Hoshana Rabba – The Final Sealing! The Arabs uproot- we plant and replant


On the eve of Hoshana Rabba, when the final edict is signed for this year, the night when we learn Torah in order to add more merit to our basket of merits – we activists strove on behalf of our rights to the Land of Israel by “signing” another plot of land in the area called “Netzer” between Elazar and Alon Shvut.

In Netzer we have fought over the land for years against Arabs motivated by the “Fayyad Plan” and European funding. Together with activists from Gush Etzion and Women in Green, we have planted hundreds of trees in Netzer over the years. Our actions bore fruit thank G-d. The plots of land that we had planted have remained in Jewish possession. Some of the plots became the new neighborhood of Netiv Ha’avot after the destruction of the homes in June 2018. In other plots, residents of Elazar are establishing a presence there, as part of campaign“Family 10”, in which every family receives responsibility over a plot around Elazar that they maintain and safeguard.

On one of these plots out of many, we planted large, mature olive trees ten and a half years ago and the youth of Elazar has built a “zula” resting area there, as well as maintaining and cultivating the plot.

This past Thursday, during Chol hamoed Sukkot (Oct. 17, 2019) the Arabs decided that they desired that plot.  An Arab tractor plowed, uprooted the trees, crushed them and tore the roots of the olive trees and destroyed the resting area ….but they did not manage to destroy the deep connection that the residents of Gush Etsion have with their land. We gathered on Saturday night of Hol hamoed(Oct. 19, 2019) with about 40 activists with tools and new trees in order to reestablish the plot.

The noise of hoes digging in the pits sounded like Torah study in the hall of the Temple, the hose that watered the newly planted trees  seemed and sounded like the blessed rains that will come soon, with G-d’s help. The light in the eyes of all the activists was pure as the shining Heavens. The brotherhood, the unity, the righteousness of the act will bring about a good edict, G-d willing. “Because He remembers all of your deeds, and You seek good deeds from all”.

Attached are picturesd of the trees that were uprooted and destroyed by the Arabs and pictures of the activists replanting the trees on motsaei shabat with a picture of the filed with the replanted trees. We thank all the activists who came on such a short notice. We call upon all to patrol the area and report to us about any sabotage G-d forbid.

Hag Sameah

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar