Friday Rosh Chodesh at Oz veGaon with Rabbi Stiskin and tefilla with “Makor Chaim”
Please G-d This coming Friday, Rosh Chodesh Adar Beth, 11/3/16
- At 7:30 am there will be Rosh Chodesh davening with yeshivat Makor Chaim
- At 9:00 am we will get ready for Purim by learning the meguila with Rabbi Dani Stiskin, the rabbi of the yishuv Maon. Following the tragic death in a car accident of his son Tzviki Stiskin and daughter in law Hadassa, Rabbi Stiskin published Torani series (in Hebrew) of “Bedarchecha Chayenu” ( “Our lives in Your Path”.)
Rabbi Stiskin is full of energy and joy of life despite the tragedies that befell his family. Nobody misses such a shiur. Please bring your meguilat Esther. The shiur will be in Hebrew with simultaneous translation to English.
A booth selling Purim mishloach manot cards will be opened that morning at Oz veGaon.
Please take orders from family and friends and purchase the cards on Friday. All proceeds go to Oz veGaon.
10 cards for 140 NIS or $36
30 cards for 300 NIS or $78
50 cards for 420 NIS or $108
Transportation from Jerusalem Renee Margolis 052-3294194
From Kiryat Arba Hevron Rivka Ryback 054-8034853
Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 Nadia Matar 050-5500834