women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

Friday at Oz veGaon with Motti Karpel

Friday at Oz veGaon with Motti Karpel

Friday at Oz veGaon with Motti Karpel On the topic: Sovereignty-Ideal and reality When? Please G-d this coming Friday, November 27th at 9:00 am Motti Karpel- thinker, philosopher, learned philosophy at the Haifa University, became observant at the age of 27, learned in Machon Meir and Merkaz HaRav. During the Oslo agreements Motti was the […]

Mothers Unite Against Terrorism

Mothers Unite Against Terrorism

Mothers Unite Against Terrorism  Mothers’ Vigil – today, Monday 23/11/2015  11 kislev, at 4:00pm Together we will stand at Tsomet haGush, at the spot where Rav Yaakov Don hy”d, Ezra Schwartz hy”d and Hadar Buchris hy”d (and others before them) were just murdered, and we will demand security on our roads. We will demand that […]

Friday with Caroline Glick at Oz veGaon

Friday with Caroline Glick at Oz veGaon

Friday with Caroline Glick at Oz veGaon   1) This coming Friday, November 20, at 9:00 am , G-d willing, we will host our partner in the promotion of sovereignty, Caroline Glick at Oz veGaon.   Caroline Glick, one of the most influential journalists in the world, fellow in the Center for Security Policy in […]

Friday with Caroline Glick at Oz veGaon

Friday with Caroline Glick at Oz veGaon

Friday with Caroline Glick at Oz veGaon   1) This coming Friday, November 20, at 9:00 am , G-d willing, we will host our partner in the promotion of sovereignty, Caroline Glick at Oz veGaon.   Caroline Glick, one of the most influential journalists in the world, fellow in the Center for Security Policy in […]

Issue nr 6 of Sovereignty has been published

Issue nr 6 of Sovereignty has been published

  Especially Now: Issue nr 6 of Sovereignty has been published   Against the backdrop of political, security and economic pressure, the new issue of the Sovereignty journal is being published, in which there are articles by leading public figures who call for the implementation of the vision of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.   […]

Friday at Oz veGaon with Atty. Dafna Netanyahu

Friday at Oz veGaon with Atty. Dafna Netanyahu

Friday at Oz veGaon with Atty. Dafna Netanyahu   This coming Friday, the first of Kislev, November 13, at 9:00 in the morning, G-d willing, we will hear Atty. Dafna Netanyahu’s lecture on the subject of “You sought governance”.   Atty. Dafna Netanyahu is a jurist by training, and she taught criminal law in several […]

Friday at Oz veGaon with Rabbi Eliezer Waldman and AFSI

Friday at Oz veGaon with Rabbi Eliezer Waldman and AFSI

Friday at Oz veGaon with Rabbi Eliezer Waldman and AFSI   1)    In preparation for Shabbat Parashat Chaye Sara we will , please G-d, this coming Friday November 6th, host Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, one of the founders of Kiryat Arba Hevron and Rosh Yeshiva of the hesder yeshiva.   Rabbi Waldman learned in Merkaz HaRav,  […]

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