Dozens of people at the Megillah reading in Oz veGaon


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Dozens of repurim oz vegaon 2016sidents from Gush Etzion gathered last night, Purim Eve, for the Megillah reading at the Oz  veGaon Nature Preserve, which was established by Women in Green on the hill near the Gush Etzion Junction in memory of the three youths, Hy”d.

“We all gathered, men, women and little children to drown out Haman’s name together and to control Gush Etzion Junction. Just as the Jews will overcome their enemies!” , say Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, the heads of the Women in Green movement, which organized the event that is becoming a tradition.

T1he two women continue, noting that this event also “raises a special call for Israeli sovereignty, to take action to build the Land of Israel, to strengthen the walls of Jerusalem and to build the Temple”.

(Photography: Women in Green)