JULY 2005
July 6, 2005
The Lynch against the Maoz Yam Hotel by Nadia Matar,- Executive Committee of Kela Authority
Everyone I meet asks me: “”What really happened in the Maoz Yam hotel?””First, let’s start with the good news: the deportation operation at the hotel proved to all the world that we have the ability to prevent the implementation of Sharon’s deportation plan, if we only organize accordingly. If it is necessary to bring so many policemen and soldiers in order to remove fewer than a hundred people, the majority of whom were youth, women, and infants who did not resist, then on D-Day, when, with God’s help, there will be tens of thousands of resolute individuals in Gush Katif and Samaria, the deportation forces simply will not be able to carry out their evil design.
And now, for the facts: when the Kela Authority (Gaza Absorption Authority), headed by Datia Yitzhaki, asked the hotel owners for permission to renovate the abandoned and rundown hotel, and fill it with new residents, as part of the renovation and populating of the abandoned houses throughout the Gush by Kela, the owners responded enthusiastically. The Ve-Yorashtem Otah (“”And occupy it””) association of Baruch Marzel and myself, representing the Kela Authority, received power of attorney, and were authorized for everything connected with the populating, renovation, and operation of the hotel. The conditions in the hotel were very difficult. In the first month, brave families from Samaria and Hebron lived there, together with young volunteers, without electricity and with only a bit of cold water. The Kela Authority was in charge of everything connected with the renovations, and the Ve-Yorashtem Otah association made all the arrangements for food. More and more families and singles slowly arrived from different parts of the country and learned to live together as a cohesive community.
We were aware from the beginning that the security forces planned to take over the hotel, in order to situate the deportation forces in such a strategic position (in the middle of Gush Katif, with access to the sea). They offered a fortune to the hotel owners if they would agree to lease the hotel to them. The courageous hotel owners, however, preferred to lease it to those faithful to Eretz Israel, and not to the deportation forces. The legal settlement in the hotel upset all the government’s plans. Not only could they not position their headquarters there, the place was turned into a concentration of the determined opponents of the Sharon plan. The deportation forces understood that, legally, they had no possibility of expelling us from there. They were left with only a single way: initiating provocations and a campaign of delegitimation against the inhabitants of the hotel, in the hope that the latter would provide them with a pretext to take over the hotel, before anyone realized what was happening, and by force.
And the provocations came. This began motzei Shabbat (Saturday night) two weeks ago, when the people of Israel heard on the radio that “”extreme right-wing activists from Maoz Yam attacked Arabs from Muassi and injured them.”” An examination proved that the opposite was the case. A group of about ten Jews, guests for Shabbat, was walking in the direction of Shirat Hayam. On the way they were attacked by dozens of Arabs with clubs and stones. The scoop was that “”a person bit an attacking Rottweiler”” – the Jews defended themselves and chased away the attacking Arabs. The way that the incident was presented in the media, as if it were the Jews who had attacked the Arabs, and not the opposite, was done with the clear aim of besmirching the inhabitants of the hotel.
And that was only the beginning. Every day people heard all kinds of strange reports from the hotel until the impression was gained that its inhabitants were really dangerous. The tours that we gave the media – to show them that we were busy with the new kindergarten, the kitchen, the establishment of the study hall, and the wine and cheese evening to connect with the residents of Gush Katif – were all to no avail. According to the reports in the media, Maoz Yam had become the Number One danger in the State of Israel. Screaming headlines in the newspapers spoke of the “”Masada of Gush Katif,”” without there being any basis in reality for this. Anyone who read the newspapers and heard the news could think that we were preparing biological and chemical weapons in Maoz Yam, if not an atomic bomb.
And then came the provocation that led to the storming of the hotel. The army destroyed dozens of abandoned houses close to the settlement of Shirat Hayam. The pretext for the destruction was that the security forces “”feared that the Jews would take over these houses and fill them with opponents of the disengagement.”” This happened, of all days, on the day of the funeral of the two youths from the southern Hebron hill country who were murdered by Arab terrorists. Instead of the army demolishing the houses of the Arab terrorists who murdered these youths, or going in pursuit of the launchers of Kassam rockets, the Sharon government sent the army to engage in a provocation against the national camp, knowing that such a hillul Hashem (desecration of the Name of God) would not pass without a response, and that Jews would return to the location to try and rebuild the ruins.
Thus began the story of Tal Yam. That very night the activists in the field decided to rebuild the ruins of the abandoned structures and call the site “”Tal Yam,”” in memory of Tali Hatuel, may the Lord avenge her. The youth preferred to take over an abandoned house in the ‘Muassi’, at a distance of a few hundred meters from there.
When the Arabs in the next house organized for a pogrom against the Jews, began to throw rocks at Jewish girls walking on the road, and even injured one in the forehead (did anyone broadcast the pictures of the injured Jewish girl?), the army was supposed to intervene, to restore order, and even to remove the Arabs from there in order to protect the lives of the Jews. But because the authorities wanted the situation there to deteriorate, the army stood by and did nothing. The youth responded as any true Jew is supposed to respond in such a situation: they defended themselves. Perhaps too enthusiastically, but this was still self-defense. But we heard in the media that “”lawbreaking Jews are throwing rocks at the poor Arabs.””
The delegitimation campaign reached its peak on the day of the “”lynch.”” All the media broadcast pictures of Jewish youth presumably attacking a poor Arab youth. Today – after the publication of the full picture on the Internet – it is common knowledge that there was no lynch, and that the “”poor Arab youth”” was an eighteen-year-old Arab who endangered the lives of the Jews there by the wild throwing of rocks. The Arab attacker himself admitted in an interview with Israel Radio’s Avi Yisakharov that he was hit in the head by the butt of a soldier’s rifle. This soldier (who acted in this manner in order to stop the Arab attacker, who was said to be holding a knife) also hit him in the ribs and the face. This was his main injury, and only afterwards were stones thrown at him, that caused the secondary injury. Several hours after he was listed as “”critically injured,”” he was already seen standing and laughing with his friends, and he had miraculously become very lightly wounded.
Real “”lynches”” did occur during those same days, in other places: activists of the extreme left who demonstrated against the fence injured a soldier, and took out his eye; police in Ramat Gan brutally beat an innocent demonstrator and barbarously tortured him by putting their fingers in his nostrils and pulling his head backwards, when his hands were tied, and other such instances. It is clear why these events received no media coverage.
The staged pictures from the “”lynch”” at Tal Yam served their purpose, and were the pretext for the storming of the Maoz Yam hotel. No one bothered to ask how the total mess at Tal Yam provided the sanction for the storming of Maoz Yam, two kilometers away, but this is a marginal question. What troubles me is that the national camp leadership, in and outside Gush Katif, fell into the “”divide and rule”” trap that Ariel Sharon set for us, believed the smear and delegitimation campaign, and instead of coming to the aid of Maoz Yam, engaged in their favorite sport: breast-beating and condemnations, and allowed the authorities to illegally occupy Maoz Yam. This must not happen again. It is obvious that in a few weeks the Sharon dictatorship will organize for all of Gush Katif a delegitimation campaign similar to what they did to Maoz Yam. Who knows what the dark minds in the GSS are preparing for us? Will some GSS operative disguised as a Gush Katif settler shoot, Heaven forbid, some government minister or a soldier? Will a GSS operative disguised as a settler from Gush Katif try to carry out some attack on the Temple Mount? It’s difficult to know, but the delegitimation campaign against Gush Katif is on the way.
As regards Tal Yam and Maoz Yam, engaging in charges and accusations within our camp is pointless now. We all made mistakes. Yes, we, too. But it is important to understand that even if Tal Yam had never existed, and the inhabitants of Maoz Yam were all moderate and mild-mannered families, then, too, the authorities would have arranged provocations in order to defame the inhabitants and storm the hotel – first, because the strategic location is important for them; and second, they do not want a concentration of Eretz Israel loyalists in Gush Katif who are infused with the faith in our ability to cancel the decree.
And here we come back to the good news: the expulsion operation at the hotel proved to all of us that it is not at all simple to remove people from their homes. If the army had to bring thousands of soldiers to expel about a hundred people, most of whom were women and children, then the solution for our victory lies in numbers. Our power is in our numbers. Now we must concentrate on bringing tens of thousands of people to Gush Katif and Samaria. During the uprooting of Yamit, the heads of the army told Rabbi Neriah, of blessed memory: If only you could bring an additional 20,000 people here, we could inform the government that we are incapable of implementing our task. Therefore, Gush Katif must prepare for the absorption of masses of people. Every family in Gush Katif must engage in a “”family doubling operation””: setting up tents and huts on their individual lawns and host for the entire summer the grandfather and grandmother from Rehovot, the cousins from Petah Tikvah, the grandchildren from Kfar Maimon, the cousins from Ofakim, and the good friends from Tel Aviv and Raananah. The tens of thousands of other people who don’t have relatives in Gush Katif will camp out in the public areas: the beaches, the schools, the community centers, and the like. It’s true that it’s not the most pleasant thing to break our daily routine. But what is preferable? To break out of our routine for a few weeks in order to save home and life, or to live our routine lives until August 15, and then to lose everything?
