MAY 2005
May 5, 2005
The following is a reprint of an article I wrote almost a year ago, on June 10, 2004!
Sharon’s war against the Jews – his own citizens – continues unabated. His plan is to forcibly expel 9,000 Jews from their homes in their own homeland in Gush Katif and Northern Shomron.
He then aims to transfer this Jewish Land to the Arab terrorist enemy.
* * *
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Dear Friends,
One of the most dangerous men for the survival of Israel as a democratic Jewish State is one of its erstwhile Jewish heroes, Ariel Sharon.
After many attacks by the Arab terrorists against the Jews in Gaza during the current Oslo War, Sharon decided on a brutal assault of his own — but against his own people, the Jews:
“”I have given an order to plan for the evacuation of 17 settlements in the Gaza Strip,”” Sharon said in an interview with the Israeli Ha’Aretz newspaper. “”It is my intention to carry out an evacuation – sorry, a relocation – of settlements,”” he said. “”I am working on the assumption that in the future there will be no Jews in Gaza.””
If this happened anywhere else in the world, were any government to declare its intention to expel Jews, and only Jews, from their homes, this will be denounced as rampant anti-Semitism and racism. And all this is to take place not in a country like Nazi Germany, but in the Land promised by G-d as an everlasting inheritance to the Jews.
Ariel Sharon is caving in to Arab terror and joining forces to realize the fondest dreams of the Arabs, namely to drive the Jewish People out of their Promised Land, so miraculously regained by a miracle of Biblical proportions. Ironically, Sharon’s initial focus is on Gaza, which the Bible tells us was apportioned to the Tribe of Judah, (Joshua 15:47 and Judges 1:18) as part of its eternal patrimony.
Make no mistake about this! Sharon’s planned transfer of Gaza’s Jews is just the beginning of the dismantling of Israel. In today’s Jerusalem Post, we read that Olmert, Sharon’s Vice Premier, is announcing a plan for the division of Jerusalem as well. By the way, four Jewish Communities in Biblical Samaria are also already on the chopping block as part of Sharon’s “”Unilateral Disengagement Plan””.
Simply put, what does Sharon’s Unilateral Disengagement Plan entail? To abandon 7,500 Jews, who have built their communities in Gaza, with the encouragement of all Israeli governments, and specifically with the encouragement of then General Ariel Sharon. Ariel Sharon was the head of the Southern Front Command, which included Gaza, between December 1969 and February 1972.
Sharon had called for a referendum of all Likud members on his Unilateral Disengagement Plan. The vote went heavily against him – 39.7% for and 59.5 against (a 19.8% difference).
However, Sharon continued pushing his plan in the cabinet, declaring that insignificant cosmetic changes – such as altering the plan’s title – were sufficient to comply with the referendum results. In so doing, he made a mockery of the referendum, his prior public pledge to honor the results, and, most importantly, the democratic process.
Sharon managed to pass his Unilateral Disengagement Plan in the Cabinet by firing those of his ministers who had pledged to vote against his plan, and by letting other ministers know that they were expendable if they disagreed with him.
In order to understand Sharon’s 180 degree turn with regard to the Jews reestablishing their communities in Biblical Gaza, Samaria, and Judea, it is essential to read Chapter 18 of his autobiography “”Warrior””.
In this book, Ariel Sharon describes his anti-terrorist effort: “”I recommended the establishment of several Jewish settlements, Jewish ‘fingers’, as I call them, to divide the Gaza district. I wanted one between Gaza and Deir el Balah, one between Deir el Balah and Khan Yunis, one between Khan Yunis and Rafah, and another west of Rafah – all of them built, like the Judean and Samarian settlements, on state-owned land. … In addition, it was essential to create a Jewish buffer zone between Gaza and the Sinai to cut off the flow of smuggled weapons and – looking forward to a future settlement with Egypt – to divide the two regions.”” (Page 258, “”Warrior””)
“”At the same time we succeeded in maintaining the calm that we had worked so hard to achieve. The settlements we built cut off the flow of weapons from Sinai, and we also devised a way of preventing the infiltration of arms into Gaza by sea.”” (Page 261)
“”Until the Yom Kippur war I used to think that the Gaza anti-terror campaign was one of the most significant Chapters in my military experience. Certainly it was the most interesting. … Above all, it proved, to me at least, that terrorism was neither inevitable nor unresolvable, that a population upon whom the worst horrors were being visited could be freed from the hold of PLO Organizations that look on terror as their standard tool of policy.”” (Page 262)
Important Background Material on Sharon’s Attitude Toward the United States
Also in Chapter 18, Sharon speaks about how the United States asked Israel to mobilize its forces to prevent a Syrian attack on Jordan. King Hussein of Jordan was fighting for his life against the PLO that had established itself in the very heart of his country (as it was to do in Lebanon later) and was progressively undermining his ability to govern. Arafat’s people made several attempts to assassinate the King. On the morning of September 20th Syrian tank columns invaded Jordan.
These events did not take place in a vacuum. Hussein’s attack on the Palestinians and the growing tension between Jordan and Syria had already triggered a series of moves and countermoves by the American government – which maintained close ties with Hussein – and the Soviets – whose clients included the Syrians and the threatened PLO. The Israeli Army and Air Force now became crucial to American policy. Hussein’s survival was at stake and only Israeli forces were positioned to meaningfully threaten the Syrian tank army that had quickly overrun much of northern Jordan. On September 21 the United States asked Israel to mobilize her forces. This we did… aware that their bluff has been called and unwilling to risk direct confrontation, the Syrians began to pull back. By the 23rd the last Syrian tank was gone from Jordan.
Two days later Henry Kissinger sent a note of thanks to the Israeli government: “”According to the latest available information, the forces which invaded Jordan has withdrawn to Syria. We believe that the steps Israel took have contributed measurably to that withdrawal. We appreciate the prompt and positive Israeli response to our approach.””
Now, I quote Sharon’s own words: “”The resolution of this crisis was considered a success by the Americans and the Jordanians. Most Israelis were also pleased with the outcome. But I was not one of them. Prior to our decision to mobilize, Israel’s options had been closely analyzed by General Headquarters. While most of the senior officers favored complying with the American request, a minority, including myself, believed that Israel should not interfere with events in Jordan.
“”In my view, Israel was facing two separate dangers, one immediate, one long-term. The immediate danger was that if the Syrians were allowed to defeat Hussein’s army, Jordan would become a Palestinian state. In point of fact, Jordan already was a Palestinian state in everything but name. Originally Palestine had included Jordan. The two had only been separated in 1922 by the British, who gave what was then known as Transjordan to their allies, the Hashemite royal family from Saudi Arabia. In 1970, 70 to 80 percent of Jordan’s population was Palestinian; its leading political and cultural figures were Palestinian; most of its parliament was Palestinian; its most prominent cabinet members were Palestinian; many of its prime ministers had been Palestinian. If the PLO unseated Hussein, Jordan would formally become a Palestinian political entity.
“”I needed no instruction on the dangers a Palestinian state of Jordan could pose. On the other hand, as I said to the general staff, we were also facing a long term danger. And this danger was that the Palestinian issue would weigh heavier and heavier over our heads as the years went by. Though in the short term it might appear that the first danger was more serious, in the long run it was the Palestinian issue that would be our true bane. We should not doubt that for a moment. These clouds would only grow thicker and thicker. So if it had now become possible to resolve the most crucial of these Palestinian problems, through the formal creation of a Palestinian state in Jordan, that is the direction I believed we should move in.
“”I did not undervalue in the least the arguments on the opposite side, arguments that had to do not just with the Palestinian issue BUT ALSO WITH A WEIGHTY MATTER OF OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE UNITED STATES. BUT ISRAEL’S FOREIGN POLICY NEEDS WERE MATTERS OF SURVIVAL, WHEREAS IN THIS CASE AMERICA’S NEEDS WERE THOSE OF GEOPOLITICAL ADVANTAGE. From this perspective, I had not the least uncertainty about which should take precedence. As a result I argued as hard as I could against Israeli intervention in Jordan. Dayan was also against it. But the majority felt differently, and in the end events took the course they did. EVEN TODAY I BELIEVE THIS WAS ONE OF ISRAEL’S MOST CRUCIAL MISTAKES, ONE WHOSE EVIL CONSEQUENCES WE ARE CONTINUING TO SUFFER.””
This was the Sharon we all loved and admired, and most of all trusted. Today’s Sharon asks approval for Israel’s policies, first of all with the American President, and even with some European leaders, before he bothers to enlighten his own Cabinet, his own Knesset, and his own Jewish People. He has truly become a lackey of foreign powers, instead of fighting for the interests of his own People. This new Sharon has nothing to offer us but despair, anguish and retreat, unilaterally and under fire.
The Jewish People desperately need someone like American President Ronald Reagan, of blessed memory, who just passed away. We need someone who will stand up to the world, who will stand up to our enemies, someone with love for his People, with pride in his country, and faith in Israel’s G-d given right to the Holy Land.
I do not want to speculate on the reasons why Sharon has changed in such a drastic manner. Many Israelis feel that he is a desperate man resorting to desperate measures, one who is putting his own personal interest ahead of the country in a transparent attempt to deflect attention away from his entanglements with the law.
The Jews must get rid of Sharon, before he gets rid of the Jews. It is urgent to send Sharon back to his sheep farm and to topple his government forthwith. We will not be led like sheep to the slaughter again.
Whatever Sharon’s past accomplishments, he is no longer fit to serve as leader of the Jewish State and the Jewish People.
With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar
P.S. Please send this article to President George W. Bush and other Government officials, and in general, distribute it as widely as you can. This is very urgent!
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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May 8, 2005
Dear friends,
Good News: the last few weeks have seen an increase in activities against Sharon’s disastrous “”unilateral disengagement plan””. More and more grassroots groups, religious and non-religious, young and old, are being formed spontaneously all over the country, each one organizing different kind of protests. Demonstrations at intersections, solidarity marches to Gush Katif and the Shomron, blocking of major intersections in the Gush Dan area, students dressed in orange sleeping in the streets, campaigns convincing soldiers and policemen not to give a hand to the crime of the uprooting, have all become daily occurrences. Those activities have already proven to be effective. Even the leftist media in Israel was forced to admit that the public in Israel does not favor Sharon’s transfer plan. According to a poll in this Friday’s Maariv now only 54% of the Israeli public (including Israeli Arabs) favors disengagement, down from 65%. Our protests must continue and increase. The more we keep the security forces busy, the less they can get organized and ready for Deportation) day.
As we have said before, five elements will, please G-d, thwart Sharon’s plan:
1) The steadfastness of the Gush Katif and Shomron residents in their unwillingness to leave on their own free will for compensation.
2) The thousands of people who will come and live in Gush Katif and the Shomron and thus will double and triple its population.
3) Hopefully hundreds of thousands of protesters who will, with non-violent civil disobedience, shut down the entire country the day Sharon will try to close down Gush Katif.
4) The tens of thousands of soldiers who will save the IDF’s honor by refusing to give a hand to the crime of the uprooting and will prefer to go to jail then obeying the illegal and immoral order of the deportation.
5) The thousands of protesters who will proudly fill the jails.
Women in Green call upon all to take part in the different activities and protests.
There follows a partial list of events and announcements:
A) This coming Monday Evening, May 9th, 2005 at 7:00pm at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Jerusalem-Conference planning the upcoming Civil Disobedience.Organized by “”Habayit Haleumi.”” Speakers: MK Prof Arieh Eldad, Atty Elyakim Haetzni, Moshe Feiglin, Nadia Matar and more. Come one, Come all.
Moetset Yesha is organizing a mass rally at 4:00pm around the lake in Gush Katif. On that day, only buses will be let in. Buses will leave the Jerusalem Central bus station at 10:00pm. For details- Moetset Yesha tel: 02-5822224
C) After Yom Haatzmaut- Women in Green continues its weekly campaign convincing the soldiers not to give a hand to the crime of the uprooting. We will hold a vigil and hand out leaflets to soldiers, EVERY SUNDAY MORNING from 9:00 am till 11:00 am, opposite the Jerusalem Central Bus station (on the side of Binyanei Hauma). On Sunday mornings thousands of soldiers go back, by bus, to their base. We urge you to join us.
For details call Jaqueline at 054-424-8365
In addition, Women in Green leaders Nadia Matar and Anita Finkelstein, who have recently moved to Gush Katif and are the proud new residents of Kfar Yam, will organize similar weekly vigils in the Ashkelon-Sderot area. Details to follow. Anyone living in that area and want to join can contact Nadia at 0505-500834 or Anita at 0505-777254
D) A must see: <>
(short movie in Hebrew to show to soldiers- convincing them not to give a hand to the crime of the uprooting)
E) Update on Minhelet Kela-please read and forward to all:
Minhelet Kela (a Hebrew acronym for “”the Gaza Absorption Authority) was founded this past February as part of the Zionist answer which will, please G-d, defeat Ariel Sharon’s criminal “”unilateral disengagement”” plan.
One of the most important ways to prevent the implementation of Sharon’s ‘disengagement”” (deportation of Jews) plan is to bring masses of people to Gush Katif who, in a non-violent way, will simply make it impossible for the security forces to carry out their mission.
Minhelet Kela works towards this end on two levels:
Firstly, There are hundreds of empty homes and structures in Gush Katif that need to be fixed up in order to enable families to move in. Minhelet Kela, with the generous financial help of Jewish and non-Jewish lovers of Zion, has already refurbished tens of homes.
Thanks to Minhelet Kela, three communities in Gush Katif have filled all their empty buildings with tens of new families. It has now become apparent to all, how much new families in Gush Katif strengthen the local residents in their steadfastness to stay and not to cave in to all kind of spurious compensation offers.
Work on more homes has started in five more communities, and depending on your help, Minhelet Kela hopes to finish them too, thus adding more and more families to Gush Katif. Hundreds of people are on the waiting list, waiting to be able to move to Gush Katif. Volunteers working for Minhelet Kela have started, before Pessach, a campaign collecting around Israel second-hand furniture, mattresses, old fridges etc and bringing it to Gush Katif in order to help those new families get adjusted more easily into their new homes.
In addition, Minhelet Kela has arranged for three different college level institutions from around the country to have a branch in Gush Katif. Those tens of young yeshiva boys and girls have brought renewed and fresh enthusiasm to the communities in Gush Katif, who are under constant shelling. Minhelet Kela is now in the process of bringing students from more such institutions to each community in Gush Katif.
Parallel to this endeavor, Minhelet Kela is also preparing for the tens of thousands who will come to Gush Katif closer to D(eportation)-day itself. Those people will need to be fed, to have shade, to sleep in tents, use the facilities, etc, Minhelet Kela has rented a huge hangar and is working now towards filling it up with emergency equipment such as tons of dry goods, pasta, cans,milk, water canisters, thousands of tents, sleeping bags, diapers and Materna formula for babies, etc. A lot of this equipment must be bought in the very near future, and brought with rented trucks to Gush Katif, before the army closes down the area. Only with your generous help, will this be able to be done.
The fight against Sharon’s deportation plan is not only a fight for the survival of the tens of communities in Gush Katif and the Northern Shomron; it is a fight for the survival of the State of Israel and for the survival of Western civilization. We must stop Sharon’s plan. We cannot have a situation where a Jewish government would capitulate to Arab terror and agree to deport Jews, destroy entire Jewish communities and hand over large portions of our G-d given Biblical homeland to the murderous Arabs. Their goal is to first destroy the Jewish state, and then go on with their war of Jihad to take over the western world.
Women in Green, who have been active for over thirteen years since the criminal Oslo agreements, in fighting for the right of the Jewish people to its homeland, is working closely with Minhelet Kela. In fact, two of its active leaders, Nadia Matar and Anita Finkelstein, have recently moved with their families to Gush Katif and are the proud new residents of Kfar Yam. Women in Green calls upon all its members, supporters and friends, to help Minhelet Kela to your utmost capability.
Helping Minhelet Kela save Gush Katif is to help ensure the very survival of the state of Israel.
With Love of Israel,
Datya Yitzhaki, Administrator of Kfar Yam,
Founder and Director of Minhelet Kela
Tel 972-8-684-7048 Fax 972-8-684-5128
Address: Kfar Yam, POB 310, Nevei Dekalim 79779, Israel
Ruth and Nadia Matar, co-chairs of Women in Green
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Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Dear Friends,
Today, as I write this Letter from Jerusalem, the Israeli nation marks Remembrance Day, which honors the memory of those who have lost their lives in defense of the State of Israel. In the words of Lt. General Moshe Ya-alon: “We have come to remember those who will forever remain in our imaginations, young people who were full of life, those with whom we went into the night, and never got to see the light of day again.”
For the families of fallen soldiers, every day of the year is Remembrance Day. However, this year Remembrance Day is particularly difficult for bereaved families whose homes are in Gush Katif.
