APRIL 2005
April 1, 2005
Following is a sample itinerary of those travelling some distance (Colorado) to Crawford, Texas. You can likewise charter a bus of your friends, neighbors, acquaintances and relatives from your own community.
Leave by Gray Line Tours Chartered Buses on Sunday, April 10, 2005, from Loveland, Colorado. Air Conditioned, P.A. System, VCR, on-board Lavatories, seats recline like a coach line airliner.
Spend 16 hours either sleeping, reading or otherwise, on the way to Crawford, which is 10 miles west of Waco, Texas.
Clean up time (wash face, brush teeth, etc., and eat breakfast in Crawford, Texas.
The rally is from 2:00 to 3:30 P.M.
Eat dinner in Crawford, Texas. Leave for home on chartered bus at approximately 6 P.M.
Arrive back in Loveland, Colorado about noon on April 12, 2995.
THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME! It will surely warm everyone’s heart to act in accordance with the moral dictates of the G-d of Israel. We are also acting in our own self-interest, and will be blessed as the Bible tells us, in acting as good Christian Zionists. The same applies as well to our Jewish brethren.
(Here supply the name, phone number and email address of whoever is organizing the chartered bus.)
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to: https://host5.apollohosting.com/womeningreen/funds/donation/donation.html
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April 3, 2005
UPCOMING ACTIVITIES-WHAT NOW? Preparing for victory!
Firstly I would like to thank Hashem for hardening the hearts of the MK’s and making sure a majority of the Knesset would vote against a Referendum. Yes- you are reading correctly: I am happy that the law calling for a Referendum did not pass. And for 3 reasons:
As Women in Green has written many times – one does not hold Referendums on whether or not to give away the land of Israel! On some issues, no Referendums are allowed. Let me explain: It would be unheard of if family members would hold a family Referendum as to whether they want to keep this or that person in the family. No parents hold a family Referendum as to whether or not they want to keep their child, even if they think he is a trouble maker. The link between parents and children is a link that cannot be changed. The same way, the link between the Land of Israel and the people of Israel can’t be changed. Hashem gave this land to the Jewish people, and no Jew has the right to give it away.
Those who still believe that we should have had a Referendum will agree that the only Referendum that would be a possibility in such a situation, would be a Referendum held by Jews only. It is clear to us all that it would be sacrilegious to have Arabs and non-Jews participate in a Referendum on our Biblical homeland! But we know that this would have been unacceptable to the Knesset and thus, had the law passed in favor of a Referendum – Arabs would have been part of it. Once again we thank G-d that that law did not pass.
* And FINALLY: Dictators don’t abide by the will of the people; even if a miracle would have occurred and against all odds, we would have won the Referendum, does anybody believe that the dictator Ariel Sharon would have abided by its results?? Absolutely not! The day after such a Referendum, Sharon’s bulldozers would have started the uprooting. And we, who would have put all our energy, time and money on the Referendum, would not have been ready to fight the uprooting.
The question that is asked by all is: WHAT NOW? Some activists who sincerely believed that they could stop Sharon’s plan with parliamentary means, are in a deep depression (see Friday’s Jerusalem Post, the interview with Gush Etzyon Mayor Shaul Goldstein who has lost all hope). We on the other hand, who never believed that our political leaders would be the ones who would save us, are not depressed. We have not given up hope that we can win. On the contrary, now we must get organized. AND IF WE ORGANIZE OURSELVES CORRECTLY, THEN, WITH G-D’s HELP, WE CAN WIN AND THWART SHARON’S PLAN!
Last night (Thursday, March 31st) – for the first time in many years – a very large gathering of all the extra parliamentary groups was held. Some 50 people from all over the country, religious and non-religious, older and younger settlers and residents from within pre-67 Israel, students, rabbis, etc. gathered and discussed the ways to stop Sharon’s plan. Every representative had 3 minutes to talk. We all agreed on the following:
A) It is within our power to prevent implementation of Sharon’s plan by non-violent means & civil disobedience.
B) We will act in accordance with the following:
* increase the successful campaign of convincing soldiers and police forces not to participate in the crime of the uprooting. Different groups are already involved in this and we urge people to join with them.
