An Invitation to Oz veGaon


The activities include:

the Bet Midrash for women on Tuesday mornings,

Bet Midrash for men in the evening,

a painting class with Avital Sharansky,

a carpentry class with Daphna Tidhar

and our new and exciting project for this year:Wednesday class & tour with Rav David Nativ and Rav Yitzhak Levy:You come to Oz veGaon on Wednesday morning at 8:30. You hear a 45 minute preparatory lecture and then hop on the busfor a fascinating tour in Jerusalem and Judea with Tanach in hand. There is nothing more uplifting and fulfilling.

This program is open for men and women. 

All lectures are in Hebrew.

The Hebrew flyer can be found here or download from here.
and so the translation of the flyer into English can be found here.

Run to register!