In addition to being forcibly expelled from their own homes, the graves of their fallen soldier sons are to be exhumed from the Gush Katif Cemetery by a special army unit. This unit has been secretly established by the Sharon Government, in preparation for the planned withdrawal from Gaza this summer.
Miri Gubi, the mother of Corporal Elkana Gubi, who was killed three years ago preventing a terrorist attack, feels completely betrayed. “More than betrayed” she says. “He gave his soul, he saved scores of people, and now this is the answer,”” she said.
Sharon has given the Arab terrorist murderers an incredible victory. He has agreed to make Jewish Biblical Land “Judenrein”, both above and below ground.
One of the most famous Arab poets today is Mahmoud Darwish whose poems deal mainly with the Arab-Jewish conflict.
The following are lines from one of Darwish’s most popular poems:
Now, shamefully, Prime Minister Sharon is planning to make Mahmoud Drawish’s poem a horrible reality. Shame on you Ariel Sharon! Would you even contemplate digging up the bones of your beloved wife Lilly, or of your son who died at a young age?
It is forbidden to descrate Jewish graves: The widely accepted and most important Code of Jewish Law, the Shulchan Aruch, states as follows: (Yoreh Dea 363:1)
“You are not allowed to remove the dead and the bones, not from a respectful grave to a respectful grave, not from a disrespectful grave to a disrespectful grave, and not from a disrespectful grave to a respectful one. (It goes without saying that it is not allowed to remove from a respectful grave to a disrespectful one.) The only cases where the transfer of the dead would be allowed are if it was the will of the deceased, or if the remains are being transferred to Israel.”
Michael Freund, a weekly columnist for the Jerusalem Post, wrote an article on May 10, 2005 entitled “The ‘Cemetery Test’ of Peace”. This article expresses my sentiments completely. I am therefore reprinting the article in its entirety.
“Israel is turning 57 this week, and in conjunction with its birthday the country will be getting a new military unit: the IDF “”disinterment division.””
According to a recent Maariv report, the army has secretly established a special reserve unit tasked with exhuming the 47 Jewish graves located in the Gush Katif cemetery as part of preparations for the planned withdrawal from Gaza this summer. The unit, which will reportedly operate under the direct authority of the Defense Ministry, is slated to begin functioning shortly after Independence Day, when it will start to train for its grisly and macabre task.
Among those buried in the cemetery that is slated for destruction are soldiers who died while serving the country and civilians who were murdered by Palestinian terrorists.
This was perhaps one of the most chilling news items that I can recall reading in a long, long time.
The very idea that a Jewish army our army! would be ordered to establish such a unit, with the express purpose of demolishing a Jewish cemetery and digging up Jewish graves for purposes of relocating them, should send a chill down our collective spines.
Is this what Israel has come to?
The government’s argument, of course, is that it has no choice in the matter in light of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s insistence on leaving Gaza. Yonatan Bassi, head of the Disengagement Authority, said last month that “”no graves can be left in enemy territory.””
Bassi hardly needed to spell out why after all, if a Jewish cemetery were to remain in Gaza after an Israeli retreat, one can only imagine how the Palestinians would behave toward the site.
Anyone remember what they did to Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus (Shechem) in the autumn of 2000, when a frenzied Palestinian mob set the site on fire and tore down the building which housed it brick by brick? Jewish prayer books and other religious articles left behind by the retreating Israeli army were set alight by the crowd, which danced and celebrated their desecration of a sacred Jewish site.
It seems safe to assume that after an Israeli departure from Gaza, the Palestinians would demonstrate a similar level of “”respect”” for the Jews who are buried there as well.
Clearly, the government is aware of this problem, which is why it is so anxious to remove the Jewish graves from Gush Katif. While Sharon has said that “”No graves will be moved without full cooperation from the families,”” he also insisted that “”We must try to convince those who object, and explain the importance of this move.””
But what seems to escape the prime minister is what this situation says about our ostensible Palestinian partners. They won’t let us live in peace, and they won’t let our dead rest in peace either.
If Israel finds itself confronting a foe that is incapable of showing even a modicum of respect for the dead, is it really wise to strengthen that foe still further by handing over more territory to his control?
Call it “”the cemetery test”” namely, if your opponent cannot muster the basic amount of decency necessary to refrain from desecrating a burial ground, for God’s sake, then chances are you won’t be able to make peace with him any time soon.
Since the Palestinians don’t come close to passing this test, it should be obvious that it is not in Israel’s interest to embolden them further by uprooting the residents of Gush Katif living and dead and fleeing the scene.
In Hebrew, the term used for cemetery is beit almin, which is taken from the Aramaic and translates literally as “”everlasting home.”” This is no coincidence. Once a person has been buried, it is only in the most extreme of circumstances that his or her eternal rest should ever be disturbed.
Judaism has long placed enormous importance on the need to respect the dead. It is time that our government a Jewish government did the same. “
With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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May 17, 2005
Dear Friends,
Police Brutality
There was a Rally in Jerusalem today (May 16, 2005) and attempt to Block the Roads to Jerusalem by thousands of Disengagement opponents. My daughter is a Student at a school a block away from the rally on Bar Ilan St. in Sanhedria, and so she found herself in the midst of it, though she had previously been shielded from the whole issue and controversy by her school. She called me in a state of shock from the Rally just a few minutes ago upon witnessing the Police Brutality against the protestors. Police were pushing people violently back, throwing children and women to the floor and then stepping on them and kicking them.
A few Rabbis in particular, those who were “”Hareidi”” -hasidic in appearance- were singled out and thrown to the ground and beaten. She could not believe the level of brutal physical violence she was seeing the Israeli police perpetrate against their fellow Jews. She asked me crying over the Phone how what she was seeing could be possible. She naively asked me if I was seeing the scene on Television, as she assumed that such a remarkable event was being covered in the media.
