women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

Friday at Oz veGaon with Dr. Moti Kedar

Friday at Oz veGaon with Dr. Moti Kedar

1)    Friday at Oz veGaon with Dr. Moti Kedar   G-d willing, this coming Friday, February 26, the 17th of Adar 1, at Oz veGaon at 9:00am, we will host Dr. Moti Kedar, Middle East scholar and lecturer in the Department of Arabic Studies at Bar-Ilan University, and research fellow in the Begin-Sadat Center for […]

Friday at Oz veGaon with Moshe Feiglin

Friday at Oz veGaon with Moshe Feiglin

Friday at Oz veGaon with Moshe Feiglin   This coming Friday, the 10th of Adar I, the 19th of February, at 9:00 am we will please G-d host Moshe Feiglin at Oz veGaon. Moshe Feiglin is a former MK of Likud, deputy head of the 19th Knesset, founder of the the Zu Artzenu movement, head […]

Many visitors in Oz veGaon in the past 2 weeks:

Many visitors in Oz veGaon in the past 2 weeks:

Many visitors in Oz veGaon in the past 2 weeks: see attached pictures *MK Sharon Haskel, Likud * The Yeroucham pre-military mechina * Midreshet Maayan from Givat Washington * A conference of artillery officers * Migdal Oz students *Raheel Raza , Muslim Canadian journalist, president of the Council for Muslims facing Tomorrow, author of the […]

Sussya in Oz veGaon

Sussya in Oz veGaon

The Sussya schoolchildren came to Oz veGaon this week and worked hard. They fixed paths. Prepared and cleared areas for the summer and connected with their hands to the Land of Israel   We are proud of you wonderful children of Israel! Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar www.womeningreen.org  

Friday at Oz veGaon with Rav David Metuki

Friday at Oz veGaon with Rav David Metuki

This coming Friday, the 3rd of Adar I, the 12th of February, Rav David Metuki, head of the Netivot Dror military preparatory school, will give a lecture at Oz veGaon.   The yeshiva was founded in Telem in South Hevron Hills in memory of Brigade Commander of South Hevron Dror Weinberg hy”d, who fell in […]

Dep. FM Hotovely in Oz veGaon

Dep. FM Hotovely in Oz veGaon

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/207393   News Shevat 22, 5776, 01/02/16 10:55 Hotovely visits Gush Etzion: We are here to stay   Gush Etzion mayor thanks Deputy FM for her visit, says it is a ‘positive start’ to advancing Israeli sovereignty in Judea-Samaria. Eliran Aharon Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) was joined by Gush Etzion Regional Council head […]

Promoting Sovereignty at the Likudiada- It is not enough to say “no to a Palestinian State”

Promoting Sovereignty at the Likudiada- It is not enough to say “no to a Palestinian State”

Promoting Sovereignty at the Likudiada- It is not enough to say “no to a Palestinian State” http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/207363#.VrAqsJtf1Hg video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB_n0yuvIRY   News Shevat 22, 5776, 01/02/16 02:38 ‘It’s not enough to say no to a Palestinian state’   Activists at Likud mega-event lobby MKs, ministers to annex Judea-Samaria; ‘The Right needs an alternative vision.’ Yoni Kempinski […]

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