women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

Ben Gvir

Ben Gvir

The Sovereignty Movement Praises Minister Ben Gvir for his decision, displaying national responsibility*The Sovereignty Movement expresses its praise for National Security minister Ben Gvir in acceding to the Prime Minister’s request to remain in his position as Minister in the Israeli government. “Minister Ben Gvir’s decision might entail paying a political price, but it expresses […]

The Sovereignty Movement: Congratulations for repealing the Disengagement Law. Now it’s time for Sovereignty.

The Sovereignty Movement: Congratulations for repealing the Disengagement Law. Now it’s time for Sovereignty.

The Sovereignty Movement praises the government for passing the third reading of the proposal to repeal the Disengagement Law in northern Samaria, and congratulates those who led to this decision, members of Knesset, ministers, settlement figures and the pioneers of Homesh. “The Disengagement Law perpetuated an ethically perverse injustice, lacking any logic or basis in […]

For A Real Democracy

For A Real Democracy

For A Real Democracy Dear Friends ·       The vigil we organized this past Sunday in front of the prime minister’s office during the government meeting, in favor of reforming the justice system and for true democracy, was received with enthusiasm in the streets. People honked and joined. ·       We continue. This coming Sunday we will please G-d be standing […]

We have implemented numerous strategies to combat terrorism – but never this.

We have implemented numerous strategies to combat terrorism – but never this.

*Firm and forceful security and thriving Jewish communities are essential, yet to effectively eradicate the roots of terrorism, a novel approach is required. Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, Sovereignty Movement ribonut https://ribonut.co.il/BlogPostID.aspx?BlogPostId=796&lang=2 The relentless onslaught of deadly attacks plaguing Israel means that the government of Israel must rethink its strategy for combatting terror and its offshoots.  The soldiers […]

Spreading Sovereignty

Spreading Sovereignty

Last week was yet another week full of activity for the Land of Israel thank G-d. • On Monday we held the first sovereignty tour in the English language to the Khan Al Ahmar area under the guidance of Naomi Kahn from Regavim who enlightened us with data and facts. Thank you to our amazing […]

A day of rejoicing!

A day of rejoicing!

The Sovereignty Movement views the completion of the transfer of civil powers in Judea and Samaria to Minister Smotrich as a critical step on the way to Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. The Sovereignty Movement welcomes the regularization of the transfer of civil powers in Judea and Samaria to the Minister in the Ministry […]



It was a pleasure and honor to be interviewed by world famous journalist Walter Bingham who lives in Jerusalem and is 99 years young.  At the end of the interview, when asked what his secret is to longevity, Walter first joked and said: lots of sugar with coffee and no garlic, but then on a serious […]

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