women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

Tour to Khan-El-Akmar

Tour to Khan-El-Akmar

A few more seats left on our *English* fascinating Sovereignty tour to Khan-El-Akmar and area, with as tour guide Naomi Kahn from Regavim.  *Please G-d Monday February 20th*. Details in attached flyer.To register please send a whatsup to Renee Margolis 054-7103240



*The Sovereignty movement congratulates: the Israeli government renews a fresh Zionist spirit*The Sovereignty Movement congratulates the Prime Minister, Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu, and the cabinet ministers for their decision to regularize the status of nine communities in Judea and Samaria that, with God’s help, will blossom and cause the Zionist spirit to flourish for the coming […]

The Sovereignty Movement Congratulates the Incoming Prime Minister and his Ministers for including the Quest for Sovereignty in the Coalition Guidelines

The Sovereignty Movement Congratulates the Incoming Prime Minister and his Ministers for including the Quest for Sovereignty in the Coalition Guidelines

The Sovereignty Movement enthusiastically welcomes the coalition agreements promoting the process of sovereignty in Judea and Samaria as another level in the realization of the Zionist vision. “The opportunity for great historical merit is opening for the leaders of the agreements between the Likud and the Religious Zionist Party and their partner factions to advance […]

Youth Learn to Influence Sovereignty

Youth Learn to Influence Sovereignty

Dozens of youth participated in Sovereignty Youth Movement seminar to learn about proper advocacy, leveraging ideas, and how the media works . A central message common to all the speakers was: “Judea and Samaria are an existential need of the State of Israel.” Link to Arutz article: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/364765/?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share&utm_content=1671718841370

A Call to the MKs: Include Sovereignty in the Fundamental Guidelines of the Government

A Call to the MKs: Include Sovereignty in the Fundamental Guidelines of the Government

With the onset of coalition negotiations, a number of organizations and public figures are calling upon the right-wing parties to include application of sovereignty in Judea and Samaria in the fundamental guidelines of the government, thereby realizing the wish of the majority in Israel. Under the leadership of the Sovereignty Movement, a group consisting of […]

New Series of Sovereignty Tours

New Series of Sovereignty Tours

Starting a new series of sovereignty tours. This coming Monday! Details in the attached flyer. Because of the hard work for the success of the elections, we are advertising the tour only today. Yes it is late but we trust you will understand. So please register today! You can register directly through the link: https://secure.cardcom.solutions/e/UPkT […]

Study & Tiyul Program – Oz VeGaon 2022-2023

Study & Tiyul Program – Oz VeGaon 2022-2023

In addition to the Tuesday shiurim in Tanach that will please G-d start this coming Tuesday, we are also restarting our study and tiyul program: 5 Tiyulim led by Rav Yizchak Levy on Mondays and 5 Tiyulim led by Rav David Nativ on Wednesdays Meet in the Beit Midrash in Oz VeGaon at 8:30 for […]

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