The Jewish State and the right-wing government are in danger!


We must all participate en masse in the demonstration of the million that will take
place in Jerusalem on Thursday the day after Independence Day.

  • Yes, demonstrations are influential. Despite the fact that we are the majority
    and despite the fact that we won the elections, we do not have the luxury of
    staying at home and abandoning the street to those who do not honor the
    democratic determination of the voter’s will and are seeking to cause a coup. Our
    representatives in the government and the Knesset must receive strength and
    support from us.
  • The alternative to the current government is a return, G-d forbid, to a
    government that will once again promote the Oslo disaster and the
    transformation of Israel into a state of all its citizens.
  • For the sake of a truly Jewish, democratic, Zionist and sovereign state, we will
    all participate in the demonstration of the million and, with G-d’s help, we will act
    and we will succeed.
  • We call upon everyone to attend and bring along at least five more people.
  • Please forward this email to all your contacts (email, whatsapp etc..)
  • Link to order a seat for transportation to the protest from all over