With AFSI in Shdema


Tomorrow Monday November 12th the members of AFSI are coming to Shdema.
Our dear friends from Americans for a Safe Israel, headed by tireless Helen Freedman, come every year to Israel in an incredible show of chizuk and support, and visit davka the places where the battle for the land of Israel takes place.
On Shabbat Chaye Sara they were in Hevron and during the week all over Judea and Samaria and other places.

Tomorrow, please G-d, Monday at 10:30 am we will welcome our AFSI friends at Shdema, we will plant trees together and show a Jewish presence there as part of our goal to establish, in addition to the existing army post, a cultural center there.

The public is invited. The access to Shdema will be only by car and not by organized transportation.

For details:
Yehudit Katsover 0507161818 Nadia Matar 0505500834
The committee for a Jewish Shdema and Women in Green