women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

Oz veGaon Lectures – on Zoom.

Oz veGaon Lectures – on Zoom.

Starting this coming Sunday, G-d Willing Thank you to the dozens of women who registered for the women’s Beit Midrash, which began operating on Tuesday of this week on Zoom. Arutz 7 covered it: The new year of learning at Oz veGaon: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/288965 And now we invite you, friends, men and women alike, to join us […]

‘Hamas sought to curse but blessed Israel instead’

‘Hamas sought to curse but blessed Israel instead’

Racheli Frenkel, at the event marking 6 years since the abduction of the three youths and the founding of the preserve in their memory: We lost the priceless sons, but Hamas’ curse was void because this People is connected to the source of blessing. ‘Hamas’ curse has become an abundant blessing’. This is what Racheli […]

Artillery rained down on us

Artillery rained down on us

“Artillery rained down on us like metal rain” How did the boy  from Ness Ziona, who became a commander despite the fact that he was told that he was not fit for command, how did he face, with a single tank, dozens of Syrian tanks sailing south to the Galilee. As part of our monthly Friday lectures […]

Tomorrow with Natan Sharansky

Tomorrow with Natan Sharansky

Dear Friends, The lecture by Natan Sharansky that was supposed to take place at Oz veGaon tomorrow as part of our “Friday in Oz veGaon” lecture series,will be broadcasted directly to you.  See attached flyer. The lecture is in Hebrew and will appear with English subtitles. Tomorrow, Friday at 9:00 am please go to the Oz veGaon […]

It was joyful in Oz veGaon

It was joyful in Oz veGaon

Thank you to all of you who came to Oz veGaon for Megilla reading. Thank you to Bentzie Matar for a meaningful reading at night and thank you to Britain’s PM Boris Johnson ( Dr Michael Wilshanski) for coming to Oz veGaon,reading the megilla and calling for the application of Israeli Sovereignty. Like every year Dr […]

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