March of Tisha BeAv Night


For 27 years, you walked together with us, every eve of Tisha b’Av, around the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. 

Together, we restored its former glory and returned to observing the ancient custom that expresses the longings of the People of Israel for the Holy Mount and the Temple.

From this year onward, management and organization of the walk will pass to the skillful hands of our dear friend, Atty. Nili Naouri, who heads the Israel Forever movement. Under her leadership, the walk, as in every year, will continue with participants from all parts of the Land, along with leading public figures.

We call upon you, dear friends, supporters and faithful to the Sovereignty Movement, members of Sovereignty Youth, lovers of the Land of Israel and Jerusalem: Join this extremely important event, which expresses Israeli sovereignty without fear, with pride and confidence in the vision of the return to Zion and Jerusalem.