On the eve of the Holiday of Freedom, we are in the midst of a public struggle for the freedom and identity of the people of Israel.
These days are the days of a return to the deep clarification of the purpose and destiny of the people of Israel, and we in the sovereignty movement are contributing the important layer of the great call to the fulfillment of the dream of the people of Israel, to be a sovereign nation in the entire width and length of its land.
In the coming weeks and months, we will continue with your help and partnership to participate in these great calls, on behalf of the Land of Israel and Jewish identity. We will again proclaim in a loud voice the nation’s call for sovereignty over all parts of Israel.
It’s time for Sovereignty!
🔵🇮🇱 *Pay attention, during your family trips on Route 60 and Route 90, you will get a hello from the Sovereignty Movement. You will see hundreds of signs and banners with the inscription: “Sovereignty over the Jordan Valley has a national consensus”*
🔴🇮🇱 *Mark your calendar for the demonstration of the million that will take place in Jerusalem please G-d the day after Independence Day on Thursday April 27, 2023 under the slogan: We will not let them steal our vote! 64 Mandates demand a judicial reform. .*
Best wishes for a Chag Kasher Ve’Sameach to you and your families,