* bringing to Gush Katif and Northern Shomron in the coming weeks, tens of thousands of supporters to on with the understanding that if enough people will be there (and enough soldiers will not participate) – the security forces will not be able to carry out the crime of the uprooting
* the day that the authorities will close down Gush Katif to non-residents will be the day that all hell will break loose in the entire country, without going into specific details about our actions. The general idea is that the entire country will be non-functioning because of roadblocks and other activities – thus keeping the security forces very, very busy far away from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron.
* explaining to everybody that one of the ways to bring down this government will be to fill the jails. The government has built special internment camps for people opposing Sharon’s plan. They think that they are scaring us and hope that thus people will not demonstrate nor go out to the streets. On the contrary, our message is clear. It will be a badge of honor for us to go to jail for the Land of Israel! In fact, we will do all we can – with non-violent civil disobedience – to fill those jails. When some five to ten thousand people, men and women, old and young will be in jail – this government will fall and the deportation plan will be stopped. We must tell our friends not to be scared to go to jail. For legal help we have the “”Honenu”” organization of lawyers volunteering to help all those arrested for fighting Sharon’s plan. They have already promised to help all of us who are jailed.
This is a very general overview of the meeting of the extra-parliamentary groups. The bottom line is:
a) Even if the Supreme Court will decide, as they will in the next few weeks, that the Sharon plan is legal and that the order to uproot Jews is legal, we will still consider it immoral and anti-Jewish and therefore will fight it tooth and nail in a non-violent way, knowing that we might end up in jail. The fact that the Supreme Court decides something is legal does not mean it is in accordance with our traditions and religious beliefs. Jews have religiously believed for thousands of years in the G-d of Israel’s Promise to them and their descendants. Let’s remember that people like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King also fought against so-called “”legal”” laws and decisions.
b) We are – finally – getting organized to thwart Sharon’s plan. One thing is for sure: nobody is permitted to stay home. There is a lot to do, starting today. Details of different actions will be publicized in the near future in the national media (Arutz 7 Website and newspapers like Besheva, Makor Rishon, Hatzofe, etc.).
c) But one should not wait for that. Everybody should start with a few friends to do what suits them best. Here are some ideas:
* When walking around town, look for police forces and soldiers, talk to them and urge them not to give a hand to the uprooting. Tell them nicely: not to do that. “”Your job is to protect the Jews, not to attack them. Don’t turn yourself from a Jewish policeman/soldier into a Kossack, that throws Jews out of their homes.”” The more emotional pressure on such police or soldiers, the better.
Anybody who wants to receive the flyers we hand out to soldiers and policemen can contact Women in Green by emailing our office, giving us your name, complete address, and the leaflets will be sent to your home by mail expeditiously. <mailto:michaele@netvision.net.il>
Monday morning, April 4th, at 9:30 a.m., Women in Green will hold a vigil at the traffic circle next to the “”Achim Yisrael Mall”” in Talpiyot, Jerusalem, close to the Police headquarters – (for details call Anita 0505-777254)
* Buy a few placards and write on them “”Jews don’t uproot Jews””- “”Sharon’s plan endangers the entire country. Stop the madness”” or any other strong message. A few times a week we suggest that you go to the nearest corner with a lot of traffic and hold a small vigil. Talk to the people. Urge the cars to honk.
* Help Gush Katif by helping Minhelet Kayla. This is a project Women in Green has been very involved in for the past few weeks. Minhelet Kayla is run by Gush Katif residents who have started the process of bringing many people to Gush Katif. This involves fixing hundreds of empty homes, gathering funds to buy hundreds of tents, water-tanks, etc., and gathering dry food like pasta, flour, sugar, tin cans, water, etc., in order to be able to feed the many thousands who will be in Gush Katif after Pesach.
I urge you to go to their website and help them as much as you can. Minhelet Kayla is today one of the most “”tachles”” projects around: <http://www.minheletkayla.org/> Find out how can you help Minhelet Kayla.
a- Contact them and let them know you want to help. Your name will be put on a master list of volunteers.
b- Help them financially, they desperately need funds. So much money was spent (wasted?) into all the Hasbara campaigns and the campaigns for the Referendum, that there is hardly any money for the fixing of the homes and all other urgent and needed activities involved in bringing tens of thousands of people to Gush Katif.
c- Volunteer to gather dry goods in your neighborhood, in your supermarket, etc., and Minhelet Kayla will arrange to bring what you have gathered to Gush Katif. In one word: there is a lot to do – with G-d’s help we will win!! Please pass this message onto other lists, and to your friends and neighbors.
– Nadia Matar
Please check our website <http://www.womeningreen.org/> for further announcements in this campaign.
Arrange to attend the important Rally in Crawford, Texas, at 2:30 P.M. on April 11, during the meeting of PM Sharon at President Bush’s Ranch. It is vital that there be a very large turnout.
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to: https://host5.apollohosting.com/womeningreen/funds/donation/donation.html
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April 7, 2005
Calling All Bible Believing Christians and Jews
The Bible clearly promises those that curse the Jews will be punished; so saith the L-rd. Are you prepared to receive this punishment by not taking appropriate action? The clock is ticking, and the hour is late.
The Arab-Moslem threat is real and palpable. They hate America and Israel and a democratic way of life, and have a completely different concept of what is moral. If you don’t take a stand against the Arabs and the Saudis NOW, you will live to regret it.
Come to the Emergency Rally at Crawford, Texas, on Monday afternoon at 2 P.M. on April 11. Show President Bush that you are concerned about the Moslem terrorist threat to you and your family. Today it is Israel. Tomorrow it will be America.
Before you know it the Arab hordes will be at your doorstep. They believe in no compromise. The Arabs are ruthless, and are waiting and praying for the opportunity to strike. Don’t wait until they have Nuclear Arms. Act now, before it is too late!
Jerusalem, April 7, 2005 Ruth and Nadia Matar
Arrange to attend the important Rally in Crawford, Texas, at 2:30 P.M. on April 11, during the meeting of PM Sharon at President Bush’s Ranch. It is vital that there be a very large turnout.
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to: https://host5.apollohosting.com/womeningreen/funds/donation/donation.html
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April 18, 2005
Upcoming Activities
Women in Green urge all of our Members, Friends and Supporters to join in these activities:
1) Join Member of Knesset Arieh Eldad’s March to Gush Katif – Wednesday, April 20, 2005.
A few days ago MK Arieh Eldad started a protest March from the Northern Shomron to Gush Katif. <http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php32id=80084>
Every day different people join him and show support. Jerusalemites can join him this coming Wednesday, April 20th. A bus will be leaving from the American Consulate in East Jerusalem, at 8 A.M. will pick up marchers at French Hill. Then, at the exit of the City, it will drive to the Rehovot Area to join MK Eldad. Reservations for the bus are necessary.
Please call Arieh at 054-3177-719.
2) Chol HaMoed Pesach:
A. Monday 25/4/05 and Tuesday 26/4/05 in HEBRON.
B. Wednesday, 27/4/05 – MASS GATHERING IN GUSH KATIF.
3:30 pm Main Event (next to the lake) with the participation of Ministers, Rabbis and MKs. For details of buses, call Moetzet Yesha 02-582-2224.
Happening for families at 10:30 am. Tour of Chomesh and Sar-Nur.
3:30 pm – Main Gathering with Ministers, Rabbis and MKs
Singers: Ariel Silber, Aaron Razel, and the Shalhevet Band.
Jerusalem, April 18, 2005 Ruth and Nadia Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to: https://host5.apollohosting.com/womeningreen/funds/donation/donation.html
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Dear Friends,
Presently there is much despair amongst all of us. The date of the immoral and illegal
ethnic cleansing is coming closer and closer. The “”Disengagement Plan””, which is an outgrowth of the Road Map, is a plan for Israel’s destruction, conceived by Saudi Arabia, and former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker. (James Baker of “”f–k the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway”” fame is even today head of the powerful law firm which represents Saudi Arabia in the United States.)
What is the “”Road Map”” and the “”Disengagement Plan”” all about? It is a plan and a map for dismembering the Holy Land, which G-d promised to the descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as an everlasting inheritance! It is a plan to forcibly expel and transfer the Jewish People from their Biblical Homeland, bit by bit, and to carve out from the Holy Land yet another Moslem terror state for a fictitious nation which never existed.
It seems that we have for a long time been engaged in fervent prayer for a miracle from G-d to put a stop to this dangerous insanity. Why doesn’t the Master of the Universe grant us one of his much-needed miracles?
