
Dear friends,

Tomorrow it is please G-d happening!

Tomorrow Tuesday December 20th, immediately after Rabbi Dov Singer’s shiur (that starts at 6:00pm) our crowd funding campaign will reach its peak of the last 30 hours. By Wednesday midnight we need to reach our goal. This is an all or nothing campaign. We almost got to half the sum. Be partners.

So what do we do?

1)   Please Click right now on the link to the campaign and add your donation.


Each and every donation is welcomed and appreciated. Each donation has an impact. Each donation strengthens Eretz Yisrael. If you already donated , please forward the link to family and friends and urge them to join.

2)   Come to Oz veGaon  to hear rabbi Dov Singer’s shiur (in Hebrew) at  6:00pm tomorrow Tuesday . Rabbi Dov Singer , from the Makor Chaim yeshiva will be talking about: “the change needed from being at the tefilla (prayer) to actually pray”.

3)   Join our Crowd funding headquarters at Oz veGaon that will be opened immediately after the end of the shiur. Bring your cellphone and recharger. Together we will call lovers of Eretz Yisrael and give them the opportunity to join us by donating. The headquarters will be open for 30 hours non-stop. Come at any time during these hours.

Also, if you live abroad , you can open a headquarter at your house. Email us and we will give you all the details. nmatar@netvision.net.il

4)   Parents and grandparents! There will be a “nofesh pa’il” activities for children, in Oz veGaon, this Wednesday from 3:30pm till 5:00pm. Bring your children and grandchildren.

5)   An admission from our heart: we must tell you that this entire crowd funding campaign is not easy for us. It is difficult to ask for money. It’s uncomfortable. We wish we could only deal with the other more spiritual aspect of it all. Maybe not everyone is aware of it, but 97% of the expenses of Oz veGaon are on Women in Green’s shoulders. The guarding, the upkeep, the weekly eiruv fixing, the organizing of the many activities, lectures, youth groups, the soldiers’ corner, the upkeep of the soldiers’ tent, the bet midrash, the synagogue, the urgently needed security equipment that we are now trying to  purchase etc…

It is all on us. Month after month. We have succeeded till now, for the past two and a half years, thanks to you and we will be able to continue only if we succeed in this crowd funding campaign. Please G-d together with you we will act and do and succeed. Thank you partners!
