

Letter from Ruth Matar (Women in Green) Jerusalem
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I was pleased to receive a very large number of replies to last Thursday’s Letter from Jerusalem. I’m writing an additional letter this week in order to share some of these opinions with you.

We would like to have the time to answer your letters individually, but the current political situation demands our constant and undivided time and attention to try to prevent the next government- planned disaster.

Women in Green are often asked: “Do you think that your work is in any way successful?” Our reply to this is that the great number of our political enemies on the Left and in the current Olmert government is ample proof of the success of our work.

The following is a small sample of your replies to last week’s Letter from Jerusalem.



Israel used to have a policy of NOT negotiating with terrorists.
That policy was correct and sensible.
Under Rabin and Peres all of this changed.
Negotiating with terrorists doesn’t work.
It only leads to more terrorism and lopsided hostage demands.
The people of Israel should know this better than anyone.
Don’t waste time and money imprisoning terrorists, execute them instead.


Dear Ruth Matar,
I read your letters with great interest, since your spirit and love for the land of Israel indicate that all is not lost. The government of Israel is as Olmert stated “tired of fighting”. They seek appeasement as a means of gaining approval from the leaders of the United States and European countries, who have their own needs. These leaders are willing to sacrifice the State of Israel as long as they can continue business as usual.

I enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Force in 1942, and after graduating from college was called to active duty Feb. 1943. I, and 26 of my friends from college enlisted together, but I was the only one that survived World War II. I know the pain of losing close friends. However, I would not release one Terrorist to gain the release of the Israeli captives. This tactic only encourages further attempts to kidnap Israelis to use as barter for their imprisoned Terrorists and murderers. I did not discuss my service in the war because I felt guilty and ashamed I was never in combat. I was assigned to 3rd Air Force Headquarters in Tampa, Florida as a Classification Specialist. I selected men to comprise combat crews for B-17s that based on test results and studies would be compatible in combat. It was only after attending the World War II Memorial dedication in Washington, DC that some guilt feelings were lifted. A veteran tapped me on the shoulder, as I signed my name, and said “you’re the one who assigned me to my crew on a B 17. We had the best crew, and we are still all friends. We finished our 25 missions, and were one of the few in the squadron to survive”.

War brings forth many emotions, such as fear, despair, guilt and anger. Leaving a comrade behind, while you escape to safety is traumatic. How does one integrate this experience into our self concept? Your ideas as to what the Israeli government can do requires action. This is the best method to overcome trauma. Doing something in an attempt to remedy the situation. Make life miserable for the so called “Palestinians”. Do not supply power and electricity to Gaza. Check-points galore. Arabs who visit Iran, Iraq, Lebanon,etc. are not able to re-enter Israel, and lose Israeli citizenship. No talks of peace until Israelis are freed. No Arabs released from jail until Israelis are freed. When rockets are fired from Gaza, immediate massive attacks launched by IDF at the area, without worry of collateral damage to civilians. If civilians permit the firing of rockets from their neighborhood, they are collaborators, and not civilians. Only when punishment for the act is so painful that the act will cease. The world response will be swift in condemning Israel. Israel is condemned anyway, when it gives Tit for tat.

I am not trying to be politically correct, but to solve behavior. Parents have a much deeper motive to seek their child’s release, and I understand their dilemma. However, until Israeli intelligence locates the site in which they are held, rescue is not possible. Prisoner exchange will not bring a desired result, especially when it signifies capitulation.

Julius Romanoff
Newtown, PA USA


I agree with you, Ruth. This would be a horrible thing for Israel to do-to release terrorists that brutally murder and mutilate our Jews. I like the turning off the water in Gaza idea. Let them go thirsty. They say out loud that Israel is a pushover. Olmert certainly must go-he is a Chamberlain-like appeaser who does not appear to value Jewish life.

With love for our people,
Anne Siegel Ball


Dear Ruth:

I know you may not expect an answer to your questions in your article. However, I wish to express an answer.

In looking at history, and at the present situation, I could not make such a trade. I do feel for Cpl. Shalit’s family. However, a trade does not guarantee his release.