On April 11, 2005, on the spacious ranch of George W. Bush, the U.S. President and the Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, met to determine how much land should be given to the Arab terrorists at this time. They also discussed the mechanics of the successful transfer of Jews from their Promised Land. President Bush reiterated that no future Jewish settlements were to be allowed in the Holy Land!
The ranch of President Bush is just a few miles away from Crawford, a small town in Texas. A Rally was therefore organized to be held in Crawford by Pastor Jim Vineyard, Women in Green and others, to coincide with the meeting of President Bush and Sharon.
It was on this day, April 11, 2005, 12 days before the Jewish Holiday of Passover, that the outlines of a miracle of G-d started to emerge.
Thousands of Christians and Jews from across America descended on Crawford to “”lobby”” President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon. They came from all over the United States, by plane, by bus and by car to demonstrate in favor of the “”Land of Israel””, and against U.S. pressure on Israel to relinquish parts of the Holy Land. A delegation from Israel came to Crawford as well.
The Rally was a vision in orange, as thousands of demonstrators wore orange t-shirts and caps with the legend written in bold letters: “”Israel belongs to the Jews.””
Pastor Vineyard, who has a very large congregation of Christians in Oklahoma City, in the State of Oklahoma, mounted the podium and addressed the People of Israel. “”We want to tell you that there is a groundswell movement starting. We will do everything we can to get the message to all Bible-believing people in America and around the world that there is only one true position they can take: The Land of Israel belongs to the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and not the sons of Ishmael, Arafat and Abu Mazen. “”
Why do I call the Rally in Crawford: “”A Passover Miracle”” ? Because it was a coming together of Bible-believing Christians and Jews, who passionately believe in the eternal truth of G-d’s promises. It is the emergence of a Christian-Jewish Alliance, which is ready to pray not only with words but also with their feet.
The people who attended the Rally, which was held on a Monday, certainly had to sacrifice a day’s work. In addition, of course, there was the expense involved in traveling to Crawford which is not easily reached. I asked a group from Arizona how long it took them to get to Crawford? They responded: “”Eighteen Hours each way by bus.”” That was a typical answer, and shows a passionate involvement by those who attended.
An interesting sidelight: Jerusalem Rabbi Mordechai Rabinovitch made a very relevant observation about Christians and Jews working together for this Rally.
Rabbi Bachya, a pupil of the famous Rabbi Rashba, lived in Spain prior to the expulsion of the Jews from that country in 1492. In his Torah Commentary, he predicted that Christians would in the future come to the aid of the People of Israel. Moreover, he claimed that Christians would assist so greatly in the rebuilding of the Third Temple, that its restoration would be attributed to their efforts.
The Rally in Crawford was tremendously inspirational. It was the beginning of a joint effort of Bible-believing Christians and Jews to save the Holy Land of Israel. TOGETHER WE SHALL OVERCOME!
With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to: https://host5.apollohosting.com/womeningreen/funds/donation/donation.html
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April 22, 2005
A Passover Prayer
There is despair in the Holy Land today, Hatred abounds, not only from the Arabs, but also among Jews themselves. America and Sharon have unwisely fostered and brought about a divided nation.
Terrorism reigns. Abu Mazen, an evil man in sheep’s clothing, seems to have the ear of Bush, the EU, the UN and Russia. Sharon himself has said that Israel is close to a civil war. From whence cometh our help? From whence cometh our salvation? It is time that Israel turns to fervent prayer, for there seem to be dark days ahead. Not a happy time to celebrate Passover, the joyous holiday of Freedom.
And, yet, we Jews are an eternal people, who have trusted in the G-d of Israel throughout the ages. We must turn to Him to save our nation. Although we are undeserving of His help, perhaps He will show us mercy and kindness.
May this Passover be an undoing of our enemies. May He who has brought us out of Egypt to be a holy nation, restore us to our halcyon days of yore. May all those who celebrate this Holiday of Freedom be blessed with new hope and fortitude!
Jerusalem, April 22, 2005 Ruth, Nadia, and Michael Matar
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
To make a contribution via our secure server or through Paypal, go to: https://host5.apollohosting.com/womeningreen/funds/donation/donation.html
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