women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

Stop the torture now!

Stop the torture now!

You Shall Not Stand By While Your Brother’s Blood is Being Spilled Stop the Torture Now!!! Our Children are being tortured in the cells of the Shabak Do not be silent!!! Come Join in a Demonstration Today DATE: Sunday, December 20 TIME: 8 p.m. Near Gesher HaMeitarim (Strings Bridge) Entrance to Jerusalem Please forward to family […]

Jewish youth are being tortured in the Shabak cells

Jewish youth are being tortured in the Shabak cells

Jewish youth are being tortured in the Shabak cells http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/205095#.VnQAh5vUhHg   We cannot stay silent. Tomorrow  Motsaei Shabbat we will join the mothers of these youths to protest against the torture of the boys.     We will meet at 8:00pm in front of the house of the person responsible for this outrage Rehov Yigal […]

Friday with Dr. Martin Sherman at Oz veGaon

Friday with Dr. Martin Sherman at Oz veGaon

Friday with Dr. Martin Sherman at Oz veGaon We continue to promote the application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and bring you a wide range of opinions on the topic. 1) This coming Friday, the 6th of Tevet, December 18th at 9:00 in the morning, in Oz veGaon, we will, please G-d,  hear […]

Friday at Oz veGaon with Regavim

Friday at Oz veGaon with Regavim

Friday at Oz veGaon with Regavim This coming Friday, the 13th of Tevet 5776, December 25th, at 9:00 in the morning, we will , please G-d, hear a lecture by Meir Deutsch from Regavim.   Regavim deals with tracking and documenting illegal Arab activities on state land within the Green Line and in Judea and […]

Yoram Ettinger & shloshim ceremony at Oz veGaon

Yoram Ettinger & shloshim ceremony at Oz veGaon

Friday At Oz veGaon with Yoram Ettinger and service in memory of Ezra Schwartz hy”d 1)   Yoram Ettinger, our former consul in the US and a brave demographer, will be speaking this coming Friday at Oz veGaon at 9:00 am on the topic: Does American pressure hasten or delay sovereignty? Yoram Ettinger courageously deals with […]

Shdema is Rebuilt on a Grand Scale…

Shdema is Rebuilt on a Grand Scale…

We are happy to announce that the IDF has decided to renovate Shdema and prepare the site as a military base. “…Our mouths are filled with song and our tongues with praise…We cannot thank You enough” The Shdema camp, situated in area C between Har Homa and Tekoa, was abandoned in 2006. In 2008, journalist […]

Friday at Oz veGaon with Arieh Rotenberg

Friday at Oz veGaon with Arieh Rotenberg

Friday at Oz veGaon with Arieh Rotenberg   1)   This Friday December 4th at 9:00 am at Oz veGaon we will, please G-d, hear a fascinating lecture by Arieh Rotenberg.   Arieh Rotenberg  a senior tour guide at the Kfar Etzion Field School has led and continues to lead thousands, thousands of people in the paths […]

The Carrot and the Stick in the Vision of Sovereignty

The Carrot and the Stick in the Vision of Sovereignty

The Carrot and the Stick in the Vision of Sovereignty    The application of sovereignty in Judea and Samaria is the sole and essential solution that will provide security in Israel, yet obligate Israel to take responsibility for anything that happens. Caroline Glick speaks at Oz veGaon. Link to the lecture: in Hebrew:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=981DCax36ug with […]

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