As in every dictatorship, the security forces seem very intimidating. But the truth is that this government fears us. It tries in every way to break our spirit, because they know that if we only organize properly, we have the ability to triumph. And so, now is the time to continue to act, with even greater energy, in the four areas that, with God’s help, will bring victory:
* strengthening the inhabitants of Gush Katif, so that they will continue to plant and be steadfast, and not agree to sign to accept compensation.
* to continue to call upon soldiers not to obey the illegal and immoral deportation order: the tens of thousands of soldiers who will remove their uniforms on D-Day and join the residents of Gush Katif will, with God’s help, be the surprise of the summer.
* to strengthen and encourage the youthful roadblockers, who will insure a total system breakdown in the country on D-Day.
* to organize to absorb the masses in Gush Katif and Samaria.
We will work together, we will organize, and, with God’s help, we will prevail. On August 16, when the Prime Minister will announce, to the entire world, his resignation and the cancellation of the deportation plan, the entire people of Israel are invited to a festive meal of thanksgiving to the Holy One, blessed be He, in the Maoz Yam hotel.
Thursday, July 7, 2005
Dear Friends,
I am proud of my fellow Americans! The great majority of them have that precious commodity, common sense, and don’t buy the propaganda disseminated by the Israeli media on behalf of the Sharon Regime.
A new opinion poll commissioned by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) found that Americans oppose Israel’s Gaza withdrawal plan by the majority of 63% to 16% (4 to 1) and by a margin of 50% to 28% believe the Gaza Plan rewards terrorism. This poll was carried out by McLaughlin and Associates, a major national polling company, on June 26-27, 2005.
ZOA President, Morton A. Klein said: “”This national poll exposes the myth that Americans support the Gaza/Northern Samaria Withdrawal/Expulsion Plan. Americans realize that it is a bad deal for Israel to make these major concessions without getting anything in return. They also understand this rewards the Hamas and Fatah suicide bombing terrorists whose counterparts are killing Americans every day in Iraq. This Plan harms the US war against radical Islamic terrorism by sending a message that terrorism pays and pays well.””
The Israeli Media is in cahoots with Ariel Sharon, because the majority of them are Leftists. “”Wait a minute””, you might say, “”doesn’t the Left hate Ariel Sharon?”” Of course, they hated him with a passion, when he built communities in the Biblical Heartland of Yehuda, Samaria and Gaza. Now that he has made a 180 degree turn from his previous beliefs and is willing to destroy what he once built, they just love him. “”Only Sharon can rid Israel of those religious fanatics, who insist that G-d’s Word in the Bible is still relevant. That is why we must support him””, they proclaim. In the words of a prominent Israeli journalist, Amnon Abramowitz: “”We have to protect Sharon like an Etrog!”” (The Etrog is a citrus fruit used by religious Jews as part of a blessing on the Holiday of Succot. It cannot be used for this purpose if it is damaged in any way whatsoever).
Cooperation between the Sharon Regime and the Leftist Media is to be expected. After all, Sharon and the media have a common agenda – to forcibly expel 9,500 Jews from their homes, businesses, schools and synagogues in Gush Katif and Northern Samaria. But the media, with the probable cooperation of Sharon, staging a “”lynching”” of an Arab youth, crosses all boundaries of attempted political manipulation.
The most famous Hollywood movie director could not have planned a more successful make-believe scenario. First we hear stories about the Palm Beach Hotel in Gush Katif, which has been in disuse for at least five years. The initial shots show an abandoned and rundown building in Gush Katif. Then we have shots of Kipa-wearing young men with their families illegally moving into the hotel. The young people are continually described as “”radical extremists””.
The action moves into high gear with the following Government provocations:
1. “”Radical extremists”” attack Arabs who are peacefully enjoying the beach near the hotel. An Arab is claimed to be shot in the leg by the radical extremists. A Red Crescent Ambulance, which just happens to be nearby, whisks him away, so that no one is able to see if his wounds are real.
2. Abandoned cement structures, which were used before 1967 as vacation homes for Egyptian officers, were bulldozed by the Army, so as not to allow the radical Jewish extremists to rebuild them and fill them with opponents of the disengagement.
3. And finally, the Jewish extremists throw stones at a poor Arab youth and nearly lynch the unfortunate young man. An IDF soldier, with his own body, courageously protects the Arab from being lynched.
The near lynch of the Arab was used as the reason for the storming of the Palm Beach Hotel. In order to prevent the radical extremists from committing further such atrocities, the Israeli police forcibly evacuated the radical extremists from the hotel in a “”daring”” operation.
Ariel Sharon planned to take over the Palm Beach Hotel from the very beginning so as to put the army in a strategic position, in the middle of Gush Katif, with access to the sea. The army offered a fortune to the hotel owners if they would agree to lease it to them. The hotel owners did not want to lease their hotel to the deportation forces. Instead they preferred to lease it to those faithful to Eretz Israel, and Nadia Matar was made the Legal Representative of the owners and the Manager of their hotel.
It was understood by Ariel Sharon that legally he had no possibility of expelling the families now living in the hotel. Hence, he ordered provocations and a campaign of delegitimation against the residents of the hotel, so as to provide him with a pretext to have the army take over the hotel. That is the reason for the provocations 1, 2 and 3 listed above.
The final part of the movie inspired by Sharon deserves the Oscar for the most imaginative fiction of the year!
Israeli TV crews who are in the right spot at the right time capture the terrible scene of an Arab youth bloodied, lying semiconscious, while Kipa-wearing teenagers seem to throw stones at his inert body, possibly from behind a wall?! Israeli reporters describe the “”victim”” as unconscious and in critical condition. An IDF soldier is said to have protected the Arab from being killed by protecting him with his own body. That is the end of a very successful Sharon Movie Production!
Back to reality! The Israeli and world media, of course, went into a frenzy and condemned the Religious Right for this “”lynching””. But there was no truth whatsoever to the story. Several eye witnesses have come forward to say that they heard the Israeli cameramen asking the Arab youth to “”lie down and look unconscious so that we can get a good picture of you””. The Arab himself admitted in an interview with Israel’s radio reporter Avi Yisakharov that the reason for blood on his face was that he was hit in the head by the butt of an IDF soldier’s rifle. He said that this soldier also hit him in the ribs and the face. (The IDF soldier claimed that he did this because the Arab was holding a knife). Some hours after the Arab was listed as “”critically injured”” he was seen standing and laughing with his friends. He had miraculously become very lightly wounded.
Unfortunately, the blood libel of Jewish teenagers trying to lynch an Arab lives on with the encouragement of the Israeli media. Every day the newspapers remind us of the moral degeneration of Religious youth who would engage in such lynching. IDF Chief of General Staff, Lt-Gen. Dan Halutz, told the soldiers that: “”On your young shoulders rests a huge responsibility to carry out the mission decided by the Government, and to maintain the State as a democratic and lawful country…The photos we saw of an IDF soldier using his body to shield a Palestinian from people trying to kill him is a very important image which reflects the values that we, as soldiers, abide by and want to live by.”” (Jerusalem Post article: “”Mofaz, Halutz boost morale of Gaza troops””).
It is difficult to believe that the IDF Chief of General Staff does not know the true facts a whole week after the staged lynching. Or does he feel compelled to follow the government line?
These staged pictures from the “”lynching”” were the pretext for the storming of the Palm Beach (Maoz Ha-Yam) Hotel. There you have the real un-staged movie. About 1,000 police and IDF soldiers forcibly evacuated the “”radical extremists”” from their hotel. Amongst them the legal representative of the owners of the hotel, Nadia Matar, her two year old baby, Nava, and her fifteen year old daughter, Talia.
Word had reached the residents of the hotel that Sharon wanted a blood bath, with residents of the hotel attacking the police and soldiers. If there was anyone resisting the evacuation forcefully, the orders were: “”Shoot to kill!”” Nadia made it clear to the approximately hundred residents, many of whom were babies and small children, that there should be no resistance whatsoever, as per the example of Martin Luther King. Everybody sat down on the floor, linking arms. Nadia and other mothers of babies held them closely. When the police told the residents that it would make it easier for all of them if they just walked out willingly and peacefully, Nadia told them: “”We are here legally and we will not cooperate with you by leaving voluntarily. You will have to carry us out!””
And carry them out the police did, quite brutally.
On television, I saw my granddaughter being manhandled by male police (the Law says that only female police officers are allowed to bodily handle girls and women). One policeman dragged her by the legs, one held her arms, and another used a painful choke hold. Baby Nava at first looked puzzled at what was happening, and then clung to Nadia for protection with tears streaming down her little face.
The army and the Sharon Government declared a major victory in the war against the right-wing, radical, extremist settlers.
I am a Holocaust survivor. These scenes which I saw on television reminded me strongly of Kristallnacht. I was eight years old at the time. The Nazi stormtroopers dragged my family out of our home in Austria in the same brutal fashion. I cannot imagine anything sadder than to see, at the age of 75 years, the very same thing happening to my children and grandchildren.
These scenes on television were not staged. They were very real.
What results did the Sharon Government hope for from this operation?
My friend, Rachel Saperstein, a Women in Green who lives in Gush Katif, wrote a moving article entitled: “”Posing for Pictures””. She feels that the Government has very clear hoped-for results from this operation: to frighten the residents of Gush Katif into submission.
“”The message is clear: This is what awaits you. You will not succeed in evading your fate. See how efficient the army is. The roads will be blocked. Not one of your friends will be able to come in and save you. Get packing! Sign away your home and property now! Get out now!
The posed pictures and the disappearance of evil teenaged rock-throwing settlers point to a well-planned government operation to tear down our resolve. The government has activated the General Security Service’s Jewish Desk to create scenes of violence to undermine the love of the people of Israel for the Jews of Gush Katif.
Each scene of violence, with hysterical media coverage and vicious condemnation and accusation by the government helps maintain the climate of confusion and fear that is ripping apart this country.
The Israeli media and government are staging scenes to promote the expulsion of Jews.””
Please do not give me sanctimonious admonitions that I must not mention Nazi stormtroopers in the same breath as Sharon’s Jewish police. What happened to my daughter-in-law, Nadia, my grandchildren, and the other residents of the hotel, is just as evil as Kristallnacht, in some ways even worse. Here, Ariel Sharon, an Israeli prime minister, is the one who orders Jewish police to brutalize fellow Jews.
Another terrible example of police brutality can be seen on the Arutz Sheva website <http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=85048>, when policemen attacked a demonstrator. An Arutz Sheva photographer filmed it with his digital camera. There were many other press photographers there at the time. Nobody else filmed this dreadful scene. I offered to give this material to the three main television channels – Channel 1 (Israel Broadcasting Authority), Channel 2 and Channel 10 and none of them showed interest in receiving it. Some of the reporters told me, off the record, that it was a waste of effort because their editors would not approve it in any case.
Dear Friends, raise your voices in righteous protest! Alert the world as to what is happening in the Holy Land. Contact President Bush, Condoleeza Rice, your Senators and your representatives, and point out to them that the American people are against the Gaza Withdrawal Expulsion Plan (the ZOA opinion poll). Also alert your Minister, your Rabbi, your newspaper and your television station as to the dangerous brutality against opponents of the Disengagement Plan by Sharon’s police. If you remain silent, you become a partner to Sharon’s crimes against the Jewish People and humanity at large.
With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar
P.S. I just received a telephone call from my daughter-in-law and co-Chair, Nadia Matar, that she has been indicted for insulting a public servant, Yonatan Bassi, the Head of the Disengagement Authority. She was interrogated by the police several months ago. We believed that the government had given up on this ludicrous charge, railroading Nadia, but I guess that the defamation of Nadia Matar and Women in Green is gathering steam again.
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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July 7, 2005
Nadia Matar Was Indicted Today!
The Sharon Government has decided to indict Nadia Matar for insulting a public official. She was served today with this criminal indictment and was required to retain counsel to defend her against this ludicrous criminal charge.
You will recall that Nadia justly compared Jonathan Bassi, who was selected by Sharon to head the agency to uproot Jews from their homes, to the Judenrat (Jewish Leaders) in Berlin during the Holocaust. She pointed out that Bassi was doing something even worse than the Judenrat during the Hitler regime, since it was well known that those Jewish Leaders acted under duress of the Nazis, while Bassi voluntarily undertook his position to head this Agency.
This grievious error of the dictatorial Sharon Regime will not succeed. It is within the obligation of every citizen to speak up against this evil deportation of Jews from their Biblical Promised Land. Nadia did so and should be commended for so doing.
To curtail free speech in this manner is indicative of the true nature of Sharon. Nadia speaks for the majority of the Jewish People in her opposition to uprooting Jews from their homes in the Holy Land. Besides giving in to Arab terror, Sharon is leading the Jewish People to certain destruction. It is the obligation of every citizen at this crucial time in our history to warn Sharon, and those officials who are acting in his behalf, of the pending Holocaust.
Jerusalem, July 7, 2005 Ruth Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Dear Friends,
President Bush has said on many occasions, even after 9/11, that Christians, Jews and Muslims pray to the same deity. Most decidedly we do not! Jews and Christians believe in the Tanach (The Holy Bible) and the G-d of Israel. The Moslems believe in the moon god, the god of the sword and of destruction.
The Bible tells us that Ishmael is the forefather of the Ishmaelites, and later the peoples of the deserts, the Arabs and the Muslims. As it says in Genesis,
“And he shall be a wild-ass of a man:
his hand against everyone, and everyone’s hand against him;
and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren”
(Genesis 16:12)
This Biblical prophecy has certainly come true. The hand of Islam is against every man’s hand. Fanatic Islam now is the enemy of the whole world!
President Bush has declared that terrorism must be fought wherever it is found. Unfortunately, the one place which he excludes from his game plan is the very cradle of Judeo-Christian civilization, the Holy Land. He has shown sympathy for the Arab desire for yet another Arab country, which is to be carved out of what the G-d of Israel gave to the Jewish People as an everlasting inheritance.
Terror attacks against the Jews in Israel are therefore ignored and even condoned. After all, this imaginary people, “the Palestinians”, deserve a homeland, don’t they? What do terrorists learn from this? That terrorism pays! The inevitable result: increased terrorism world-wide.
Last Thursday, July 7, 2005, the Islamic terrorists attacked London’s transportation system, the tubes (underground train system) and a double-decker bus. There are 52 dead (so far) and 700 injured. This happened even though Tony Blair has always been very supportive of the Arabs. He has singled out the status of the Palestinians as the most important problem in the world today. His idea of solving this problem has been to pressure Israel to make more and more possessions for peace.
When I heard about the terrible London tragedy, I could not help but remember what Prime Minister Blair’s wife, Cherie Blair, said in June of 2002, just hours after a suicide bombing in Jerusalem in which 19 people were killed and 50 others wounded: “As long as young people feel they have got no hope but to blow themselves up, you are never going to make progress,” said Mrs. Blair, as she hugged Queen Rania of Jordan at the launch of a £500,000 ($730,000) Charity Appeal for Medical Aid for Palestinians.
The Muslims certainly do not seem very grateful for the support continually expressed by Prime Minister Blair and his wife.
The people of Spain were attacked by radical Muslims on March 11, 2004, in the Madrid commuter train bombing. 191 dead and 1,460 wounded. The Madrid bombings resulted in the pullout of Spanish troops from Iraq.
The people of the United States suffered the atrocities of September 11, 2001, with 2,986 dead. Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers who attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were Saudi citizens. This did not prevent President George W. Bush from promoting the Saudi sponsored Road Map, which divides the Holy Land. It also does not prevent the President from walking hand-in-hand with Saudi ruler Prince Abdulla on the grounds of his Texas ranch, when they discuss important state affairs.
Appeasement of the Arabs has not helped the West: Terrorism feeds on appeasement. It is time for Western governments to recognize that condemnation is not enough. It does not make sense to discriminate between acts of terror in Israel and elsewhere. Such discrimination will inevitably lead to proliferation of terror.
In truth, the chickens have come home to roost!
With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar
My Dear Friends,
Six weeks ago I sat in an auditorium at Baruch College in NYC at an event sponsored by the leaders of most of the major Jewish organizations. This impressive group was gathered to greet Prime Minister Sharon and pledge their support for his decision to “disengage” from Gaza and the Northern Shomron. Speaker after speaker lauded the plan and praised Mr. Sharon for his courage and determination to make the “painful concessions necessary to achieve a lasting peace”. Finally, several people (myself included) tried to interrupt the proceedings to let the Prime Minister know that we do not agree with his plan. I stood up and said, “Mr. Prime Minister, Arik Sharon, don’t go through with this evil plan. Do not evict the good citizens of Gush Katif and Northern Shomron. Look into your heart! ” But the Prime Minister’s heart had been hardened. As would be expected, we were asked to leave the hall. In that room, sadly, we were in the minority. As we exited, however, we were swept up into a rally of thousands of people across the street. Thousands of people who did not agree with Prime Minister Sharon’s plan to “disengage”. Thousands of people who call it by its real name- expulsion.
The residents of Gush Katif and Northern Shomron need our help. Indeed, the entire land of Israel needs our help. We must make our voices heard. We must let Prime Minister Sharon and President Bush and Condaleeza Rice know that we do not support a plan to pull people out of the homes that they have lived in for more than twenty-five years. We do not support a plan that allows a terrorist state to be founded in the heartland of Israel. We do not support the hundreds of human rights violations being perpetrated by the current government of Israel in their efforts to quash opposition to this despicable plan.
Our hearts have not been hardened. Join the thousands of good people who will not sit quietly and let this terrible nightmare become reality.
Worldwide demonstrations will take place on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 in support of the embattled residents of Gush Katif/Gaza and Northern Shomron facing expulsion from their homes by the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Be a part of it. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. For information and a listing of participating cities, visit our website: www.telavivrally.com.
With G-d’s help, and yours, we will reverse this evil decree.
B’ahavat Yisrael,
David Romanoff Coordinator of the Worldwide Solidarity Rally
Chairman – The Alliance for Eretz Yisrael
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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July 17, 2005
On Tuesday, July 19, 2005, don’t fail to take part in the worldwide rallies
listed on the website www.telavivrally.com
For information, email davidromanoff@gmail.com
In addition, as soon as you get this notice, keep calling the numbers
listed below, as often as you can.
Jewish teenagers are sitting in jail for non-violent civil disobedience
while Arab terrorists are set free.
We must let the Israeli government know that what they are doing is wrong.
This is very simple to do!
Call the Israeli embassy or your local consulate and tell them what you
think. Call them as often as you can. Call them back and ask them to let
Ariel Sharon know that what he is doing is wrong. Call them again to find
out if they have cancelled the expulsion plan. Have your friends, neighbors
and relatives give them a call.
Keep calling until this madness is stopped.
Be polite but persistent. Imagine what will happen if every Jew that cares
calls. Their phones will be rendered useless.
This tactic was very effective in our fight for Soviet Jewry. They had to
change phone numbers. Our message was received loud and clear!
Enclosed are important numbers to call. Surely it is a lot easier for us to
call from our homes and work places than it is for good Jews in Israel to
sit in jail for trying to stop this madness.
Embassy of Israel Consular Section 3514 International Dr. NW. Washington DC
20008 Tel/Fax: 202-364-5527
Consulates of the Embassy of Israel:
Atlanta: 1100 Spring Street, 440, Atlanta, GA 30309-2823, (404) 875-7851,
Fax: (404) 874-5364
Boston: 1020 Statler Office Building, 20 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116,
(617) 542-0041, Fax: (617) 338-4995
Chicago: 111 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 1308, Chicago, IL 60601, (312)
565-3300, Fax: (312) 565-3871
Houston: 24 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1500, Houston, TX 77046, (713) 627-3780,
Fax: (713) 627-0149
Los Angeles: 6380 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1700, Los Angeles, CA 90048,
(323) 852-5500, Fax: (323) 852-5555
Miami: 100 N. Biscayne Boulevard, #1800, Miami, FL 33132, (305) 358-8111,
Fax: (305) 371-5034
New York: 800 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017, (212) 499-5430, Fax: (212)
Philadelphia: 230 South 15th Street, 8th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102,
(215) 546-5556, Fax: (215) 545-3986
San Francisco: 456 Montgomery St., Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94104,
(415) 398-8885, Fax: (415) 398-8589
Ottawa: 50 O’Connor Street, Suite 1005, Ottawa, Ontario KIP GL2, Canada,
(613) 567-6450, Fax: (613) 237-8865
Montreal: 1155 Boul, Rene Levesque Quest, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4S6, Canada,
(514) 393-9372, Fax: (514) 393-8795
Toronto: 180 Bloor Street, West, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2VG,
Canada, (416) 640-8500, Fax: (416) 640-8855
Washington, DC: 3514 International Drive, NW, Washington, DC 20008,
(202)364-5676, Fax: (202) 364-5423
Together we shall overcome this evil, immoral, Deportation of Jews Plan.
With Love for Israel,
Ruth and Nadia Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to:
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July 18, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
Dear Friends,
This notice is to avoid confusion with regard to the “July 19 World-wide solidarity rally for the Land of Israel”.
At the present time, we have 24 rally sites throughout the world, and the list is still growing. We hope to have thousands of people joining these rallies.
However, the only rally that had to be postponed is the “July 19 Tel-Aviv Rally”. We felt it important that we join together with the Yesha council to march to Gush Katif to help our brethren there who are in very great immediate danger.
We will, of course, inform you of the new date as soon as we can do so.
As far as the World-wide rallies are concerned, we need you desperately to join with us in the World-wide solidarity rally to save Israel.
Ruth and Nadia Matar
For more information, go to the World Wide Rally website at www.telavivrally.com .
The email address is: davidromanoff@gmail.com
Rally Site Locations
Join us in the city nearest you.
For more information contact below:
1. New York
The NYC rally will take Place July 19, in Times Square, on Broadway between 41 st and 42 nd Street, 12-2 PM.
2. Amsterdam
Philip M. Awuy, Henk van de Hoef, Bert Woudijk, Nauree Awuy,
Philip Barr
3. Antwerp
Brit H’ashmonaïm, Yéh’ezkel
Fr – 0032/495/89.64.34
4. Denver
Shelly Sar 303-929-4557
5. Paris
Brit H’ashmonaïm, Yéh’ezkel
6. Melbourne
Join Us
Moshe Elkman Chairman AFOGKAS
Saul Rothman
Shlomo Gurewicz
Aaron Adelist
Joel Bierenkrant
7. Montreal
Pesach Nussbaum – 800-888-7775
8. Miami
Jon Kowal 561-620-0222
Linda Ostashev Telephone: 305-931-0620
The Torch of Friendship in Miami Location: Downtown Miami – Biscayne Blvd between 3rd and 4th Street. Time 7:00-8:00 PM
9. Los Angeles
Jon Hambourger
Tel: (800)308-1219
10. Philadelphia
Steve Feldman, ZOA: 215-338-9188
The Zionist Organization of America-Greater Philadelphia District will hold an anti-expulsion/anti-“”disengagement”” demonstration on Tuesday, July 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. , in front of the Liberty Bell at Independence National Historical Park .
The purpose of this event will be to educate people about the true details of the so-called “”disengagement plan,”” why it is dangerous and why the United States should not support an effort that deprives people of their G-d endowed rights of “”life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”” We will also demonstrate why this is not only bad for Israel – America ‘s most loyal ally – but also dangerous to the United States.
11. Toronto
Zionist Council, Izzy Kaplan
416.256.2858 x26
12. San Diego
Linda Sax Crossland
The Zionist Organization of America – San Diego District invites you to a
Support Gaza and Northern Samaria Jews
Including Video Presentation of “”A STAB IN THE HEART””
(SAKIN BALEV**) Followed by Open Discussion
Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 8:00 PM at Chabad Center of University City
3813 Governor Drive San Diego, CA
for more information please contact Linda Sax Crossland at (858)481-0798
or Howard L. Dyckman, Pres., San Diego District ZOA at
13. London
1100 – 1500 hrs
Kensington Court , London (Nr Israeli Embassy)
14. Merritt Island
Theresa Miles 321-453-7633,
Merritt Island,Fl., 3:30-6:00 p.m. on the Corner of Courtenay Pkwy and 520, near the Kennedy Space Center
15. San Francisco
Tuesday, July 19 • 2 pm
In front of the Consulate General of Israel
456 Montgomery Street
(between Sacramento St & California St )
Fliegler Israel Fund
PO Box 2181
Daly City , CA 94017
Aleksandra Fliegler
(650) 992-0512 – 415-265-0888
16. Boston
Marina Salganik
In Boston, the rally will take place in front of the Consulate General of Israel to New England Gaza residents are counting on us. We will not let them down.
Join Us Tuesday, July 19, 2005 12:00pm – 1:00pm Outside the Consulate General of Israel to New England (20 Park Plaza, Boston, MA)
17. Springdale , Arkansas
at 7 P.M. Monday, July 18 th.
Donald H. Olson – 479-248-4957
18. Casa Grande , Arizona
Renalee Colon
19. Chicago
Jack Berger 312-829-9010
Bill (Zev) Post
The Chicago rally will be on Sunday July 24th at Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation 7117 N Crawford in Lincolnwood Illinois from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m..We are also having a Prayer Vigil outside the Israeli Consulate from 12:00 to 1:00 pm at 111 east Wacker Drive also on Sunday July 24th.
20. Washington DC
Rebecca Chesner 410-484-3568, Ruth Goetz , 410-484-0538, InfoJewish@yahoo.com
Rally will be at the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. 3514 International Drive, Northwest. Time: 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM .
21. Houston , Texas
22. Grants Pass, Oregon
Dnah Wells
23. Greeley, Colorado
1115 8th Avenue Tuesday at 6:30 PM. Anti-disengagement rally.
Michael Gale (970) 378-0012
24. Rapid City , South Dakota
Devorah Golden
Halley Park located downtown Rapid City, In The GAP.
Tuesday 5-6pm
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to: https://host5.apollohosting.com/womeningreen/funds/donation/donation.html
To subscribe to the Women in Green list,
please send a blank email message to:
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Dear Friends,
On Monday morning a new low in Israeli Democracy was engineered by Ariel Sharon. He ordered the Israeli Police to prevent 400 private buses carrying protesters from all over the country to reach their destination of Gush Katif. The plan of the protesters was a Mass March to strengthen their brethren in the 22 communities slated for expulsion under Sharon’s Disengagement-Deportation of Jews Plan.
In a massive operation the police spread out to all the points of departure of the buses across Israel. The police confiscated some licenses of the drivers, while threatening other drivers with dire consequences if they did not listen to their arbitrary commands. The Sharon Government considered this a great victory. How did the police achieve this breathtaking victory over thousands of legitimate bus passengers? They simply ordered people to get off, and those who refused, were forcibly removed.
Police also set up roadblocks throughout the South and at the entrance to Netivot and Kfar Maimon, as part of their overall effort to stop activists from reaching the Rally.
Nonetheless, by 8:00 pm on Monday about 50,000 protesters had streamed into the city of Netivot, 7.5 miles from Gush Katif, by private cars, on foot and even on bicycles. They then continued on toward Kfar Maimon, a small village just a few miles from Netivot, and closer to Gush Katif. Thousands of police officers and soldiers lined Route 25 in an effort to limit the activists’ advance, as youngsters chanted Psalms and called on soldiers to refuse orders.
Teenagers calling on soldiers to refuse orders is a very important part of the disengagement battle. As a matter of fact, the teenaged children of my co-Chair, Nadia Matar, Yehuda and Talia, spend much of their time at the barbed wire fence around Gush Katif, trying to speak to soldiers. The reaction of soldiers is both interesting and encouraging. Some of them actually cry, some of them are embarrassed and refuse to make eye-contact. There is absolutely no antagonism on the part of the soldiers. After all, not long ago these soldiers were teenagers themselves!
In the standoff between settlers and police, it is estimated that there were almost as many police as settlers, a one-on-one situation. The police in some instances used horses and water cannons. Police helicopters swung search lights back and forth across the whole area.
Nobody can dispute that Ariel Sharon is a master of strategic planning. Unfortunately, this talent of his is now directed toward his own people, rather than towards the Arab enemy.
Ariel Sharon’s greatest sin is that he has taught Israelis not to have respect for democracy. He himself knows no red lines. He fired Moshe Ya’alon, the Israeli Chief-of-Staff, who warned the people of the great dangers of the Disengagement Plan. He fires Cabinet Ministers who disagree with him. He bribes Knesset Members of the various Israeli Parties with promises of lucrative jobs and money for their Party coffers. On the other hand, he treats the Gush Katif Jews as enemies and pariahs, whereas people he feels are safely in his ideological corner are rewarded with big government grants.
Just one recent example: Last Tuesday, July 19, IMI (Israel Military Industry) blocked Jerusalem roads and even stormed the Prime Minister’s office, injuring a police man. Were they arrested? No way! Sharon gave them a government grant of NIS 270 million, which the Treasury had hitherto refused.
Sharon is now poised to destroy Gush Katif, its religious Institutions, its Jewish history, its Jewish life, and has even agreed to please the Arabs to desecrate 47 Jewish graves by removing the remains of loved ones buried there. Sharon has immorally mobilized the police, the Israeli Defense Forces, and the Justice System, in a brute force against Zionistic principles and basic values of the State of Israel and her people. He has entered into an unholy alliance with the Israeli Left, even though they were so embarrassingly defeated in the last election.
I have written previously of the reason why Ariel Sharon made a complete 180 degree turnabout. There is no doubt in the minds of many Israelis, that he did so to save his own hide and that of his sons, Omri and Gilad, to avoid criminal prosecution for financial wrongdoing in the Greek Island Affair and illegal election contributions.
There is an interesting comparison making the rounds between our Patriarch, Abraham, and our current Prime Minister: Father Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, for the benefit of his people. Ariel Sharon is willing to sacrifice his people in order to save his sons, and himself.
Sharon thus has no red lines in the subversion of basic human rights in order to implement his Expulsion Plan:
*He encourages police brutality against Disengagement Protesters.
*He disbands due process in criminal prosecution of opponents of the Disengagement Plan.
*He has made it Israeli Government policy to incarcerate adolescent girls, beginning at the age of 12, because of their involvement in civil disobedience.
*He has seized private property, such as Maoz HaYam (The Palm Beach Hotel), for illegal quartering of soldiers.
*He has caused the criminal indictment of Nadia Matar for “insulting a public servant”, in order to remove her influence as an anti-disengagement activist.
In an enlightened democratic country, such as the United States, insulting a public servant is not a crime. Garrison v. Louisiana, 379 US 64(1964) is directly in point. Obiter Dicta include the following:
”…where the criticism is of public officials and their conduct of public officials and their conduct of business, the interest in private reputation is overborne by the larger public interest secured by the dissemination of truth…”
What, if anything, did the march to Gush Katif accomplish?
It seems that close to 1,000 disengagement opponents were able to infiltrate into Gush Katif and are planning to stay there, sleeping in newly erected tents. Even though the rest of the demonstrators are starting to return home, the YESHA Council promises that they will resume the protest on Monday. Above all, it was proven that the disengagement opponents are able to paralyze virtually the entire Israeli Police Force, without themselves engaging in any violence whatsoever.
The danger, unfortunately, is Ariel Sharon himself, who has stated: “If the circumstances so warrant, the army will not hesitate to use live fire!”
This remark of Ariel Sharon makes it clear that he has absolutely no respect for democracy, and that it is essential to remove him from power.
At about the same time as the Mass March to Gush Katif, a major worldwide event took place on July 19, 2005, in order to stop the dismemberment of the Holy Land and the surrender of Israel’s Government to Islamic terrorism. Right thinking people all over the world are finally waking up! THE ALLIANCE FOR ERETZ ISRAEL successfully arranged World Wide Solidarity Rallies for the Land of Israel in many different places, major cities as well as in small towns.
For example, thousands of people demonstrated in New York City. A group of 60 people wearing orange held a rally in front of their Christian Zionist Congregation in Greeley, Colorado, calling on President Bush to stop his support of the Expulsion Plan and to tear up the Road Map. Dear Colorado friends, may your tribe increase!
On the other side of the world, a large rally of over 1,000 Aussies was held in Melbourne, Australia.
Around the whole world, the message was the same: “NOT ONE INCH, THE LAND OF ISRAEL IS NOT FOR SALE!”
With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to: https://host5.apollohosting.com/womeningreen/funds/donation/donation.html
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please send a blank email message to:
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July 26, 2005
Dear Friends of Israel,
I am writing to you from Kfar Yam, Gush Katif, where we moved with our
family a couple of months ago. Our family of 8 shares a small caravan with
a family of close friends, the Finkelsteins, co-leaders of Women in Green.
In addition, our place has become one of the many headquarters for youth
who have managed, over the past two weeks, to enter Gush Katif, despite the
infamous closure. Understanding that the only way to stop the uprooting of
Gush Katif is by bringing the tens of thousands down here- fourteen to
eighteen year old children, from all over the country, have spent hours on
the road, hitch-hiking to the Kissufim junction and then finding their way
around the roadblocks without being caught by the security forces, walking
through fields, hiding at night, faking their identity- all in order to
come to Gush Katif. Hundreds of youth have already succeeded in arriving
and have joined the different organized groups of youth who live in school
buildings, yeshivas or with private people like ourselves. They spend their
time helping the Gush Katif residents, building, planting, baby sitting
etc… In addition, hundreds of families, with babies and young children,
have also managed to find their way inside and live now in the tent cities
built by Minhelet Kela and /or have found lodging with families or in
refurbished homes.
I am writing to you now, because very soon all communications with Gush
Katif will be blocked. Yes, we were told that closer to August 15, PM
Sharon will give instructions to block all phone and Internet lines in Gush
Katif and will prevent the media from entering the area in order to tell
the world what is going on.
I am writing to you now because terrible things are happening and more
terrible things will happen if we don’t stop the madness now. The bottom
line is that PM Ariel Sharon knows that the majority of the people of
Israel oppose his unilateral capitulation plan. But, as a true dictator, he
will do all he can to force this plan upon us.
The last two weeks are proof that PM Sharon is turning Israel into a real
fascist police state and I feel it is my obligation to tell you at least a
few of the stories of what is going on.
Let us start with the police brutality against demonstrators and the
collaboration of the corrupt court system, backing the government blindly.
The stories we hear from around the country are just unbearable. A Rabbi
who was handing out orange ribbons to cars in the Tel Aviv area was beaten
to a pulp and falsely accused of “”blocking roads””. He was sent for three
months to jail. Fourteen year old girls arrested for blocking roads were
beaten, sent
to jail for months and in jail are treated as if they were terrorists. A
participant in a vigil against disengagement in Ramat Gan was thrown to the
floor by 5 policemen. While holding his arms behind his back, one of the
policemen stuck his fingers in the demonstrator’s nostrils and was
viciously pulling back the head. I could go on and on. In Kfar Maimon the
police beat up the Yesha leaders, breaking the ribs of one of them and
threatened that if anyone dared to cut the fence, they would shoot to kill.
One of the heads of the police was caught on microphone telling his men to
break the bones of the demonstrators if they dare march to Gush Katif. The
message is clear: Sharon the dictator wants to scare us from even daring to
come out and protest. The good news of course is that the more they beat
us, the more determined people are to come out and protest. The 100,000
people in Kfar Maimon last week are proof that we have an army of
determined people and if we only find the proper leadership that will give
them next time the proper instructions, those people will, please G-d,
succeed in bursting into Gush Katif.
Let us continue with what is going on in and around Gush Katif. I
personally do not leave the area at all because, despite the fact that I
and my family are official Gush Katif residents, I was told that I am on
the list of those the security forces plan to pull out of their homes in
the middle of the night, a couple of days before the uprooting. But from
the testimonies we have gotten as to what is going on at the Kissufim
checkpoint, it is difficult not to make associations with what our enemies
did to us in Europe. Those are harsh words, but how else would you describe
the unbearable humiliations Jews are undergoing at the
checkpoints? Instead of having the security forces patrol the area to
protect Jews and chase Arab terrorists, the forces are stationed at six
different checkpoints- looking for “”illegal”” Jews, i.e. Jews who are not
residents of Gush Katif and make sure they do not enter the Gush Katif
ghetto. In other words, a ride that used to take maximum 2 hours from
Jerusalem, has turned into a nightmare with roadblocks, humiliations, long
waits and often sudden arrests. Family members of Gush Katif residents are
obligated to go through a long process of getting a certificate allowing
them to enter Gush Katif and visit their relatives, but only for 72 hours,
otherwise they, and their hosts, will get arrested.
Until a few days ago, only the driver of a car needed to show his I.D and
if he could show that he was a Gush Katif resident, anybody in his car
could get in. Now the hands around our neck have tightened. Everybody is
checked. Friends of ours drove down to Gush Katif. They had a permit
because they had a family joyous occasion so they were allowed to enter. On
their way, they gave a ride to a teenager who was trying to get in to Gush
Katif to join his friends. He had learned by heart the name of a kid in
Gush Katif and was going to pretend he is that person. The police asked him
for his name. He gave his fake name. They asked for the ID. He had learned
it by heart and answered correctly. Then the policeman took his little
computer and said: “”If you are really so and so, then I am sure you can
tell me what the names of your brothers and sisters are? The poor boy did
not know it of course and was immediately dragged out of the car with
brutal force and arrested.
My husband David was arrested this past Friday for a couple of hours when
he did not answer the policeman fast enough at the first checkpoint on his
way down to Gush Katif after a full week of not having seen us. He played
music in the car and was accused of “”blocking the road with loud music!”” A
Holocaust survivor, resident of Gush Katif refused to identify herself on
her way out of the Gush (yes, now you also need to identify on the way
out). She said that she came to Israel to be “”free in her country”” and
cannot fathom the idea of having to prove that she is a ‘kosher”” Jewess.
She was arrested on the spot. Four Gush Katif residents who participated in
demonstrations received orders to stay away from Gush Katif forever. Today
we are told in the Maariv newspaper that the Egged bus line from Ashkelon
to Gush Katif has been cancelled.
And on to the last report from Gush Katif. Yesterday we were told that the
security forces plan on carrying out a mass arrest and deportation of all
the “”illegal”” Jews in Gush Katif. Sixty years ago this was called
performing an “”aktzia”” ,when they gathered people and looked to find the
Jews amongst them. Proof that the rumor is probably true is the non-stop
rounds made over the last few days by Shabak agents, who come in their cars
to the different tent cities and areas known to host outside guests – and
continuously film and/or take notes. We spent hours at a meeting
discussing how to hide the hundreds of such supporters . How low have we
sunk that we have to teach our children how to run away from the security
forces and to hiding places in order not to be arrested and deported from
parts of our own homeland?
After reading all this one may ask: do we have at all a chance to prevent
Sharon from implementing his evil decree? And the answer is:YES!!! Our
strength is in our numbers. Kfar Maimon proved that we can get together a
crowd of over 100,000 committed Jews. In addition, the last few weeks have
proven beyond any doubt that as brutal as the police are, the soldiers are
with us. And Sharon cannot carry out his plan without the soldiers. For the
next two weeks, people must do all they can to find their way into Gush
Katif and stay. In addition, all protests and demonstrations must continue
and increase in order to keep the police forces busy. Closer to Tisha B’Av,
will be when once again the masses we saw in Kfar Maimon will have to
gather, and this time, will have to burst into Gush Katif, no matter what
the so-called official leaders will say. No force will be able to stop
such strength of numbers, especially when it is clear that thousands of
soldiers will be joining the Gush Katif supporters. With G-d’s help, we
will succeed!.
Jerusalem, July 26, 2005 Nadia Matar – Co-chair Women in Green
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to:
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July 26, 2005
Dear Spiritual Friend,
The Eleventh Annual Walk Around The Walls of The Old City will, as usual, take place on Tisha B’Av evening, which this year occurs on Saturday evening August 13, 2005 at approximately 10:00 pm.
We realize that many of you will not be able to personally join us on this occasion, but nonetheless would want to participate in this Holy Event.
As in past years, even if you can not come to Jerusalem personally, you still will have the opportunity to sponsor one or more Walkers. The cost of each Walker is a nominal $25.
The Walk itself, recalls with sadness the destruction of the First and Second Temples, which mystically occurred on the same day of Tisha B’Av, almost 600 years apart. Although these separate destructions happened thousands of years ago, the holiness of the Temple Mount remains with us forever.
May all of us be worthy, in our lifetime, of constructing on the Temple Mount the Third Temple, which is to house the Almighty.
Ruth and Nadia Matar
July 27, 2005
Dear Spiritual Friend,
The Eleventh Annual Walk Around The Walls of The Old City will, as usual,
take place on Tisha B’Av evening, which this year occurs on Saturday
evening August 13, 2005 at approximately 10:00 pm.
We realize that many of you will not be able to join us on this occasion,
but nonetheless would want to participate in this Holy Event.
As in past years, even if you can not come to Jerusalem personally, you
still will have the opportunity to sponsor one or more Walkers. The cost
of each Walker is a nominal $25.
You can pay for the Walkers in any of the following manners:
Visit our website: <http://www.womeningreen.org/>
Make a general donation and specify on the form that the funds
are for the Tisha B’Av walk.
Send your check made payable to: “”Central Fund For Israel””
Central Fund For Israel
980 Avenue of the Americas 3rd floor
New York, NY 10018.
note on the lower left hand corner of the check that it is for the
Tisha B’Av walk.
Send your check directly to:
Women in Green
POB 7352 Jerusalem 91072 Israel
note on the lower left hand corner of the check that it is for the
Tisha B’Av walk.
The Walk itself, recalls with sadness the destruction of the First and
Second Temples, which mystically occurred on the same day of Tisha B’Av,
almost 500 years apart. Although these separate destructions happened
thousands of years ago, the holiness of the Temple Mount remains with us
May all of us be worthy, in our lifetime, of constructing on the Temple
Mount the Third Temple, which is to house the Almighty.
Ruth and Nadia Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to:
To subscribe to the Women in Green list,
please send a blank email message to:
To unsubscribe from the Women in Green list,
please send a blank email message to:
Equal Justice for All?
The Saga of Two Israeli Families
Letter from Ruth Matar (Women in Green) Jerusalem
Thursday July 28, 2005
Dear Friends,
This is the saga of two Israeli families, both of whom came home to Israel from the Diaspora. The family of Ariel Sharon made Aliyah from Russia after World War One and the Grandparent’s of Shimshon Cytryn made Aliyah from United States.
The legal problems of the Sharon family have been manifold, spanning many years. Until now Ariel Sharon and his two sons have been able to avoid conviction for their alleged transgressions of the law.
The Cytryn family never had any legal problems in the United States, but are persecuted in Israel, because of their political opinions.
I am very familiar with the legal problems of the Cytryn grandparents since they have been members of Women for Israel’s Tomorrow (Women In Green) for many years. In 1995, their son Shmuel Cytryn, who at that time lived with his family in Kiryat Arba, was put into Administrative Detention, where he was incarcerated for two and a half months. Administrative Detention, a procedure inherited from the British Mandate, is a device used by the Shabak (General Security Service) in order to imprison, without trial, people who are critical of the government. When a person is put in Administrative detention, he is not advised of the evidence against him, nor is he allowed to face his accusers.
Shmuel Cytryn was merely told that he was a danger to the State of Israel because of his “”loose tongue””. I asked his mother, my friend Marilyn, what the Shabak meant by this accusation. She told me that her son Shmuel had warned various people that they should be aware of a certain man in the community, because he was a Shabak agent. Many years after Shmuel Cytryn was jailed in administrative detention, this accusation was confirmed. The man in question was Shabak agent Avishai Raviv, also known as “”Champagne””.
Shmuel Cytryn was released from jail after two and a half months because of much pressure from civil libertarians including much opposition to this undemocratic procedure from the United States. A famous United States Civil Rights lawyer, Steven Perles, said to my friend Marilyn that her whole family should return to the United States. He believed that the Shabak would never forgive her family the unmasking of one of their agents.
Sadly enough, my friend’s grandson, Shimshon Cytryn, is now used as the fall guy for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s machinations to promote his Disengagement. His plan entails the deportation of 10,000 Jews from Gush Katif and northern Shomron. To accomplish this, Sharon is intent on sullying the reputation of the mainly religious settler population, which is ideologically opposed to his giving away Jewish land. Shimshon Cytryn is now sitting in jail, charged with attempted murder.
In order to understand Shimshon’s case I have to give you some background.
Ariel Sharon was very interested in quartering his soldiers and police in a hotel in Gush Katif owned by Israeli Jews. Of course, it seemed advantageous for Sharon to have the expulsion forces right smack in the middle of Gush Katif. He made the owners of the hotel very generous financial offers, but as strong opponents of the Disengagement- Deportation Plan, they refused.
The owners of the Palm Beach Hotel appointed Nadia Matar as the manager of the hotel, and as their legal representative. Nadia Matar spent much money which she had obtained from American donors, in order to make the 118 rooms of the hotel livable again. The owners of the hotel were enthusiastic about letting young couples with children live in the newly refurbished rooms.
Ariel Sharon did not let this activity interfere with his plans. He arranged provocations against the residents of the hotel and finally had the army expel them with brute force, in the most undemocratic fashion. He now quarters police and soldiers in this hotel, which he literally stole from its rightful owners.
It is interesting to note that the US Constitution, in the Bill of Rights, prohibits quartering soldiers in the homes of citizens.
“”No soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law.””
The excuse used by the Sharon government to expel the young couples from the hotel, was the so called, “”near lynching”” of an Arab youth. I have discussed this “”near lynching”” in my previous Letters from Jerusalem. It has been proven, beyond doubt, that this was an affair staged by the Israeli media. However, Shmuel Cytryn is still imprisoned under very onerous conditions, charged with “”attempted murder””. He is accused of having led the “”near lynching”” of the Palestinian youth. (The Jerusalem Post, July 15, 2005)
“”The defendant had decided that he wanted to harm the injured (Palestinian) and kill him”” the indictment against Cytryn claims. “”To do that he armed himself with a rock, ran with the rock in hand towards where the youth was lying injured, jumped over the wall and threw the rock at his head with the intent to kill.
However, Avi Yisakharov, a reporter for Reshet Bet (Israel Radio 2) appeared on the program Ha-Kol Dibburim (All Talk) and told the host of the program, Gabbi Gazit, that the “”lynching victim”” tells an entirely different story. He says that it was a soldier, not a settler, who hit him in his stomach and head with the butt of his M-16 rifle. The Arab youth insisted that it was not a settler but an IDF soldier.
This radio program was transcribed by IFAT MEDIA INFORMATION in Hebrew, and I obtained a professional English translation. I have made this translation available in its entirety at the end of this letter.
I urge you to read the transcript of this radio program. It is a MUST READ, and proves, without a doubt, Shmuel Cytryn’s innocence. However, the Israeli media completely ignored this radio interview from July 4, 2005, with the Arab youth, and continues to talk about the settler, who nearly lynched an Arab youth.
This is an excellent example of the Israeli media’s propensity not to allow themselves to be confused by the facts. We pray that the Israeli Justice System will show more fairness. If you are as incensed as I am about this injustice perpetrated on the second generation of the Cytryn family, please express your sentiments to:
Israel’s Attorney General, Menachem Mazuz
Fax number 001-972-2646-7001.
Faxes from a true democracy like the United States carry a great deal of weight.
While the Cytryn family is battling the Israeli justice system, the Sharon family, although accused of many transgressions of the law, have never ever spent even one day in jail. The legal problems of the Sharon family have been manifold, spanning many years.
The most often mentioned legal matter is the Greek Island Affair. What follows is information taken from the Washington Times online:
“”The affair dates back to 1998 when Sharon was minister of national infrastructure and then foreign minister.
A contractor friend, David Appel, wanted to build a multi-billion dollar resort on a barren Greek island, Petrokalo, 32 miles south east of Athens.
It is a 750-acre island, half a mile from the coast. Appel envisaged a resort of 100,000 rooms, casinos, gulf courses, entertainment centers, sports centers and a train that would go there from Athens airport in an undersea tunnel.
“”It was a grandiose, some say megalomaniacal project,”” noted Mazuz. Appel’s experts estimated it would cost more than $15 billion.
Appel had difficulties obtaining the Greek island and allegedly enlisted Sharon’s help. Appel invited Greek officials to Israel and Sharon attended a dinner in their honor.
Appel hired Sharon’s son, Gilad, promised $7,500 a month and two bonuses of $1.5 million each if the project developed. Later Appel and Gilad Sharon signed a contract whereby the contractor would pay Gilad Sharon $20,000 a month and, if the project developed, the $1.5 million.
Appel was indicted for bribery, under the assumption that Gilad Sharon’s work was not worth that much money and that it was actually an indirect bribe to Sharon.
State Attorney Edna Arbel recommended charges against Ariel and Gilad Sharon and prepared a proposed indictment before leaving to become a Supreme Court judge.””
According to the book Boomerang, Sharon, and his sidekick, attorney Dov Weisglass hatched the disengagement plan in order to divert attention from the charge of bribery and influence peddling in the Greek Island Affair and other alleged crimes.
Sharon replaced Attorney General Edna Arbel with Menachem Mazuz and had Edna Arbel kicked upstairs to the Supreme Court. Because of his fear of being indicted Sharon is currently involved in the very controversial political attempt to expel 10,000 Jews from their homes, schools, synagogues and communities in Gush Katif and northern Shomron. All of these areas are a part of the Biblical Inheritance of the Jewish people.
Ariel Sharon has learned nothing from the Greek Island Affair. While he is still in the process of expelling the Jews from Gush Katif he is already negotiating with the new Arab landlords, to build a vacation resort including a casino in the Gush Katif community of Elei Sinai. Sharon is planning to work with three investors.
The first investor is Cyril Kern, who is closely connected to a million-and-a-half dollar loan to Prime Minister Sharon and his sons, a case which is still under investigation.
The second investor is a Saudi billionaire who has previously met with Sharon to discuss the possibility of buying the Gush Katif houses, from which Jews will be removed, for a lump sum of seven billion dollars.
The third investor is Shmuel Flatto-Sharon, a former Knesset member and convicted criminal.
AVI FARCHAN a resident of Elei Sinai told reporters of his fight to hold onto his home in Yamit in the Sinai in 1982. He relocated to Elei Sinai where he is now, once again going to be expelled from his home.
Farachan was outraged that his new home will be used by dealers. Even the synagogue will be left intact in his home town of Elei Sinai, so that Israeli gamblers in the proposed casino will have a place to pray!
Farchan further said, “”that the government was gambling at the expense of the country. The casino plan,”” he said, “”showed how the Sharon government is motivated not by the values of the land but by the values of money.
Have you no Jewish heart, Ariel Sharon? Have you no shame?
With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar
Post Script- MUST READ
IFAT Media Information
Program: Ha-Kol Dibburim (It’s All Talk)
Date: July 4, 2005
Time: 10:36:21
Channel: Reshet Bet (Israel Radio 2)
Avi Yisakharov – Talk with the Palestinian Youth Who Underwent the “”Lynch”” in Muassi
Gabbi Gazit: Hello to Avi Yisakharov.
Avi Yisakharov: Good morning, Gabbi
Gabbi Gazit: Well, you talked a few minutes ago with, what’s the boy’s name?
Avi Yisakharov: Hilal Majaida.
Gabbi Gazit: Right, he’s the victim of the lynch that almost succeeded, but actually at the last minute remained alive. Then let’s hear about the conversation and the excerpts.
Avi Yisakharov: We will hear excerpts, of course, because this was conducted in Arabic, so we’ll try each time to give an excerpt and then translate it. Hilal Majaida is eighteen years old, an inhabitant of the al-Muassi area. I asked him several questions about himself, if he ever belonged to the [terrorist] organizations, if he ever participated in demonstrations. He said, All in all, I’m a quite simple guy, that’s what he sounded like, too.
Gabbi Gazit: How old is he, by the way?
Avi Yisakharov: Eighteen years old. I only wanted to make a living, he explains, I wanted to earn my living without any relation to politics, I don’t understand too much about the Palestinian organizations. That day, he explains, we went to the sea to catch fish, that’s his occupation, we spread the net, we saw there weren’t any fish, so we went to another place in the sea. Then I saw a gathering of soldiers and residents, I went over there to see what happened. Let’s hear a short excerpt of how he describes this. So, he explains, then he came to the place of the gathering, and he immediately spotted next to his house a religious settler who wanted to enter the house, so he hits him, he hit him in the head. What happened then, Hilal Majaida tells us, here is the central passage – one of the soldiers came and took him from there to an isolated spot, he hits him in the stomach and in the head. I asked him: Are you sure that this was the soldier? He said – Yes, the soldier, not any settler, in the stomach and in the head. Let’s hear his description. So, Gabbi, according to what Hilal Majaida claimed, actually, first of all, it was the soldier who beat him, even before we saw those famous photographs on television, the soldier beating him with the butt of an M-16 rifle, so he tells it.
Gabbi Gazit: Then we didn’t see that on television.
Avi Yisakharov: We already didn’t see this on television. Moreover, —
Gabbi Gazit: OK. What about the clip that we saw, he tells.
Avi Yisakharov: Moreover, in fact, he doesn’t remember the clip that we saw. He was already —
Gabbi Gazit: He was already in a state of unconsciousness, right, right.
Avi Yisakharov: Correct. Then he says: The soldier took me to that isolated spot, he grabbed me, he pushed me against …
Gabbi Gazit: … that place where afterwards he’s lying, where we saw him.
Avi Yisakharov: Correct. He pushed me against the wall, he let people beat me in the meantime, those little children came, he tells, who beat me, until someone came from behind and hit me with a rock on the head and I passed out. Listen. So, actually, Gabbi, Hilal attributes, more than anything, everything that happened to him until that moment, until that moment when he loses consciousness, to that soldier. We don’t know yet who that soldier is, we hear that the IDF already is familiar with those claims by Hilal Majaida. Of course I asked him if he was aware of everything that happened during this entire period, then he’s not so aware of the great commotion there was in Israel about the lynch, about the arrest of those committing it, as we read this morning in the newspapers, about the takeover of the hotel. He says: I don’t watch television, there are 120 channels and there’s everything there, but it’s all talk, he says. What was the damage, nevertheless? Four hours unconscious, four days in the hospital, twelve stitches in his head, a broken left arm, a dislocated right shoulder, headaches, nightmares while sleeping, bruises on his back, swelling in his chest, and damaged hearing. A lot of damage was caused to that Hilal Majaida. I wondered with him there, you know, all in all, how does he see the future between the two peoples; after all, Israelis rescued him. Then, first of all, he’s thankful to Itzik Sadan from Yedioth Ahronoth, the Yedioth reporter in the south who really helped him to be extricated from there, but he already reports about this that he wants to be a shahid [suicider]. He says that his situation would be better if he were dead, he would be satisfied. I asked him: Why would you be satisfied? Then he explains that life in Muassi is no life, the settlers don’t stop persecuting us, and there won’t be any peace with you Jews, because we don’t like you and you don’t like us.
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
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July 29, 2005
We would like to correct some confusion in yesterday’s Letter from Jerusalem.
The name of the young man unjustly accused of attempted murder is SHIMSHON
Cytryn. (SHMUEL Cytryn is his father’s name.)
As mentioned in yesterday’s letter, please remember to fax Attorney General
Menachem Mazuz about this injustice. Fax number 001-972-2646-7001.
Ruth Matar
July 29, 2005, Jerusalem
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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July 31, 2005
Enough of Moderation! Enough of Havlagah (Restraint)!
Nadia Matar – Thursday, July 28, 2005
I am writing these lines on the day that Moetzet Yesha (the Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza) announced the “”Sderot Operation,”” as the continuation of the “”Kfar Maimon Operation.”” I am writing this from the balcony of our caravan (mobile housing unit) in Kfar Yam, Gush Katif. Our family moved from Efrat to Kfar Yam on the day before Yom Ha’atzmaut. An additional family lives in this caravan, the Finkelsteins, dear friends from Tekoa, who are our partners in the leadership of Women in Green. Additionally, many youth are living with us, all from Efrat and Gush Etzion, and so our karavan has become the “”operations center”” for the youth from Gush Etzion and Efrat – wonderful youth, each of whom found an original and daring way of getting to Gush Katif, despite the criminal closure. The stories we hear about Jews “”infiltrating”” into Gush Katif are reminiscent of the time of the British Mandate, when Jews found all manner of ways to enter Eretz Israel, despite the prohibitions of the White Book.
We were all quite skeptical when we heard the announcement of the “”Sderot Operation”” by the Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. All of us are afraid that this will be another grandiose production, with no real intent to break into Gush Katif. Many people are asking themselves whether those who head the Yesha Council truly believe that we have the capability to win, or whether they have already despaired of victory, and have decided to make do with a symbolic, and quite passive, protest, fully coordinated with the security forces; with the main thing for them not guarding Gush Katif and Samaria, but that paeans of praise be written about them in the state media, about their wonderful “”restraint.””
Here is the place to recall the words of Yair Stern: “”One thing is crystal-clear: a proper path, that ends in failure, is unfit. An ‘unfit’ path, that ends in victory, is fit, by all standards.”” I am absolutely certain that we have the ability to cancel Sharon’s deportation decree. The way to attain such a victory consists of bringing tens of thousands of people to Gush Katif in the next two weeks, at any cost. Kfar Maimon proved to everyone that the camp of Eretz Israel loyalists has a vast army: tens of thousands of adults and youth, infused with faith, determination, and the willingness for self-sacrifice. But this vast people’s army will have no influence or significance if it is headed by “”leaders”” who shout every five seconds: “”No confrontations with the security forces.”” We must declare, once and for all, that our goal is to save Gush Katif and northern Samaria – in order to save the entire State of Israel from destruction. And if this requires confrontation with the security forces – so be it.
We do not seek such a confrontation. But if the army and the police, once again, will act as in a shadowy fascist regime, and will forcefully and brutally prevent people from coming to Gush Katif, we must ensure that this time our people will not listen to the calls for restraint, but will push and cut the fences until they breach the siege walls. No force will be capable of stopping a determined public of tens of thousands of Jews streaming to the aid of their besieged brothers. And if the security forces, once again, will act brutally and violently, this must be stopped by active defense. It is inconceivable that they will mercilessly beat us and we will silently take it, as in the time of the galut (exile, Diaspora). It is inconceivable that a policeman will be permitted to put their hands on us, and attack our daughters as the Cossacks did, and our men will stand around helpless and not come to the defense of the young girls. It is inconceivable that the government trains deportation forces, and teaches them how to break our ribs, how to block veins in the neck so that we will lose consciousness, how to push their fingers into our nostrils until we faint, how to grab infants from their mothers and give them to strangers, and how to beat us with clubs – and we won’t give ourselves and our children courses in self-defense and krav maga (close physical combat).
The time has come to put an end to the persecution of the national camp by the left – persecution that has continued since the time of the saison (when members of the Irgun and Lehi were seized and surrendered to the British authorities by the “”organized Yishuv””), continuing with the Altalena episode and the pogroms organized by Yitzhak Rabin’s mother, “”Red Rosa,”” against Betar members. In all these instances our response was the shameful response of turning the other cheek. Enough. We’re fed up.
Oriana Fallaci, an Italian journalist, who is one of the few journalists in the world who dares to attack Islam and the fact that Europe has surrendered to terror, wrote a passage in her book Apocalypse that is appropriate for us, as well, now, both for our struggle against the Arab enemy, and for our struggle against Ariel Sharon and the band of Oslo criminals who surround him:
“”Resignation leads to apathy. Apathy leads to inertia. Inertia leads to indifference. Indifference paralyzes the instinct for self-defense, that is, the instinct to fight back.’
We call to all the leaders of the national camp:
Stop accepting the decrees of Ariel Sharon.
Enough of moderation! Enough of havlagah! Enough of restrained and stately protests!
We have a public of tens of thousands. Assemble all the congregation of Israel and breach the siege of Gush Katif.
Only in this way will we succeed, with G-d’s help.
Nadia Matar
Kfar Yam, Gush Katif
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
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