the severest punishment.  Surprisingly, that
is not being sought by those whose voices are otherwise
righteously indignant and prematurely demanding
Netanyahu’s impeachment.  What is indicative of the true
nature of what is happening was MINISTER OF POLICE
Kahalani’s appearance on television to publicly state
that prior to this “leak” he was UNAWARE of the police
decision to recommend Netanyahu’s indictment.  Need
anything further be said as to what the implications are
of such a startling revelation?!

 Ruth and Nadia Matar