Why is the Police Brutality NOT being reported in the Israeli media?
Why are Jews in America unaware of the Police State that the Sharon/Mofaz Dictatorship government has become?
WHY do American Jews continue to obliviously blindly lend support the Sharon government?
There is a severe disconnect between the reality in Israel, and American Jewry’s awareness of what is happening. Something must be done to address this disconnect to the facts.
Marlene Young
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Dear Friends,
In today’s Jerusalem Post there is a “must read article” by DANIEL PIPES, a Member of the UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF PEACE (to which office he was appointed by President Bush in 2003). Daniel Pipes’ article A MASSIVE POLICY WRECK WAITING TO HAPPEN is timely and relevant, since Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has been invited to meet with President Bush at the White House for the first time since he was elected in January of this year. The meeting between George W. Bush and Abu Mazen will take place next week, Thursday May 26, at the White House. The talks will focus on Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and Abu Mazen’s request for further U.S. financial aid. The PA Foreign Ministry said that Abbas will call for intensified U.S. pressure on Israel to implement its Road Map obligations, including a total freeze on settlement activity and the immediate dismantling of unauthorized outposts in the West Bank.
Daniel Pipes wrote at the time of Abu Mazen’s election to head the Palestinian Authority that: “He is potentially a far more formidable enemy to Israel” than was Arafat. Mr. Pipes says in this article that his prediction has unfortunately come true and that Abu Mazen is unambiguously leading the Palestinians to war after the Israeli retreat from Gaza in August 2005. It is essential that you read Mr. Pipes’ article very carefully, in order to understand that Abu Mazen and his Palestinian Authority is a danger, not only to Israel, but also to the United States. (The article follows after my letter.)
For example: A few weeks ago the Palestinian Authority sent a public birthday greeting to Saddam Hussein: “We wish him long life for the sake of Iraq and to free the Arab nation from the enslavement of foreign imperialism. Oh, the glory of victory, with the help of Allah”. (Of course, “foreign imperialism” refers to the United States).
It is interesting to note that not only the Palestinian Authority Chairman, Abu Mazen, is coming to Washington, D.C. to promote the “Israeli disengagement from Gaza plan” but Israel’s Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, as well, is descending on New York City and Washington D.C. during the same week to defend his intention to deport Jews from their homes in Gush Katif.
It is not difficult to understand why Abu Mazen relishes a possible Israeli disengagement from Gaza. He is coming to ask President Bush for further economic aid from the United States, so that he can most effectively build a Palestinian economy in the areas of Gush Katif and northern Shomron, when, G-d forbid, the Arabs inherit the possessions of the Jews expelled by their own Sharon government.
It is much more difficult to understand, or, as a matter of fact quite impossible to understand, why the Israeli Prime Minister is coming to New York City and Washington, D.C., to convince American Jews about the wisdom of his plans to unilaterally expel Jews from their homes in their own homeland. (Hillary Clinton is the other speaker at the AIPAC Conference. No surprise that she is supporting the transfer of Jews).
The good news is that a Coalition of Christian Zionists and Jews is in formation to protest the Sharon expulsion of Jews plan, and also President Bush’s official meeting with the terrorist, Abu Mazen, who co-founded the Palestine Liberation Organization together with Arafat in 1964.
Abu Mazen is a Holocaust denier who wrote his doctoral thesis, which later became a book, on “THE OTHER SIDE: THE SECRET RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NAZISM AND ZIONISM”. Abu Mazen raised doubts in his work that the gas chambers were, in fact, used to kill Jews. He was, as well, the financier of the Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes in 1972. When Abu Mazen was elected last January, he stated: “I present this victory to the soul of Brother Martyr Yasser Arafat and to our shahids. The little jihad has ended and now the big jihad is beginning!”
Americans who believe in Jewish Biblical, historical, and moral rights to the Land of Israel must use every opportunity to demonstrate that belief. The following is a schedule of demonstrations against the Disengagement Plan (Deportation of Jews Plan) and its supporters, Israeli Prime Minister Sharon and Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen:
SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2 P.M., in NYC
Prime Minister Sharon will be speaking to The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. We will hold a Prayer Vigil at the same location, to be announced. Participants are urged to wear ORANGE clothing, the color of solidarity with Gush Katif/Gaza. OUR MESSAGE: DON’T EXPEL THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM THEIR PROMISED LAND!
People are urged to travel to Washington, D.C., by car pool, train, plane, bus or chartered bus (if we get enough people signing on for one, call 212-828-2424) in order to arrive by 1 P.M. The plan is to visit Congressional offices in the House and Senate to distribute information packets explaining the dire world-wide consequences of removing the Jewish community from their homes in Gush Katif and Northern Shomron. Plans should be made to stay overnight so that we can form a protest group on Tuesday morning. Again, ORANGE bags and clothing are suggested to demonstrate solidarity.
Prime Minister Sharon is scheduled to speak at the AIPAC Conference at the Washington Convention Center on Tuesday morning between 9:30-11 AM. (Hillary Clinton is the other speaker. Maybe we could have some placards with Hillary Clinton kissing Suha Arafat.) We must be there in our ORANGE clothing, with signs, sleeping bags and tents, indicating the homelessness of the Jews being expelled from their homes. All media should be alerted. Bring your family and friends.
Palestinian Authority Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, is expected to visit Washington on May 26 for talks with President George W. Bush. The PA Foreign Ministry said that Abbas will call for intensified U.S. pressure on Israel to implement its road map obligations, including a total freeze on settlement activity and the immediate dismantling of unauthorized outposts in the West Bank. He also said that he would seek financial aid to boost the Palestinian economy. OUR MESSAGE TO BOTH PRESIDENT BUSH AND ABU MAZEN: ISRAEL BELONGS TO THE JEWS!