To “exchange” Cpl. Shalit for criminals and murderers would be admitting that Shalit is some sort of criminal himself. Instead Shalit is a prisoner, kidnapped in an attack. There is a difference.

If an “exchange” is made, it would in all probability be Israel releasing criminals. Hamas would hold out for more concessions before releasing Shalit. Have we not seen this happen in other situations?

If an exchange is made, these terrorists would murder again and again. This would encourage others to murder again and again. Israel would see itself under attack in a very unprescidented way. Have we not seen this repeated in history?

While I have to distance my emotions from this, the facts are IF Shalit were released, it would be saving one life to lose hundreds to terrorists. That is, if Shallit IS alive…has that be confirmed recently?

Finally, the moral dilemna comes down to this: Israel needs to solidify it’s army, and go in and get Shalit, regardless of UN outcry. Did not Joshua go after those kidnapped? Did not Abraham go after those who kidnapped Lot? Forget the PR war, for the double standard continues no matter what Israel does.

Those are my feelings. I pray the governments of the world regain their sanity and moral compass. In a world where evil is good and good is evil, only G-d can help us!

Delta Vines


Another solution: Try something new; it certainly will set the Arabs back on their heals: Tell the Arabs the trade-off will become a deal ONLY if they simultaneously remove 400,000 Arabs from Israel and its territories. And tell the new Israeli government (sorely needed) to stop referring to the Arabs as “Palestinians” (most are illegals shunted out of Egypt and the Sudan) and then couple this new demand to a loud demand for “the right of return” of the JEWISH Palestinians to THEIR lands in Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights AND Medina.

We are darn tired of watching decent Israelis getting jerked around by their jerk-leadership.

Viva to the Patriots of Israel from the NON-evangelical Christians for Zion.


Dear Ruth Matar, I would resolve the moral dilemma by changing Israeli policies versus terrorists. Every terrorist captured by Israel should be immediately executed, after extracting as much information from them as possible in order to prevent further terrorist attacks. Our guiding principle should be that our people have the right to live. Terrorists do not.
Strong leadership prevents terrorism. As soon as Ronal Reagan won the election, Iran released every American hostage. Iran had mockingly held them for almost two years during the Carter presidency. Iran feared Reagan, because Reagan was strong. Carter was weak. Israel should not ransom hostages. Israel should inflict so much punishment on Hamas, Fatah etc. that they will fear kidnapping our people



A Letter to the Editor, Jerusalem Post, Monday, April 16, 2007
My Heart goes out

Sir, -Re “Prisoner deal: Let’s be forceful” (letters, April 12) my heart goes out:
*to the Israelis who, like me, lost family, friends, heroes and loved ones at the hands of terrorists who may soon be freed;
*to the intelligence teams who worked day and night, week-ends and festivals, to identify and find these murderers;
*to the police and soldiers who risked their lives arresting this cold-hearted, bloodthirsty rabble;
*to the judges who, in impeccable trials, handed down multiple life sentences, only to be made fun of later by politicians;
*to proud Jews who stand by in disbelief at having leaders without standards, shame or backbone, and a system that gives them free rein.
*to the average Palestinian, who has leaders who are accessories to murder, and often more.
For the record: if I am ever kidnapped, I would rather die in captivity than have one murderer set free to redeem me.
M.M. Hagenauer, Jerusalem

What can YOU do? One of my correspondents asked me for Ehud Olmert’s e-mail address. It might actually be very effective if you wrote Prime Minister Olmert how you feel about his planned release of terrorists with blood on their hands, (as well as about other issues as they arise).

In our Purim Journal of 2007 there are some excellent informative lists such as:

*The list of all current Israeli Ministers and Members of Knesset, their phone numbers, faxes and e-mail
*A Link to the organizations that assist our brothers and sisters expelled from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron.
*Information as to who to contact in Israel and the United States to continue and intensify our struggle for the release of Jonathan Pollard.
*The names of US Government officials who need to be continually kept up to date regarding the true nature of Israel’s struggle for survival in the hostile Arab environment.

We will be glad to send you a copy of the Journal if you send us a $12. check to cover the total costs of printing and postage. Please make sure to write your address clearly.

With Blessings and Love for Israel,

Ruth Matar

Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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