women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

An Invitation to Oz veGaon

An Invitation to Oz veGaon

The activities include: the Bet Midrash for women on Tuesday mornings, Bet Midrash for men in the evening, a painting class with Avital Sharansky, a carpentry class with Daphna Tidhar and our new and exciting project for this year:Wednesday class & tour with Rav David Nativ and Rav Yitzhak Levy:You come to Oz veGaon on […]



Sunday, May 9 at 7:00pm Israel time *Jerusalem of Gold: The Story of a Song –The Story of a City* A Zoom lecture in Hebrew by *Anat Hoffman* tour guide and lecturer. A profound historical – literary – human journey into the premier song of songs of Jerusalem.Less familiar aspects, allusions to other songs, and […]

Embracing our soldiers at Oz veGaon

Embracing our soldiers at Oz veGaon

https://www.jgive.com/new/en/usd/donation-targets/50080 Thank you to all who already donated. Now your donations will also go to the fixing of the soldiers’ tent that partially collapsed last night because of a tree that fell on it during the storm. Please click on link. Every donation helps and is greatly appreciated. Thank you from Oz veGaonYehudit and Nadia […]

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