The 12th Annual Israel Day Concert in Central Park, at the East Meadow, located at 97th Street and 5th Avenue, on Sunday, June 5, 2005 from 2:30 – 6:00 PM, rain or shine. Over 35,000 people are expected to gather at this year’s event, which is dedicated to supporting the Jewish Communities of Gush Katif and Northern Shomron, and against the surrender of Jewish Land in this region.
Further information on the event is available by calling Romm Torossiam at 202-999-5585.
TUESDAY, JULY 19 (This date is not as yet firm)
We hope to have simultaneous demonstrations in Washington, D.C. and Tel-Aviv, Israel and in cities all over the world by a coalition of Jews and Christians to prevent Ariel Sharon from expelling close to 9,000 people from their homes, farms, schools, synagogues and graveyards, and turning the Jewish Land over to the Arab enemy.
Dear Friends: I am a Holocaust Survivor, born in Austria. I was fortunate to be able to become a naturalized American citizen after World War II. My husband is an American Jew born in New York City. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942, my husband immediately volunteered to fight in the American Army.
When we were first married, I said to my husband: “I admire you as a committed American who fought on the Japanese front for the duration of World War II. But during that war, 6 million of your own Jewish People were murdered. How come you didn’t raise a hue and cry at that time?”
His answer was very simple: “BUT WE DIDN’T KNOW!”
But, dear friends, YOU do know! With advanced technology (computer technology, faxes, television, world-wide radio, newspapers and widespread telephone networks), it is no longer possible for the British Foreign Office and the U.S. State Department and other special interest groups to deliberately suppress what happens in the rest of the world. It is a different world today than what was during the Nazi domination of much of the world during the reign of Hitler.
When a bus in Jerusalem full of innocent civilians is bombed, you see it almost immediately on your television screens. When Jews are murdered for no other reason than the fact that they are Jews, you can read about it in your morning newspaper. When a sermon is broadcast on Abu Mazen’s Palestinian Authority television, calling for the subjugation of all Christian countries under Islam, and the extermination of every Jew, you can read about it shortly thereafter.
Dear friends: Don’t permit another Holocaust to happen! Don’t permit the Islamic takeover of the Western Judeo-Christian Civilization, and Islamic rule over Christian countries. It is, therefore, the duty of every Jew and Christian in the world to fight the evil radical Islamic plan to divide G-d’s Holy Land.
With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar
A massive policy wreck waiting to happen
May 19, 2005
Yasser Arafat’s demise in November excited great hopes among those who saw his malign personality as the main reason for Palestinian intransigence.
But those of us who saw the problem as larger than Arafat – as resulting, rather, from the deep radicalization of the Palestinian body politic – expected little change. Indeed, I wrote at the time of Mahmoud Abbas’s election to head the Palestinian Authority that “”he is potentially a far more formidable enemy to Israel”” than was Arafat.
How do things look a half year after Arafat’s death? About as awful as anyone might have expected. Specifically, Abbas is unambiguously leading the Palestinians to war after the Israeli retreat from Gaza in August 2005. Consider some recent developments.
Hiring terrorists as soldiers: Rather than arrest terrorists, as required by the informal February 2005 cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians, Abbas has instituted a unique employment program for them, incorporating them into his security forces.
The Associated Press explains the charming point system to determine who gets what rank: “”A high school diploma… is worth eight points, while a year in an Israeli prison or on the run count for two points each. Gunmen don’t get credit for time served in Palestinian lockups, but they win extra points if they were wounded by Israeli army fire or had their homes demolished.””
The Israeli authorities have accepted that even convicted Palestinian killers carry weapons.
Arming terrorists: The Palestinian military intelligence agency facilitates terrorist groups smuggling SA-7 Strella shoulder-fired missiles into Gaza to use against Israeli aircraft.
Inciting the population: As Palestinian Media Watch, the Center for Special Studies, and Michael Widlanski have exhaustively detailed, the political speeches, media content, mosque sermons, school textbooks and wall posters remain as rabidly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic as during the worst days of Arafat’s rule.
For example, Ahmed Qurei, the PA’s so-called prime minister, has threatened “”an explosion”” over Israel’s handling of Al-Aksa Mosque.
Pretend arrests of terrorists: As under Arafat, the PA plays the charade of arresting terrorists with fanfare and then allowing them quietly to “”escape”” from prison. Two examples of these revolving-door arrests: two perpetrators who assisted a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv in February left jail in April; and the Palestinian police arrested their first Hamas terrorist on May 2 but promptly released him one day later.
AS A result of these steps, Palestinian terrorism, especially coming out of Gaza, has dramatically increased since April. Things have reached such a low point that one analyst, Leslie Susser, finds that the February cease-fire “”may be on the verge of collapse.””
It is hard to argue with Caroline Glick’s conclusion that the Sharon government and the Bush administration were both “”horribly wrong”” in betting on Abbas. And yet, neither of them concedes this error because, having stressed Abbas’s good intentions, both now find themselves deeply invested in the success of his political career.
The planned Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in August is likely to precipitate new rounds of violence. One could come in July, as the IDF engages in a massive sweep of Gaza to ensure that the forthcoming retreat does not take place under Palestinian fire.
More violence will likely follow in September, as the Palestinians, Gaza now under their belt, begin a new assault on Israel. That round presumably will feature the substantial rocket arsenal that Hamas has been amassing.
Israel’s chief of General Staff, Moshe Ya’alon, is on record predicting, “”Immediately after the disengagement we can expect a burst of terrorism.””
Thus has Ariel Sharon neatly arraigned all the elements for a massive train wreck.
Ironically, the one thing that might prevent this scenario from playing out would be a Hamas victory in the Palestinian National Council elections scheduled for mid-July. Increasing numbers of Israeli voices are calling for the Gaza withdrawal to be postponed or even annulled should Hamas do well, as seems likely.
For example, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has said, if Hamas wins the elections, it would be “”unreasonable”” to implement the disengagement plan and allow Hamas to create a “”Hamas-stan”” in Gaza.
So, there are many possibilities in the next four months. Their common element is that by September the Arab-Israeli theater will be in yet worse shape than it is today.
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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May 20, 2005
1)The “”JEWS DONT EXPEL JEWS”” campaign continues. Every Sunday morning, from 9:00 to 10:30 am, Women in Green will be distributing flyers to the soldiers, convincing them not to take part in the crime of the uprooting. The soldiers’ reaction is remarkable, a majority promises not to give a hand to the uprooting even if that means going to jail temporarily. Those soldiers need to be strengthened and others still need to be convinced. Join us every Sunday morning!
For details call Jaqueline: 054-424-8365 or Timna 02-9938020
Women in Green congratulates the heads of “”Habayit Haleumi”” for their very successful blocking of the roads action last week. The message is clear: if Sharon dares to close down Gush Katif and the Shomron to Jews- the entire country will be closed down.
Women in Green is proud that among the hundreds of people who were arrested, there are women in Green members, too, and even children of Women in Green.
This coming Monday, May 23rd 2005, at 10:00 am, Women in Green will hold a vigil in front of the Russian Compound prison in Jerusalem demanding to release those Jews arrested for the “”crime”” of loving Eretz Yisrael and instead the police and army should start arresting Arab terrorists. Come one , come all. Bring signs and whistles!
For details call Ruth Matar 02-6249887 or Jaqueline: 054-424-8365
3) Increase the population of Gush Katif!
As we mentioned in our previous mail, Women in Green is working closely with Minhelet Kela, refurbishing homes in order to absorb hundreds of new people to Gush Katif.
How can you help? In addition to financial help, we are looking for electricians, plumbers, contractors, plumbers , painters, etc. who are willing to volunteer a day or more of their time and come down to Gush Katif in order to help fixing the homes.
For details please call Nadia Matar 0505-500834 or Anita 0505-777254
Shabat Shalom,
Ruth and Nadia Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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May 22, 2005
With Love of Israel,
Ruth Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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May 25, 2005
[Our Annual Membership normally covers June 1, 2005-May 31, 2006. This year, at the renewal of our Annual Membership, we send you an email to enlist your support. We urge you to join in this important venture. Working together, we can overcome all obstacles, with G-d’s help].
Women for Israel’s Tomorrow (Women In Green) is deservedly recognized as one of the most active organizations on the Israeli scene. Our organization is not affiliated with, nor does it support any political party. We have members throughout Israel, in the U.S., Canada, England, Australia, Brazil and France. Our members are both secular and religious, housewives and professionals, men as well as women, grandmothers and grandfathers, young and old. All our members and supporters have a single binding factor and belief: their love, devotion and concern for Israel, its Jewish People, its ancient culture and its Biblical ancestry.
Our work and leadership is done by volunteers. Contributions therefore go directly for our work, and not for salaries. Our goals are the strengthening and betterment of the People of Israel. We formally are registered as a non-profit organization in Jerusalem. We are in existence since the fall of 1993. In this relatively short period of time our accomplishments have been significant and varied.
Despite the closing down of Arutz 7 radio, Nadia Matar still continues to broadcast on the Arutz 7 Internet. Ruth Matar now writes a weekly column and emails her article to everyone of our supporters. Both Ruth and Nadia keep the world-wide audience apprised of matters which the local and foreign media generally does not discuss.
We sponsor and distribute the cartoons of the extraordinarily talented Oleg which we send out to our extensive email list with commentary underneath. In addition we republish many varied articles by prominent individuals on matters of vital concern to the People of Israel. We invite our members and supporters to advise their friends and acquaintances of joining our extensive email list. They will then receive the Oleg cartoons and important articles about Israel. There is no charge, whatsoever, for joining our email list.
Women In Green sponsor each year on the eve of Tisha B’Av a Walk around the Old City Walls of Jerusalem. It is an old Jerusalem custom. Last year over 100,000 participated in this Spiritual Event.
We fax our cartoons, Media Releases and other important articles to each Member of the Israeli Knesset, to every Member of the U.S. Congress, as well as the local and world media.
Nadia Matar, her husband and their six children presently reside in Gush Katif, where they are on the scene to be of any assistance to the heroic pioneers living in the various communities there.
Women In Green are involved in most protests concerning Israel. We vigorously oppose the Road Map, and the creation of another Arab State within the Holy Land. We likewise are opposed to any division of Jerusalem. We provide toys and playground equipment for children of the outlying Jewish communities in historical Judea, Samaria and Gush Katif. Our annual Purim Masquerade Party is always joyous and well attended. At such party we also invite as our guests families of terror victims. We continually seek to unite and unify the Jewish People. We, moreover, seek to narrow the present divide between the secular and religious.
We have gathered well over 350,000 signatures against another Arab State, which we delivered to PM Sharon and President Katzav. In our “”Fifth Column Watch”” we assist our soldiers at various checkpoints throughout Israel. We vigorously oppose the leftist “”Machsom Watch””; they are constantly harassing our soldiers. Thus, our army is unable to perform its duty to protect us from Arab terrorists and militant Muslims. On our constant visits to these checkpoints, we bring refreshments to our soldiers, which they greatly appreciate.
