Raanana pioneers in Netzer


Raanana pioneers in Netzer -the movie

Good Jews from all over the country have heard about the land war being waged in Netzer. Most recently, with a wave of the pen, the Civil Administration transformed Plot 94 from “Surveyed Land” (presumed state land whose status hasn’t yet been finalized) to “private Arab land” – thanks to massive pressure from Leftist sources.

This iniquity cries to the heavens, but we have recourse and resources.

On Thursday February 23rd,2012, the first day of Adar, a group of Jews returned again to Netzer, this time from Ra’anana, to show their support for our struggle. The group was led by tireless Ilan Hirshfeld, who for years, has been organizing monthly visits to Judea and Samaria. They planted grape vines around the corners of the pergola built by Women In Green to provide shade and comfort to hikers in the area. Joy and excitement infused all who came and a “she’hechianu” blessing burst from our throats in thanks for the merit of being able to plant and redeem the land.

Thank God, the people of Israel love their homeland and are faithful to it.

Link to the short movie: (thank you to Timna Katz from Neve Daniel for the English translation)

אנגלית –

For the Women in Green movie channel:

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar