Announcements and Upcoming Activities


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Dear Friends,

As we wrote in an email a few hours after the election results were made public, the large majority of the Israeli people have clearly stated that they want a proud Jewish Zionist government to lead them. The Left (Kadima, Labor and Meretz) must be thrown into the opposition. Unfortunately, it seems that Netanyahu and other Likud members like Benny Begin are already disappointing us by trying to push a government with Kadima and Labor. We hope G-d will harden the heart of the Left and make them refuse to join Bibi in the coalition. This will force Netanyahu to form a right wing, national oriented government according to the will of the majority of the Jewish People.

Meanwhile, until the politicians get their act together, we the activists must increase our activities connected to our holding on to the Land of Israel.

Please join us in the upcoming activities.

With Love of Israel,

Nadia Matar – Anita Finkelstein
Women in Green


At 9:30 am at the Jerusalem Shalom Court
The trial in the Yonatan Bassi case against Nadia Matar will continue.

This trial was supposed to take place last month but, ironically, was postponed due to the fact that the main prosecutor was on reserve duty fighting in the Gaza War.

As Yoram Sheftel, Nadia’s attorney pointed out:
“Let it be written in the protocol that Attorney [Erez] Padan has been called up for the reserves as a direct result of the fact that his place of work, the Supreme Court, described the expulsion from Gush Katif, against which my client was protesting and for which she now stands trial, as something positive that will improve the security situation of Israel when today we know that it is that expulsion that brought upon us Katyushas in Be’er Sheva, Ashdod and Yavne. That is why Attorney Padan has been called up for reserves and my client is sitting on the bench of the accused.”

“The very fact that this trial is still taking place, three years after the expulsion, in the middle of a Gaza War, when everything Nadia wrote in her letter came true, is a proof of the persecution by the government against lovers of the land of Israel.”

The public is invited to attend. Just call us in the morning to make sure no last minute changes took place.

Nadia has been charged with “insulting a public official” when, in 2004, she wrote a letter to Yonatan Bassi, head of the Disengagement Authority, urging him not to give a hand to the uprooting of Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria. Nadia compared the letter he wrote to Gush Katif residents urging them to collaborate with the government and to agree to leave without making a fuss, to a letter written by the Judenraat to German Jews emphasizing that “Yonatan, the truth is that you are a modern version of the Judenraat – actually, a much worse version, because then, during the Holocaust, this was forced upon those Jewish leaders by the Nazis, and it is extremely difficult for us, today, to judge them. Today, no one stands with a gun to your head and forces you to collaborate in the crime, without any conscience pangs.”
Nadia also warned that the “Disengagement” from Gaza would create an increase in Arab terror.
for Nadia’s entire letter:

For an update on the trial by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz of Israel National news:

To read Jonathan Pollard’s moving letter about “When Freedom of speech is a crime- The case against Nadia Matar” written in 2004, please click on:


Join us on our weekly Friday morning events in Shdema.
For a short video about the struggle for a Jewish Shdema

For more info:

The Committee for a Jewish Shdema and Women in Green

3) TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2009 – SHOPPING FOR PURIM IN YAD BINYAMIN by the Gush Katif expellees


Last month, during the Gaza war, Women in Green went to shop in Nitzan, one of the communities where our friends from Gush Katif have been expelled to. Our shopping was our way of showing support. The Nitzan people told us how this had strengthened them.

Now we will do the same but this time in Yad Binyamin where more of our friends from Gush Katif live.
We will leave Jerusalem, Inbal Hotel, at 8:45 am and spend the morning in the shopping center of Yad Binyamin where there will be a special pre-Purim shopping fair. Last year Women in Green came with a full bus and many private cars. Lets repeat this great mitzva this year too. Call your friends and family and urge them to join. There are many different stores in Yad Binyamin, a toy store, a store with presents, household items, etc. All stores are owned by our Gush Katif friends who have rebuilt their lives by opening those stores and need our moral and financial support.

We will stay in Yad Binyamin until 12:30 and drive back to Jerusalem in the afternoon. For those who wish to continue with Women in Green on a busy Eretz Yisrael day, we will drive to Shdema and meet a busload of Raanana friends led by our dear friend Ilan Hirshfeld, who will come and visit Shdema at 3:00pm.

Please reserve seats on the bus by calling Anita 050-5777254 or Nadia 050-5500834


Friday February 13th more than 150 people ascended to the Eitam hill in Efrat to celebrate Tu Bishvat and to celebrate the fact that Eitam’s legal status as State land has been confirmed and finalized. There are no longer legal impediments to the settlement of Efrat’s largest hill conceived as a neighborhood of 2,500 housing units.

The hill had a festive look. Israeli flags, Israeli music, fruits from Eretz Yisrael all gave an uplifting feeling.

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Oded Revivi, mayor of Efrat, all Efrat city Council members, action committee members of Efrat, Gush Etzion, Kiryat Arba Hevron all marched with the public up to the hill.

On the Eitam hill the public heard speeches by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Oded Revivi and Rabbi Shlomo Kimchi.
Nadia Matar, leader of Women in Green and a member of the Efrat Action committee introduced the speakers.

Rabbi Riskin reminded the public that Efrat was supposed to have been built first on Eitam and then southwards. But because the Eitam is located so close to Jerusalem, the leaders of Efrat figured that Eitam would always be secure as part of Efrat, they decided it would be better to start from the most southern hill and build northwards. Who would have imagined at that time that there would be a government that would want to take away Eitam from us. “Who would have imagined that there would be a need to struggle to keep Eitam in our hands!” said Rabbi Riskin. But now, thank G-d, the Eitam has been officially declared as State Land and thus now we can start to build. Rabbi Riskin added that even before this coming summer, he would like to start building his house on Eitam.

Rabbi Riskin added that according to the sources, the Bet Hamikdash was supposed to have been built on the Eitam. Bet Hamikdash from which emanates a message of real peace. In the end it did not work out but we must make sure that specifically from that hill a message of real peace should come forward. The war in the world is not the war between Palestinians and Israelis but rather a war of religions, a war of fundamental Islam against the entire western world. We in Israel must be a light onto the nations, must be a people loyal to its homeland. When the nations of the world will understand the centrality of Eretz Yisrael, then there will be peace in the world.

Oded Revivi, mayor of Efrat said that the ceremony that morning represented the end of a series of ceremonies that took place in Efrat in honour of Tu Bishvat in which thousands of trees have been planted in Efrat. Revivi agreed with Rabbi Riskin and said he would be also be willing to build his house on Eitam. Revivi then mentioned all the other mayors ho had been active in the struggle for Eitam ­ Moshko, Yinon Achiman, Eli Mizrachi- and today, baruch hashem, we can start the plans for the 2500 units meant to be built on Eitam. please G-d.

Rabbi Kimchi, Rabbi of Orot Yehuda spoke about Rachel Imeinu. The Eitam overlooks Bet Lechem and it is important to build the Eitam and populate it as soon as possible in order to get closer to Rachel Imeinu who is buried in Bet Lechem and waits for her children to go back to each and every place in the Land of Israel.

After the speeches, Rabbi Riskin and Oded Revivi planted trees. The public joined with singing and dancing.

The action committees plan on continuing to go up to the Eitam a few times a month. Please follow the publications.

The event has been organized in collaboration between the Efrat local council, the Judean Action Comittees and Women in Green.

For details: Marilyn Adler (02-9932811) – Judy Auerbach (050-882313) – Zahava Englard (052-4846034) –
Nadia Matar (050-5500834) – Anita Finkelstein (050-5777254) – Eli Rodan (054-4993529) – Yehudit Katzover (054-5866059)

Link to pictures by Gershon Elinson for Flash 90:

Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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