Our Movement is dedicated to the enhancement of our rich, historic and eternal Jewish Heritage. We act independently, but sometimes join with other groups to achieve the purpose and aims of our organization. We are known popularly by the media as the Women In Green, because of the green hats we wear. On our hats are the Hebrew words which spell out our motto: “”Israel Is Our Heart.””
I wish to make a contribution which includes my annual Membership:
Friend $50 Sustaining $1,000
Contributor $180 Sponsor $2,500
Benefactor $500 Patron $5,000
Name: _______________Address: ______________________ City and Country: _______________
Home Phone: _________________ Fax: ___________________E-Mail: _____________________
Annual Membership: $50 abroad – 100 NIS Israel. (Checks made payable to Central Fund For Israel and designated for Women in Green are IRS approved as a Charitable Deduction on U.S. Tax Returns.)
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Dear Friends,
I have a sad feeling of “”Deja Vu”” as I write today’s Letter from Jerusalem. Probably, as I write this Letter, the terrorist Mahmoud Abbas is being royally received by U.S. President, George W. Bush with the “”red carpet treatment””, just the way former President, Bill Clinton used to receive the terrorist Yasser Arafat. In fact, Arafat was the most frequent foreign visitor to the White House, even though Clinton was aware of Arafat’s murderous record, including his well documented murder of Americans.
Just a few examples:
* Yasser Arafat personally ordered the killing of Ambassador Cleo and G. Curtis Moore in 1973.
* He was responsible for the murder of 241 American Marines in Beirut in 1983.
* Yasser Arafat helped plan the first World Trade Center bombing in New York in 1993.
To his credit, President George W. Bush refused to meet with the Palestinian Authority Leader, Arafat. President Bush is certainly to be applauded for not having continued Bill Clinton’s courting of this murderer!
It is, therefore, difficult to understand why President Bush has now agreed to invite the equally murderous successor to Arafat, who is also his longtime collaborator in terror, Mahmoud Abbas, to a meeting in the White House. It is especially difficult to understand, since the President said on June 24, 2002:
“”The first pre-requisite for progress is for the Palestinian people to produce ‘regime change’. I call upon the Palestinian People to elect new leaders not compromised by terror. The Palestinians must have new leaders, new institutions and new security arrangements.””
SURELY PRESIDENT BUSH cannot believe that Mahmoud Abbas meets the criteria of ‘regime change’, since Mahmoud Abbas co-founded the Fatah terror group with Arafat in 1964 and worked closely with him until his death in 2004, a period of forty years.
SURELY PRESIDENT BUSH cannot claim that Mahmoud Abbas is a new leader not compromised by terror.
* He has overseen terror attacks together with Arafat since they co-founded the PLO in 1964. He has also been part of orchestrating the attacks during the last four years of terror war against Israel.
* Mahmoud Abbas had a major role in the planning of the Olympic massacre in 1972, when eleven Israeli athletes, including an American Citizen, David Berger, were slaughtered. Mohammed Daoud Oudeh, who executed the attack, writes in his book that it was Mahmoud Abbas who planned and financed the murder of the Israeli athletes.
* The Palestinian Authority, under the leadership of Abbas, recently sent a public birthday greeting to Saddam Hussein: “”We wish him long life for the sake of Iraq and to free the Arab nation from the enslavement of foreign imperialism. Oh, the glory of victory, with the help of Allah””. (The Palestinian Authority did not hesitate to criticize “”foreign imperialism””, which of course refers to the United States “”occupier””. Hardly such a good friend of America!).
SURELY PRESIDENT BUSH cannot claim that Mahmoud Abbas has created new institutions and new security arrangements.
* The Palestinian Authority security services are still actively involved in terrorism. In fact, Mahmoud Abbas is openly bringing known terrorists into their ranks.
* Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to finance terrorists from the PA budget.
* Mahmoud Abbas has tried to bring Hamas and Islamic Jihad into the PLO (of which his Fatah terror group is the largest faction).
* Abbas’ so-called “”pro-democracy work”” has enabled Hamas to participate in the Palestinian election process. It has signed the death warrant of Palestinians accused of assisting Israel in combating terror. It has also increased incitement in the Palestinian Authority media against Israel and the U.S.
* Mahmoud Abbas has made it quite clear that he has no intention of collecting arms and dismantling the terrorists’ infrastructures, saying that he cannot permit civil war amongst fellow Arabs. In fact, he has developed a novel way of disarming terrorists, his first obligation under the so-called Road Map. He is incorporating 350 gunmen from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, all of them on Israel’s wanted list, into the Palestinian Authority security forces. The move, said PA Minister of Agriculture, Ibrahim Abu al-Naja, is “”designed to protect them against Israeli assassination attempts. They are entitled to join the security forces because of their involvement in the resistance!””
President George W. Bush has recently stated most eloquently: “”The goal on the war of terrorism is to bring the enemies to justice, or justice to our enemies!””
In the light of this statement, is this meeting of U.S. President George W. Bush with the newly “”laundered”” terrorist sidekick of Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, really in America’s interest?
Ahead of his visit with U.S. President, George W. Bush at the White House this Thursday, Abbas said that he plans to demand that Washington beef up its political and economic support for the Palestinian Authority. This means in simple terms that he wants more American tax payers’ money to support the documented corruption of the Palestinian Authority, his terror war against Israel, and his continual incitement against the United States.
By inviting Mahmoud Abbas to the White House instead of bringing him to justice, America is encouraging terrorists all over the world, like Osama Bin Laden, to commit further and greater acts of terror. In fact, America is broadcasting the message: “”Terror pays and increased terror pays even more.””
With Blessings and Love For Israel,
Ruth Matar
P.S. Don’t forget to circle July 19 on your calendar for the WORLD WIDE RALLY against the deportation of Jews from their homes in our Promised Land.
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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