women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

Warm socks for our soldiers

Warm socks for our soldiers

The Oz ve Gaon Reserve is preparing for the big snowstorm and the upcoming freezing days.We placed in the synagogue a large box with hundreds of new warm army socks. See attached pictures.We texted all our soldiers and security forces in the area, those who will be outside in the rain and the snow, and […]

OZ VEGAON ON THE MAP – Sivan Rahav Meir

OZ VEGAON ON THE MAP – Sivan Rahav Meir

On Saturday night, dozens of people arrived at Oz veGaon to hear journalist Sivan Rahav Meir and to listen to the Gush Etsion Choir led by Emunah Stein. Gush Etsion Mayor Shlomo Neeman opened the evening. MC was Dudu Saada. Photographers Meir Elipur and Gershon Ellinson   It was uplifting.  Link to Fb post: https://www.facebook.com/100000886999033/posts/5044209478951902/  Link to […]

OZ VEGAON ON THE MAP – a visit from MK Amichai Chikli

OZ VEGAON ON THE MAP – a visit from MK Amichai Chikli

MK Amichai Chikli visited  in Oz veGaon yesterday, heard about the founding of the place, about plans for the future, about Sovereignty, about Sovereignty Youth.  He told us how important it is to invest in actions on the ground and education.  He came with a wonderful team of aids, full of energy and idealism.. Thank […]



Rabbi Benny Elon z”l always told us that an optimist is someone who knows the situation is really not easy but with G-d’s help and with lots of hard work – we will be victorious. When we saw the dozens of sovereignty youth who participated this week in our annual Hanukka Sovereignty seminar- yearning and […]

To Parents, Grandparents, family members

To Parents, Grandparents, family members

We are delighted to update you with this information: This coming Tuesday, G-d willing, dozens of Sovereignty Youth members from all parts of the Land  will be coming to the Oz veGaon preserve for the Hannukah Seminar. The schedule is attached. It is exciting and refreshing to know that we have the kind of youth […]

Learning and Strengthening the Land of Israel at Oz veGaon

Learning and Strengthening the Land of Israel at Oz veGaon

The Beit Midrash at Oz veGaon in Gush Etzion opened today for the sixth year, with a celebratory reception for the new regional rabbi, Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon Of course, Rav Rimon will teach about the topic of Shmittah (the sabbatical agricultural year) in the Land of Israel. Other shiurim will be given by Rabbanit Shani Taragin on […]



The Hakafot Shniyot (Tuesday night) that are organized each year by the Gush Etzion Regional Council and the Pina Chama, the Religious Council of Gush Etzion and the Matnas (Community Center),which is generally held at the Pina Chama, will be taking place in Oz VeGaon this year, due to the road construction near the Pina […]

Spiritual preparation

Spiritual preparation

We will send you our Sovereignty newsletter # 72 before Rosh Hashana please G-d. Meanwhile, for those who understand Hebrew,  you can enjoy listening to the 3 shiurim we had this week in Oz veGaon as a spiritual preparation for Rosh Hashana;  Rabanit Shani Taragin on Tefilla https://youtu.be/uACLo0YJXio  Rabbi Lior Lavi on the Shofarhttps://youtu.be/MFqa1PKLHbg  Rabbi Yaakov Fisher […]

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