

The Struggle for Eretz Israel The Struggle for Shdema Shdema, a former Israeli army base in Gush Etzion, 5 kilometers from Jerusalem’s Har Homa, and 8 kilometers from Tekoa, was abandoned in 2006 for political reasons. Shdema, under Israeli control (Area C), is located at an extremely strategic point, that connects between Jerusalem and eastern […]

Shdema is Rebuilt on a Grand Scale…

Shdema is Rebuilt on a Grand Scale…

We are happy to announce that the IDF has decided to renovate Shdema and prepare the site as a military base. “…Our mouths are filled with song and our tongues with praise…We cannot thank You enough” The Shdema camp, situated in area C between Har Homa and Tekoa, was abandoned in 2006. In 2008, journalist […]

Movies in Shdema

Movies in Shdema

Friday in Shdema with 2 movies This coming Friday, February 21st, we will come to Shdema at 9:00 and watch 2 movies (in Hebrew) by Ohad Domb, producer and director, who studied in Maaleh. The movies deal with the complexity of the lives of the Jews living in Judea and Samaria. The first movie “the […]

Friday in Shdema

Friday in Shdema

Friday in Shdema with Yaron Rosenthal of the Kfar Etzion Field School An amazing archaelogical discovery was made in one of the tours by the Kfar Etzion Field School, directed by Yaron Rosenthal. A discovery indicating that a palace, temple or a majestic structure of the kings of Judah was there. On this rare finding […]

Rabbi Badihi in Shdema

Rabbi Badihi in Shdema

Friday in Shdema with Rabbi Yossef Badihi Rabbi Yossef Badihi was one of the main disciples of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook. He lived with rabbi Kook for many years and served him faithfully and loyally, day and night. Rabbi Badihi is part of the Jews expelled first from yamit and later from Kfar Darom in […]

Regavim in Shdema

Regavim in Shdema

Friday in Shdema with Regavim The Regavim movement is on the front line in the struggle for maintaining the assets of Am Yisrael in Erets Yisrael. The movement led to the public awareness of the truth behind ” The cry of the Bedouin,” who stole most of the Negev . In Regavim they are involved […]

Prof.Inbar in Shdema

Prof.Inbar in Shdema

FRIDAY IN SHDEMA with Professor Efraim Inbar Efraim Inbar is a Professor in Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University and Director of its renowned Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (the BESA Center). Professor Inbar conducted a research titled “the Rise and Demise of the Two-state Paradigm” showing that the two-state solution is not feasible. Professor Inbar […]

Thank you &Friday in Shdema

Thank you &Friday in Shdema

Thank you & Friday in Shdema with Yoram Ginzburg 1) We would like to thank all of you who responded to our end of the year letter. It is your partnership that enables Women in Green to continue to act for Eretz Yisrael on many different fronts. We are excited to announce that , please […]

Friday in Shdema with Rav Efrati

Friday in Shdema with Rav Efrati

FRIDAY IN SHDEMA WITH RABBI BARUCH EFRATI This coming Friday December 27th we will, please G-d, go to Shdema to hear a shiur (in Hebrew) at 9:00am, by Rabbi Baruch Efrati, Rabbi of the Zayit Raanana congregation in Efrat, chair of “Derech Emuna Rabbis”, an organization of Rabbis looking to strengthen Torah in Israeli society. […]

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