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Women for Israel’s Tomorow – Women In Green is a grassroots movement whose members (both women and men) have one thing in common, their love for the Land of Israel and their desire to make a better Israel for tomorrow.
Support Us
Your contributions, sent to the addresses below, will help us in our educational work to make a better Israel.
To Donate online via :
Be a partner. Please donate to enable us to continue our work on behalf of the Land of Israel especially in these challenging times.
Here below are the details for tax-deductible donations Women for Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green) – The Sovereignty Movement is a registered non-profit organization (No. 58-023120-7) . We have Israeli income tax certificate for donations under section 46.
You can choose to donate directly to our project of the Sovereignty campaign and Sovereignty Youth and / or to the Zionist educational project we set up in the Oz veGaon Nature preserve as a Zionist response to the murder of Gil-Ad, Eyal and Naftali hy”d- strategically located in the heart of Gush Etsion,Judea, between Jerusalem and Hebron.

For safe and easy US, Canadian and Israeli tax deductible online donations thru JGIVE please click on one of these 2 links or on both if you wish to donate to both)
Tax-deductible Contribution to the Sovereignty Campaignand Sovereignty Youth:
Tax-deductible Contribution to the Oz veGaon project:
Choose the currency you want to contribute in and follow the easy instructions.
If you wish, you can choose to donate monthly.
If you click on the Israeli shekel option, you can also donate by BIT. A receipt will be sent to you automatically and directly to your email
NEW! You now also can donate to us thru PAYPAL !

To donate thru PAYPAL in US dollars, please click on
To donate thru PAYPAL in Israeli Shekels please click on
If you prefer a bank transfer or sending a check, please email us at and we will send you all the
Each and every sum makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.