*Hundreds of members of the Sovereignty Youth Movement signed a public appeal to the head of the Likud negotiating team calling for including the application of sovereignty in the guidelines for the next Government.*
Hundreds of youths, members of Sovereignty Youth from all parts of the Land, signed an open letter to the head of Likud’s negotiating team Minister Yariv Levin, urging him to include the application of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria in the platform for the next government and not to engage in a political process or policy that might result in the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Organizing the effort to send a letter to Minister Levin was done swiftly, stemming from media reports that the matter of sovereignty was removed from the agenda of coalition negotiations. In light of this, the organizers of this appeal were surprised by the large number of young men and women that have signed – some 600 within an extremely short period of time.
Eliahu Friedman, an activist with the Sovereignty Youth Movement, who is the one that mobilized the youth, says: “the youth’s mobilization for the Land of Israel is amazing to me. I think that the youth has great power and that it has the power and the duty to influence the decision makers. This mobilization of the youth shows how important the subject of sovereignty is to the youth.”
On the importance of the content of the appeal to Minister Levin, Friedman adds: “We are at a very important juncture and it is important to us to convey the message to Minister Levin that the youth stands behind him in his demand to enter the subject of sovereignty in the government platform, but it was also important to us to add that our statement includes another clause, which is also important. It is ‘yes to sovereignty’ as well as ‘no to a Palestinian state’”.
Friedman mentions that Minister Levin’s work on behalf of the Land of Israel and promoting the application of sovereignty is known and recognized and has earned him special praise and recognition by the Sovereignty Youth Movement and now “we are confident and we hope that he will listen and respond to our request and continue to protect the Land of Israel”.
The text of the letter:
To Minister of Tourism Yariv Levin
Chairman of the Coalition Negotiating team for the Likud
*Subject: A call for the application of sovereignty and blocking a Palestinian state*
We have written this appeal to you because of reports in the media that the matter of the application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is not included in the platform of the next coalition, which you are now working on formulating at the behest of the Prime Minister.
Following these reports, we, youths from all parts of the Land, appeal to you as someone who has been working for years to promote the application of Israeli sovereignty and as someone to whom the values of the Land of Israel are always before his eyes, with a call to bring about the inclusion of the sovereignty plan in the platform of the next government.

There is no need to tell you of the disastrous consequences to the future of the State of Israel that would result from the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of our Land. Such a step would constitute severe damage to the Zionist vision and great harm to the ability to the existence and defense of the State of Israel. Please, continue with your political work to block the establishment of an enemy state in the heart of our homeland. Including sovereignty in the government’s platform (an idea that received partial support also from Member of Knesset Benny Gant himself in the recent past), will strengthen Israeli and international recognition of the unique bond between the People of Israel and its Land.
With Sincere regards,–